13 kill win with squad @NoTreatJustTrick @DrkSephy @Prime Great game gg video to come up soon. Spoiler: ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee IM FULL!
Solo win, don't you hate it when the last guy dies from zone when u hit him with 4 bullets. Spoiler: aye 9/10 kill game
That's literally the worst thing that can happen on PUBG for me lol If anyone is down to play, hmu on here or add me on Steam I'm a pretty decent player, don't get downed a lot and have 43 total chicken dinners.
I got something to top it. You play aggressive as shit and kill everyone Spoiler: aye https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....958/AA3C06B3EDE8025FC291566F47D0FA2E1B91F689/ So ended up with 13 kills in a trio game with @atlas and @Grimoire+ and only to get shot in the back by one dude who refused to fight anyone else. Thats the worst.
Fun thing to do if u in a squad of 4's and you have a vehicle. 2 of you get in the car and start driving towards the last squad. Person who isnt driving cooks a granade and :^)))) Tried it 3 times and only failed once. (Failing as in we got none of them)
@NoTreatJustTrick nohack being betrayed by believing you can shift gears by pushing F. Also killing people through @Prime's puter xD
@POP STAR @atlas @Panda With a Gun Spoiler Was an amazing round at the end there, me with 5 pop with 4 and panda with 3 kills all in the space of two minutes.
@Jack O'inkern, such a hectic game. Constantly cycling through vehicles, armor, and enemies to fight. Good game! Spoiler: Back for seconds!