I don't know where to post this, so all staff may feel free to move this post somewhere else. I personally think that we need a "balance change ballot" every 1-2 month(s) or so. It'll help the community to vote for balance changes that are suited best for each weapon, T weapons or tools, D tools or weapons or even a frag grenade rework. How this system may work is a staff higher than a Mod or a trusted mod would post a poll of a random weapon, let's say Rauno posts "The winchester 1887 is fucking bs! Should we nerf or gay?". He then puts a "Yes" and a "No" option. The most votes then should be obvious what the staff and the devs should do. I am not too sure about how easy it is to change the amount of recoil or damage to a weapon, so please forgive my ignorance towards this. Thank you.
He is referring to the fact that the developers have very little time in their lives to balance weapons, and even when they do have time no one would balance the weapons because they would need to get approval from highwon, and he is a very busy man. Basically, the server has random updates every 3-4 months or so, with small changes being implemented all the time. The idea is not a good one because it's a very innefective way of figuring out what the community likes and dislikes. The most effective way seems to be when @Opalium would make public polls on the forums asking for input. Also, I'm a translator for adrian shepard. if you ever need to know what this poor African child is saying just tag me in the post! (love u adrian )
I already suggested that we put polls where one of the trusted mods who are active in the forums post a poll.
I am going to give a -1 on this one. The community is a lot larger than the forums. There are regular players who do not have forum accounts or if they do they check the forums rarely or to appeal a ban. This would be a very skewed system as most buff/nerf weapons are headded by about 10 members. On top of that as pacifist said balancing weapons is a very time consuming process and to make them not O.p. or U.p. is a lengthy process that requires testing, it is not as simple as editing a few stats and rolling them out. On paper it is a decent suggestion but in reality i do not belive it would work.
the jackhammer needs to be nerfed at long range, the sl8 is balanced. if the hksl8 was as imbalanced as some of you take it to be, why is it used less than the ak? that's because, dear watson, the weapon takes a lot of skill to use properly, and its damage output falls off a fucking cliff if you aren't skilled enough to use it.
its just point and shoot sl8 is an auto rifle with high accuary + high magazine clip + no recoil and u can spam stop with jokes that sl8 is balanced
To be honest, the reason why there aren't more regulars on this forum is because the forums itself isn't mentioned in the servers that much other than chat and the rules. I find it very hard to believe that only 10 members would be the only voters.
correct me if im wrong but isnt there an automated in-game chat msg that says something along the lines of visit us at seriousgmod.com Havent played regularly in like 7 months so please correct me if im wrong.
Literally stop If you want a comparison on a game you care about, Overwatch is constantly changing their heroes around, not because they ''need'' to because a hero is overpowered or something, but to keep the game feeling fresh and to change the meta. Big +1 even tho I don't have much hope on getting anything before the christmas update this year. Balance updates are literally just changing numbers in the files, so they shouldn't be made such a huge deal of, like the other large content updates.