I have 5 bans one Mass RDM 3 by Agent when I got a C4 as a detective and it blew up. Two RDM and leave bans but both voided. Then there are the two on myself by myself. I don't wanna talk about those.
I think two RDM and Leave bans, *sigh* A ban for racism and harassment too... Not a really proud person
Just 9 bans overall. I've been trying hard to keep a clean record and avoid getting into the double digits.
I have never been banned on any server in seriousttt. And I have gotten 1 ban because me and my friend Rdmd the ts for fun on another server a few months back
3 karma bans on EU2 and 1 karma ban on EU. I would probably have 10+ but I left before getting banned multiple times.
1 Karma ban and a single rdm and leave when my internet failed, which I disputed. I think it was voided. http://plays.tv/video/59018db5029f7...rysmod-troubleinterroristtown-karma?from=user
4 karma bans, rdm and leave first and second, because apparently goomba stomping a barrel and killing like 10 people counts as rdm (jk this was a year ago xdddd)
it's just one hour, i was actually proud when i got my first karma ban but then i got them 3 more times