Winner winner with @Prime who died in the start by stupid shotgun =/. But 15 kill winner winner chicken dinner on a server that actually counts NA like all the games I play. Spoiler: 15$ date
Spoiler: Some chicken dinners with alright kills With @Doben @Vinerra @Juissi :D @Jack O'inkern
I hate rain games but me and dobie pulled through the boring game that is a rain game. Spoiler: winner winner chicken dinner that frag kill tho xD
Spoiler: 15$ DATE with prime again always NA always on top. Played aggressive like always. Great game lots of fun @Prime
@DrkSephy @NoTreatJustTrick @Prime win, sadly only 6 kills and prime died at start lol. But still a win is a win. Spoiler: 6$ chicken nachos to split between the bois