[Archive] Extended Rules

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Opalium, Aug 6, 2017.

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  1. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver



    Welcome to SGM's TTT Extended Rules thread.

    This is an in-depth guide and information source about our rules, going into the deeper and finer details of our rules set and policy.

    Table of Contents:
    You can click any of the chapters to go directly there.
    1. Main rules
    2. Gameplay rules and concepts
    3. Traitorous actions
    4. Punishments
    5. GBA and Common Sense
    6. Prop rules
    7. Map-specific rules
    8. Changelog
    Many thanks to the following people for their contribution to this thread:
    @Highwon @Opalium @CDriscoll @DieKasta @Disruptionz @Falcor @MangoTango @Mellow @Sinz @HelixSpiral @wink @Graze
    (If we forgot anyone, please inform us)

    Special thanks to the many TTT staff members who contributed to the thread as well.

    The SGM TTT staff team
    Last edited: May 29, 2018
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  2. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver

    There are 8 main rules in our servers, found in the main rules page (LINK) and in the MOTD:
    1. No ghosting
    2. No spamming or harassing other players
    3. No porn, gore or disturbing sprays/avatars/content
    4. No claiming rooms
    5. No camping/delaying when majority of players are dead
    6. No prop surfing to unreachable areas
    7. No prop killing as spectator
    8. No unreadable nicknames (must contain 3 or more English letters/numbers)

    Let's get into the details:

    1. No ghosting
    2. No spamming or harassing other players
    3. No gore, porn or disturbing content
    4. No claiming rooms
    5. No camping/delaying when the majority of players are dead
    6. No prop surfing to unreachable areas
    7. No prop killing as spectator
    8. No unreadable/confusing nicknames
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2018
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  3. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver


    The following are the TTT rules of SGM. They include all the fine details and things not included in the main rules/other sections.
    Please read this section carefully as this is likely the most important section in the rules.

    Random Deathmatch (RDM) and Kill on Sight (KOS):
    Random Deathmatch (RDM) is the act of damaging another player without a valid reason to do so. Any damage caused through any source (weapons, props, pushes, map hazards, etc.) falls under this definition.
    In TTT, you may only attack/kill another player if you have a valid reason to do so. This is one of the main concepts that drive the game-mode.
    RDMs are punished with slays or bans, according to the case. See the "Punishments" section below for more information.

    Kill on Sight (KOS) is the act of calling out a player as a Traitor. Once called, players may attack and kill the target player based on it.
    The responsibility for the death of a KOSed player is on the player who CALLED the KOS, NOT the player who scored the kill. This is important!
    Like RDMs, KOSes can only be called if there is a valid reason to call them. Any other KOS is considered a False KOS, and is punishable.

    • There is no such thing as calling a KOS "as a joke". Any KOS called (correctly) is a KOS, even if not meant to be serious.
    • If a KOS is called off, players should not try to follow it anymore. It is the caller's responsibility to make sure everyone is aware it was called off.
    • If you repeat a KOS but the original source cannot be traced or proven, you may be deemed the source instead.
    • You cannot KOS/attack a player just because they allowed you to.
    • Being KOSed by a Detective is a special scenario: you may not attack the Detective even if you were KOSed by them, unless they proceed to shoot at you or near you. If they do not open fire, you cannot damage them.

    A valid reason for a KOS or for attacking another player can be one of the following:
    • Any traitorous acts done by the other player (see "Traitorous acts" below for details)
    • A KOS against the other player
    • Being KOSed by the other player (unless it is a Detective - see above)
    • Self defense (see below)
    • Players who are Guilt by Association (see "GBA" below for details)
    • DNA from the body of a non-traitor player leading to another player
    Traitors, obviously, are a special case: they are free to attack or KOS anyone who is not also a Traitor, as this is their goal.
    Detectives are also treated differently: as Detectives are always proven, they are NEVER affected by Traitorous acts. KOSing or attacking a Detective is a Traitorous act in itself.
    (Exception: see the "Detectives and C4" rule below)

    There are some common scenarios which are mistakenly considered valid to KOS/kill upon. Here is a list of some of them (not limited to):
    • You cannot KOS/attack players based on a non-traitor weapon. Even if a player was killed the weapon X, players who hold the weapon X can not be KOSed/killed - as long as X is not a Traitor only weapon.
    • You cannot KOS/attack players based purely on their location. For instance, you cannot call a KOS on "everyone on the roof of that building" or "anyone who enters this room".
    • You cannot KOS/attack players for following you.
    • You cannot KOS/attack players for refusing to test (via Traitor tester) or not following the orders of a Detective.
    • You cannot KOS/attack players for blocking your way, unless they put your life in immediate danger (blocking you inside a T trap, within range of a C4, near a map hazard, etc). In this case, you may attack them. This, however, does not apply if both players are Traitors.
    • You cannot KOS/attack players based on their player model, unless they are the ONLY player currently alive with a premium rank. Remember that player models can be changed mid-round!
    • You cannot KOS/attack players based on their weapon skin.
    • You cannot KOS/attack players for activating a T button, as these have a long activation range and can be activated by someone else who you cannot see. Physical buttons do not fall under this.
    • You cannot KOS/attack players for being near Traitorous items or equipment, such as C4, Tripmines, decoys, etc.
    • You cannot KOS/attack players for not "calling out" a T item, unless you witness them directly interacting with the item in a traitorous way (arming a C4, planting a decoy, etc)
    • You cannot KOS/attack players for being near a KOSed player and not taking action against them. (Please check the "GBA" section for more details)

    Correct KOS calling:
    For a KOS to be valid, it must explicitly express that the player in question is a traitor or that they should be killed, either in a single text message or through voice chat. For example: "Opalium is a traitor!", "KOS Opalium", or "If you see Opalium shoot him in the face!".
    Variations of those callouts are fine as long as they still explicitly mention one of the above - e.g. "Kill Opalium", "Opalium is a T", "Opalium is triator", "KOZ/5 Opalium" and even "Kill this bastard Opalium" are all valid KOSes.

    If a callout does not mention either of these, for example "Opalium just shot someone!" or "Opalium has a T weapon" or "I think we should get rid of Opalium", it is not a valid KOS.

    Self KOS:
    A Self KOS is a
    KOS against yourself is as valid as all other KOSes, even as a joke. For instance, if you KOSed yourself while you are an innocent, you may be killed for the KOS - and then punished for RDMing yourself.

    Self Implication:
    Self implication is when a player says something about themselves that implies they are a Traitor. Unlike against other players, these implications about yourself are considered valid KOSes.
    Some examples:
    • "I am a Traitor"
    • "Why does it say 'Traitor' on the bottom of my screen?"
    • "I just <insert traitorous act here>" (ie "I just planted a C4" or "I just killed a Detective")
    • "Why does pressing C open this menu for me?"
    Remember: these only apply when said about yourself, NOT on other players.

    Statements said in the future-tense such as, "I am going to jihad", and "I am going to kill HelixSpiral", etc. do not fall under self-implication.

    Killing on suspicion:
    This is a common mistake done by new and veteran players as one: suspicion is NOT a valid reason to call a KOS on someone. You must have solid, undeniable proof of a player's misdoing to be able to KOS/kill them. Even if you are fairly sure that player behind the wall was the one who sniped you or your friend, or that the guy who just shot through the window killed someone - you cannot do anything against them until you validate they have done so.
    As such, take caution after being shot. Make sure the player you are attacking is actually the one who shot you, and that you are not confusing them for someone else. Many players tend to get confused during intense moments, so please be careful.

    Accidental RDMs:
    Our server policy declares that all RDMs are punishable, even if accidental. Yes, even if you accidentally crowbar some at the beginning of the round, or misclick someone right before it ends. In addition, even if an RDM was not reported, a staff member may still investigate it and report the attacker themselves (also called "unreported damage").

    In general, RDMs cannot be forgiven, even if both sides agree on this. The only cases where moderators can forgive without admin discretion is in the case of accidental RDMs where certain conditions are met. For other cases where forgiveness can be exercised is if an admin or a higher ranked staff member use their discretion (see the "Admin discretion" section for more details).

    Self defense:
    You may kill a player in self defense if they are directly attacking you, no matter what your or their role is.

    Crossfire is a situation where a player accidentally damages another player while trying to damage someone/something else. This is a common case in large firefights or fights in narrow areas. An example can be a player shooting a Traitor when another player suddenly gets in their line of sight, taking damage from their gun.
    Crossfire is NOT considered RDM, as long as it was proven to be unintentional.
    Abusing this rule will result in a punishment.
    • An exception to this rule is if the crossfire happened while the attacker was firing at something they'd have no reason to shoot otherwise, like shooting a random wall, shooting the floor, shooting at random props, etc. If someone was crossfired because of this, the attack will be considered an RDM as it served no purpose to begin with.
    • Shooting an NPC is considered crossfire only if it's a harmful NPC that is actively trying to cause damage to you or someone else. Such as the combine on bank.
    • Note that damage and kills from props is never considered Crossfire (see the "Prop rules" section for more information).
    • Crossfire KOS may occur with radio commands targeting the wrong player that is near the intended target and is NOT considered a punishable false KOS as long as it is proven to be unintentional.

    Traitorous acts during pre-round:
    You may NOT KOS/attack a player for Traitorous acts they did before the round began and roles were selected. This includes breaking the tester, shooting players (no damage is taken during pre-round), etc.

    This also includes when a player pushes another player during pre-round, and the victim dies to or takes fall damage after the round has began. In this case, however, the damage dealt is still RDM and the attacker will be slain.

    Traitor team killing:
    As a Traitor, you may not KOS or attack a fellow Traitor under any circumstances except for Self Defense.
    • Killing fellow Traitors with their permission is no longer allowed.

    Grace period:
    After a Traitor has been killed and had their body identified, there is a 5 seconds long grace period where, if killed during that time, the attacker will not be punished for killing the proven player (who just killed a Traitor). This is because the quick turn of events may cause confusion and players may act before fully understanding what happened. 5 seconds is enough time for everyone to figure the situation. Any kill AFTER this grace period will be considered an RDM as usual.
    • This rule only applies when identifying a Traitor body. Innocent or Detective bodies do not fall under that (as killing them is a Traitorous act)

    Goomba Stomps:
    Goomba stomp is when a player falls from a sufficient height on another player and crush them to death or damaging them. Due to the nature of this mechanic, those deaths are usually unintentional and happen by accident. Therefore, goomba stomps are the only case where the victim may forgive the attacker and prevent them from being punished. The victim must explicitly express his forgiveness before the attacker can be pardoned. Staff members reserve the right to refuse to forgive if they find it necessary.

    Last words:
    When searching a body, or right when a player dies, you may sometimes be informed of that player's last words - aka the last text message they were about to send.
    Last words can be considered a valid reason to KOS/kill someone IF AND ONLY IF they are a valid KOS, as explained above in the "correct KOS calling" section. Other last words are NOT a valid reason.

    Warnings to teammates:
    Whenever you are about to use an explosive item, activate a map trap/hazard, or perform any action that may cause collateral damage, you MUST provide a sufficient warning in a timely manner to your teammates, allowing them enough time to react and to move or stay away.
    This includes (but not limited to): Traitor Traps, map hazards/traps explosives, grenades, Jihad bombs, Death Stations, Gauss Rifles, Tear Gas grenades and any other item/object/action that may harm them if they are not aware of it in time.
    Any damage/kills of teammates caused by failing to warn them in time are considered RDM.
    Note that the automatic messages sent in Traitor chat when an item is bought from the Traitor shop are NOT enough, and a warning still needs to be given before their activation.
    • Some traitor weapons have indicators above the item that is visible through walls from any distance such as C4s, Death stations, and Tripwire mines. These indicators may serve as a valid warning, however, be cautious that you must still have a reasonable time to allow your traitor buddies to escape when planting these devices. Because of this, it is recommended that you still warn in chat or voice regardless.
    • For Innocents: Warnings and intent to harm a traitor are required before activating all explosives and/or negative effect items, otherwise any damage/deaths caused to other players in the crossfire will be considered RDM.
    • In order for a grenade kill to be valid for innocents/detectives, grenades must be activated with the intent of killing a player that has committed traitorous acts.
    • Note: Kills by explosive T-items such as death stations, a failed C4 disarm, and trip mines are still attributed to the person who planted them. See Special Items/Equipment rules.

    Special items/equipment rules:
    The Traitors and the Detectives have a wide arsenal of weapons and tools to help them achieve their goal of eliminating the other team. These tools come in different forms and may sometime have complex mechanics related to them. As such, we have some specific rules for those:
    • You may NOT KOS/kill someone for only being near a T item, such as C4, tripmines, decoys, radios, etc. KOSing/killing is only allowed if the player was found directly interacting with the items (planting them, arming them, hiding them, etc). Destroying a C4 does NOT fall under this rule.
    • Kills by T items such as C4s, tripmines, death stations and other explosive/damaging items are always credited to the player who PLANTED them. Even if another player triggered those, they will not be held responsible for any deaths caused, only the player who placed them will be.
    • If a Detective arms a C4, they may be killed by other players. This is because without killing them, you cannot find the correct wire to cut to defuse the C4, placing innocents in danger.
    • Radar rules - Detectives only:
      • If you take fire from some direction and the radar shows only one player in that direction (and refreshed recently), you may KOS that player.
      • If there is only one radar mark left, you may KOS that player.
      • Remember! The Disguiser (T item) will hide its owner from your radar. Take caution when using it.
    • DNA rules:
      • You are NOT allowed to damage/kill another based on a DNA sample you don't know the source of - for example, a body DNA sample found already in a dropped DNA scanner.
      • Always make sure the target player you are about to attack is indeed the one the DNA leads to! It is a good idea to wait for the scanner to tick again to make sure it is pointing to that player before taking action.
    AFK players:
    AFK players are automatically moved to spectate after a few minutes. As such, they usually don't disturb the game too much.
    However, since they still exist in the game world, they also have rules regarding them:
    • AFK players are not exempt from Traitorous acts and may still be KOSed/killed. For instance, you are allowed to kill an AFK player who stands near an unided body. This is because players may be fake being AFK to avoid being caught.
    • Killing AFK players is only allowed AFTER the round entered its Overtime stage. Make sure to verify that the player is AFK before attacking. Killing an AFK this way is still a Traitorous act (if they are not a Traitor) and you may be KOSed/killed.
    • Contrary to the above, AFK Detectives may NOT be killed, not even during Overtime, and Traitors may not kill fellow AFK Traitors for being AFK.
    • Staff members may manually move players to spectate as they find necessary.
    • If the server is full, staff members are allowed to kick AFK players to make room for others waiting to join.

    Role Breaking and Game Throwing: (Formerly Metagaming)
    Role Breaking and Game Throwing revolve around playing the game in a way it was not meant to be played, hurting the fairness and enjoyment of it, on different levels of severity. Both role breaking and game throwing are tied with an intent to play the game in a malicious or unfair way - it is required by the staff member handling the case to be able to point out such an intent, whether directly or indirectly.

    Role Breaking is playing your assigned role (Innocent/Traitor/Detective) against how it should be played, often in a way that harms your own team and/or assists the enemy team.

    Examples of Role Breaking (not limited to):
    • Innocents/Detectives burning/hiding unidentified bodies instead of investigating them.
    • Traitors intentionally allowing players into a Traitor room and exposing fellow Traitors to them without a proper warning, or with the intent of getting them killed.

    Game Throwing (previously named Metagaming) is a more severe concept where a player intentionally teams up with one or more players on the opposing team to turn the tide of the match in an unfair way.
    Unlike Role Breaking, for an action to be considered Game Throwing it needs to show the intent of helping the other team and/or specific players in it. The difference, therefore, between game throwing and role breaking, is in the intent.

    Examples of Game Throwing (not limited to):
    • A Detective and a Traitor teaming up, with the Detective protecting the Traitor as they kill innocents and/or hiding the evidence of their kills (bodies/weapons/etc.)
    • An innocent testing a player as a Traitor and then purposefully claiming them as innocent to protect them.
    • A Traitor openly calling out his fellow Traitors, leading them to be killed.
    • A Traitor revealing the location of hidden equipment, such as decoys or radios, or revealing Death Stations.

    Both Role Breaking and Game Throwing are not allowed in our servers, and will be met harshly. Generally the severity of Game Throwing is far greater than Role Breaking and will lead to harsher punishments.
    Due to the nature of these offenses, which can be very situational, punishment for both offenses is always given under the discretion of an admin or above. It is important to understand that context plays a big part in such situations, and that what may seem like role breaking or game throwing at first could often be justified once the details of the case are learned. Players are advised to explain their motives and actions when being charged with either offenses to make sure the situation is correctly understood. Don't assume we're mind readers.

    • In cases where specific ruling is defined for a scenario (i.e. Ghosting, RDMs, etc), those rules take priority over Role Breaking/Game Throwing, as they are more specifically designed to deal with such scenarios.
    • Refusing to test is never role breaking nor game throwing.
    • Breaking testers and health stations as an innocent/detective is NOT considered role-breaking. However, it can be considered Game Throwing if the intention was proven as such (i.e. an innocent/detective breaking the tester to let his Traitor partner avoid having to test)

    Macros and addons that give a significant unfair advantage to gameplay and are indistinguishable from Hacking or other forms of cheating will fall under our Hacking protocol and will be punished accordingly.

    These type of macros/addons include (but are not limited to):
    • Movement & Movement Speed
    • Shooting & Aim adjustment
    Examples of macros not included in this rule:
    • Shop purchases and menu changes
    • Regular engine binds

    Misc. rules:
    • KOSing a Detective, EVEN AS A JOKE, is still KOSable.
    • Telling someone they are the last innocent remaining is considered calling a KOS on all other living players, including yourself. As such, the calling player will be responsible for any kills based on the call, including any RDMs it leads to.
    • Team killing your teammates during fun rounds (in any form, including indirect damage like prop pushing) is not allowed and will be considered RDM.
    • Forcing a player into an area in which they will either been proven to be a traitor or die as an innocent will be considered RDM in all cases. For example: The traitor rooms on Minecraft B5 and Lost Temple, and the spike pit on Innomotel.
    • It is considered RDM to shoot a teammate with a malfunction pistol as you may be forcing the player to RDM, or commit a traitorous act that may result in them getting unfairly killed.
    • If you win the round while Jihadding as a T, any teamkills that occur at that very moment will not be considered RDM as the round is over anyway.
    • Point farming: Point farming on an AFK account is allowed on our servers. However, we only allow players to have a single account connected to our servers at a given time, AFKing or not. This means you may only point farm with your main account on a single SGM server. Violation of this rule will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
    • Some maps feature instakill props or props that fling players in to the air that can be laid down around the map as a trap. If you place the prop in an area that is not easily visible to your teammates, then you will be held responsible for any kills committed by the object.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2018
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  4. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver


    The following actions are considered traitorous (also called T acts), and performing them allows others to kill you/KOS you.
    Note: all of these do NOT apply to Detectives. (Exception: see the "Planting or arming C4" section)
    • Shooting players or towards them (also known as T baiting):
      • This means that even if you only shoot the wall near someone, it is still considered a T act.
      • Simply shooting your gun is not considered a T act if you don't shoot at/towards someone, like shooting the ceiling/floor or away from someone.
      • You must be able see what the other player is actually shooting at before you can KOS/kill them under this rule.
    • Not identifying bodies:
      • Being near an unidentified body but not actively trying to identify it is considered traitorous act.
      • This means that walking over or running away from an unided body is a T act.
      • This only applies to unidentified bodies. Bodies that have already been ided do not fall into this rule.
      • If a player does not have a way to see the body (i.e. a body hidden in a nearby room/behind a wall), you may NOT kill them for being near it as they are likely unaware of it.
      • You may not kill a player for not IDing a body that is in a position that may cause harm to said player if they attempt to ID it, or if it is unreachable by the means allowed by our rules. However, if the player is already in said area or is not actively avoiding it, they can be killed (with the exception of fire or existing hazards).
        For example:
        • Bodies inside Traitor traps
        • Bodies inside a fire
        • Bodies inside a Traitor room
        • Bodies in areas that can only be reached with props
      • Abusing this rule can be considered toxic gameplay/loopholing, depending on the case. Please think before acting upon it.
    • Throwing frag grenades, discombobulators, incendiary grenades or Traitor-only grenades:
      • Throwing smoke grenades is NOT a T act, as they deal no damage.
      • Cooking a grenade in your hand (even without throwing it) also qualifies.
      • Dropping the grenade from your inventory with Q is not a T act. This gives a different sound when done to allow you to separate it from actually throwing the grenade.
      • All roles must provide sufficient warning to their teammates before throwing one of these grenades, and give them a reasonable chance to react and avoiding being harmed.
    • Calling KOSes on innocents/detectives:
      • KOSing other innocents for no reason is not only a T act, but also considered RDM. You may only call it if they performed a T act. KOSing a Detective is always traitorous.
      • Traitors are allowed to call KOSes on other innocents, but it is still considered a T act.
      • For more information, see the "KOSes" section of the extended rules.
    • Planting or arming C4:
      • You may kill a Detective that armed a C4 as it is the only way to defuse it safely and avoid the potential deaths of innocents (the information on the body will show what wire to cut).
      • Remember: even if someone tried to defuse a C4 and failed, causing it to explode, the responsibility for the kills is still on the player who ARMED it.
    • Damaging Traitor testers or Health Stations, or being indicated a Traitor by a tester:
      • Even if you are shooting a health station a few times just to check if it's not a Death Station, you may still be killed for it. It is recommended to inform others before doing it to avoid misunderstandings.
      • Pushing health stations off edges is NOT considered damaging them as health stations do not take fall damage. However, if by pushing them they are no longer accessible (pushed outside the map, for instance), it is the same as damaging them.
      • Destroying the tester before the round started is NOT a T act.
      • Remember that some testers can be deceived and give a false positive! It is recommended to test twice to ensure the result was not rigged.
    • Using or holding traitor-only weapons:
    • Approaching other players with an explosive or harmful prop:
      • This includes explosive barrels, mine turtles, exploding babies, map specific props, etc. See the "Prop rules" section below.
      • Harmful props are map-specific props that cause damage when touched. For instance: the axe in Rooftops, the sword/axe in Albatross, the mine turtles in datmap, etc.
    • Hiding traitor equipment:
      • This includes C4s, decoys, radios, etc.
      • Destroying a C4 is not considered hiding it and is not a T act.
    • Entering, leaving or being in a Traitor only area:
      • This includes Traitor rooms and any area that only Traitors can reach.
      • Detectives are excluded from this rule and cannot be KOSed/killed for being in those areas.
      • This rule only applies if you are physically inside said area.
      • Holding/blocking the T room door from closing (in maps that allow it) is still considered a T act.
    • Blocking another player in an area that puts their life in danger:
      This includes:
      • Blocking someone within a traitor trap area (like the water trap in 67th way or the floor trap in Innocent Motel).
      • Blocking someone within range of a C4.
      • Blocking someone near a map hazard (like the Robot T trap in the map Life the Roof or the Traitor room entrance in Minecraft_B5).
      • Blocking someone underwater.
    • Pushing players off heights that can cause damage, near edges or near map hazards:
      • This includes all types of pushing: Crowbar pushing, Riot Shield pushing, prop pushing, etc.
      • This also includes pushing AFK players into water, where they may drown.
      • Examples for map hazards are: the mouse traps in Dolls, the Hammer trap in Richland, etc.
      • Even if you push someone off to an area they will not be harmed by (i.e. into water), you may still be killed for it as other players may not know if your victim survived or not.
    • Placing props in water-landing areas or jamming doors with them to make them hazardous:
      • Examples include: the teleporter landings in 67th way, the Detective room drop at Innocent Motel, the pool at the bottom of Life the Roof, etc.
      • In some maps, placing props in between some doors cause them to jam, and anyone approaching them can be harmed. Any damage dealt this way will be credited to whoever initially placed the prop.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2018
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  5. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver


    Most punishments in SGM are based on offense counting. The first offense has a lighter punishment, while any additional offenses will result in a more severe punishment. This chapter will detail the punishments and how they work.

    Types of punishments:
    • Auto-slays (or simply slays): an auto-slay is a punishment that prevents you from playing the next round as a punishment for various offenses, mostly related to RDMing. Auto-slaying means you will be automatically slain at the beginning of the next round, forcing you to wait until the next round to play.
    • Mid-round slays (or insta-slays): this is when a player is killed instantly, during a round. The only times this is done is when a player is delaying the round after being warned not to do so by a staff member, or when a mass RDMer or a hacker is on a killing spree, to stop them from RDMing.
    • Mutes and Gags: A mute disables your ability to send messages in chat (it does not affect the TTT Radio messages). A gag disables your usage of voice chat, meaning you cannot speak to others (but you can still hear them). This type of punishment is usually given as a result of spam or harassment.
    • Kicks: A kick is when a player is forcibly disconnected from the server as a punishment. The player may still reconnect after being disconnected.
    • Bans: A ban is used to prevent someone from connecting to the server for a duration of time. This can vary from a few hours to a few months, depending on how severe the punishment is. There are two types of bans: local bans and global bans. Local bans only prevent you from connecting to one of our servers, while still allow you to play in the others. Global bans prevent you from connecting to all of our TTT servers for the duration, meaning you cannot play SGM TTT at all until the ban expires. Global bans are more rare, and are only given in very severe cases or repeated offenses.


    • First offense: 1 auto-slay
    • Second offense: 2 auto-slays
    • Third offense: 24 hours ban (Mass RDM x3)
    • Fourth offense and above: 5 days ban (Mass RDM 4+)
    Note: Two RDMs during the same round will result in two slays instead of three. Two RDMs in different rounds will result in three slays (First and second offense at once). Three and above offenses are always a ban, no matter at what round.

    RDM and Leave:
    • First offense: 5 days ban
    • Second offense: 2 weeks ban
    • Third offense: 4 weeks ban
    • Fourth offense and above: 2x longer global ban than the previous offense
    • First offense: a warning mute/gag
    • Second offense: a full round mute/gag
    • Third offense and above: 8 hours ban
    • Spamming the admin only (@) chat may result in a 24 hours ban.
    Harassment, improper name usage and excessive false reporting:
    • First offense: a warning
    • Second offense: a kick
    • Third offense: 24 hours ban
    • Fourth offense and above: 5 days ban
    Note: The ban for Fourth offense and above will be applied after one warning within one month of a third offense ban.
    • First offense: 4 weeks ban
    • Second offense and above: 2x longer global ban than the previous offense
    Cheating and Hacking:
    • First offense: 4 weeks global ban
    • Second offense and above: Permanent ban
    Ban Evasion:
    Ban evasion is when a player uses a different account to connect to a server they are banned on. The ban is applied to the account used to evade, and then the original account's ban period is matched or extended depending on the offense. We have different kinds of tools to detect evasions, so it's best not to try your luck.
    Note: Ban evasion only applies to servers you are banned on. Connecting to a server you're not banned on with another account (I.E. Connecting to EU2 while being banned on West 1) is not an offense.

    Porn/Gore/Disgusting content:
    • First offense: 2 weeks ban
    • Second offense: 4 weeks ban
    • Third offense: 8 weeks ban
    • Fourth offense and above: 26 weeks ban
    Continuous offenders may be subject to a Permanent ban.

    Child Pornography:
    • Permanent ban. Not negotiable or appealable.
      Possessing, sharing or providing CP is against federal law - a real world crime. As such, this content is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in any of our community's services or platforms. The consequences of breaking this action is an immediate Permanent ban. This is NOT negotiable or appealable. In addition, if required by the law, we may pass information about the offender to the authorities.
      CP is not a joke - please do not get involved in this.

    Loopholing, Toxic Gameplay, and Role Breaking/Game Throwing:
    These are special cases. Since those are broad rules that depend on the situation, it is impossible to define everything that falls under it. Due to this, such punishments are only given under the discretion of Admins and above. Usually the punishment ranges from a single slay to a 4 weeks ban. See below for more information about discretion.

    More Information:

    RDM and Leave clarification:

    • Leaving the server while you have a pending, unfinished report against you can result in an RDM and Leave ban if you were found guilty. It is strongly recommended to avoid leaving before all your reports are finished. It is also a good idea to ask whoever is staffing the server at the moment whether or not you're safe to leave.
    • When you are auto-slain for any reason, you must stay and wait until the end of the round before you may leave the server. Leaving before that is considered RDM and Leave. Also, any unserved slays will remain until you serve them when you return from your ban.
      Remember: Slays are only fully removed at the end of the round!
    Admin Discretion
    Admin discretion is a privilege to admins or higher ranks in our staff team. It allows them to give a different punishment than those stated above, depending on the case. It is not common to use admin discretion because it is reserved for special cirumstances. A common example is a longer than usual ban ("extended" ban) to an RDMer with a history of RDMs on our servers. Another one is converting a local ban to a global ban to someone who is obviously up to no good.
    Discretion can also be used to reduce the punishment of someone. A common example is an admin forgiving a player for an RDM that was done unintentionally, or reducing the ban length of a well behaving player.
    Moderators cannot use discretion, but they can ask an admin or above for permission to do so.

    Statute of Limitations (SoL)
    SoL is a rule regarding bans and their long-term effectiveness. For three months since the moment the ban expired, the ban is effected by SoL. During this time, any additional bans of the same type will register as a higher tier offense, resulting in a more severe punishment. Bans given after that duration "reset" the loop, starting from the beginning.

    Complicated? Not really. Here's an example:
    Player A was banned on January 1st for RDM and Leave 1st offense. The length of the ban was 5 days. After 5 days, on January 6th, the ban expires and the player can play again. However, at this moment the SoL countdown also begins. This means that for three months since that moment (any time before April 6th), if Player A would be banned for RDM and Leave again, the ban will be a 2nd offense, resulting in a longer duration. However, if Player A will be banned for RDM and Leave after April 6th, the ban will once again be a 1st offense, not 2nd.

    The purpose of SoL is to allow players who want to change their ways to start a "new page" and not have their past punishments affect them forever. Do note, however, that your ban history is always visible to our staff, even if they are expired. This means that players who constantly cause troubles may still be punished depending on the case.

    Note: SoL only applies to RDM and Leave bans.

    Karma bans:
    Our servers use an automatic karma ban system to prevent mass RDMs when staff are not present. When your karma goes below a certain threshold, you will be automatically banned for one hour. Appealing karma bans is discouraged as they have a very little chance of being lifted, and due to their short nature, the ban will expire by the time the appeal is handled.
    An excessive amount of Karma bans may result in further discipline.

    Permanent bans:
    A permanent ban is the worst punishment you can receive on SGM. Being so, they are reserved for very severe offenses. If you receive a permanent ban on TTT/Deathrun then your permanent ban will be globalized across all SGM services, including all game servers, forums, and Discord.

    To appeal a permanent ban, you must contact a member of the leadership (Lead Admin/Community Manager) privately. Contact information is available on the staff list by clicking their name, or left in your ban message if you received a ban on the forums.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2018
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  6. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver


    Guilt by Association (GBA):
    GBA is the concept of declaring a player as a Traitor if their reactions to specific events proves them to be so.

    A player is considered GBA if they are found to be witnessing players committing Traitorous acts and not attempting to take action against said players (KOS/attack them), as long as the situation gives them a reasonable opportunity to act.

    Note: The victim of a traitorous act cannot be considered a witness to the act. Therefore they can't be considered GBA.

    In other words: if Player A witnesses Player B doing something Traitorous, and does not call out or attack them even though they have enough time to do so and are able to do so - they are considered GBA.

    Common examples (not limited to):
    (the colors are for easier reading and do not refer to the roles)
    • Player A shoots Player B while Player C watches them from the side, and does not shoot Player A. Therefore, Player C is GBA.
    • Player A kills Player B then runs away, leaving their body unidentified. Player C witnesses this and does not attempt to attack or call out Player A. Therefore, Player C is GBA.
    • Player A enters a Traitor room and Player B witnesses that, but does not call out Player A. Therefore, Player B is GBA.
    • Player A plants a C4 and runs. Player B sees that but does not call out Player A. Therefore, Player B is GBA.
    Situations where GBA does NOT apply:
    • A player is not GBA just for being near a KOSed player without taking action, as long as the KOSed player did not do anything Traitorous during that time.
    • A player is not GBA for not reacting to something that happened near them but they are not able to see due to some physical obstruction (behind a wall, inside a nearby room, etc)
    • A player is not GBA for not reacting to something that happened near them if they are unable to react to that event (no line-of-fire to the target, behind an unbreakable window).
    • A player is not GBA for not trying to kill a player who is in the process of activating a Jihad. However, not acting on the fact that a player is walking around with a jihad equipped can be considered GBA.

    Remember: GBA only applies if the player had a reasonable opportunity to act. This means they had sufficient time to react and were physically able to take action. This depends on the situation.
    Also, remember that players may hesitate to react to certain events, due to confusion or being unsure. While technically they are GBA, it is strongly recommended to think twice and figure the situation before pulling the trigger.


    Common Sense:
    Common sense is an important concept in TTT. Some situations allow a player to figure out or prove the identity of a Traitor by the usage of common sense, allowing the player to take action against them as long as there is 100% certainty about the situation.

    Common sense is when a certain situation allows you to undoubtedly and above any suspicion prove that a related player is a Traitor by the usage of common sense, given the different hints and facts available.

    This means that sometimes, even if you did not directly witness a Traitorous act, and if the situation leaves no doubt regarding the identity of the Traitor, you may take action against that player.

    Some examples, to help understanding this:
    (the colors are for easier reading and do not refer to the roles)
    • Player A hears gunshots from a nearby room and a death scream. They enter the room and find Player B standing near the recently-identified body of Player C, an innocent. There is only one entrance to the room, the same one player A came from, there are no teleport marks on the floor, and upon checking the body you can see that Player C didn't suicide. All this information together proves that Player B is the one who killed Player C. Using this, Player A may take action against Player B.
    • Player A sees Player B on the roof of a building that can only be reached through a teleporter in the Traitor's room. There is no way to parkour up there either. This once again proves that Player B is a Traitor, and allows Player A to kill them.
    • Player A passes near Player B at the end of a long corridor with no exits who is running in the other direction. A few seconds later, Player A sees an unidentified body in the middle of the corridor where Player B came from. Since there are no other exits and no gunshots were heard until reaching the body (hinting someone was killed), it proves Player B have passed near this body without IDing it. Therefore, Player A may now call out and kill Player B.
    Some examples of when common sense does NOT apply:
    • Player A hears gunshots from a nearby room and a death scream. They enter the room and find Player B standing near the recently-identified body of Player C, an innocent. However, the room has multiple exits. This means that another player might have killed Player C and ran away. Therefore, common sense CANNOT be applied here, and Player B cannot be attacked or KOSed. Make sure you take timing into account: if you enter the room immediately after the kill and don't see anyone else, it makes sense that no other player could've escaped in that time.
    • Player A sees Player B shooting through a window, and hears a death scream in the distance. However, Player A cannot see which direction Player B shot towards and why. This means there isn't enough information to link Player B to the kill - it is possible that someone else killed the dying player, and Player B wasn't even shooting in that direction. Therefore, common sense CANNOT be applied here either, and Player B may not be KOSed or killed.
    • Player A hears gunshots from a nearby room and a death scream. They enter the room and find Player B standing near the recently-identified body of Player C, an innocent. However, upon further investigation, Player A finds teleport marks on the floor. This means another player might've killed Player C and escaped through teleporting. Once again, common sense CANNOT be applied here either, and Player B may not be KOSed or killed.

    While common sense is a useful method for eliminating the Traitors, it must be used carefully. If there is any doubt, common sense can no longer take place. You must be certain of the situation before you can take action based on Common Sense. Once again, remember to think twice before taking action.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2017
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  7. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver


    Props are physical object in the game world that can be interacted with - furniture, map decorations, plants, rocks and more. Ragdolls (bodies of dead players) are also considered props.
    Props can usually be moved around and manipulated with the use of the Magneto-stick. Therefore, they can be used to damage and kill players, or affect the round in other ways.
    To prevent issues, specific rules for props have been declared. Here they are:

    Attacking with props:
    Damaging or killing players with props is allowed. These actions have the usual RDM rules applied to them. This means that, much like any other forms of attacking, you must have a valid reason to attack with the prop, or it will be considered RDM. See the "RDM" section above for more information.
    Attacking with a prop is a Traitorous act. Throwing props at high velocity towards the general direction of players, even if not directly at one, is also a Traitorous act.

    Prop pushing:
    Prop pushing is using a prop to push another player without causing damage to them. In general, prop pushing is allowed and is not Traitorous.
    However, pushing players near edges, where they can fall from a height and take fall damage, is considered Traitorous. Not only that, but if the player does fall and takes damage, it is the same as attacking with a prop, and may be considered RDM if there was no valid reason to do so.
    In addition, pushing players near hazardous areas (map hazards, T traps, fire) is also considered Traitorous.

    Explosive props:
    Explosive props are any prop that may explode on impact or when damaged. The most common example is the explosive barrel.
    Due to their nature, explosive props have special rules to them:
    • Carrying explosive props near players or running towards them with it is a Traitorous act.
    • If an explosive prop carried by someone is shot and explodes, the responsibility for the damage it causes depends on the situation. If the prop was shot intentionally, the SHOOTER is responsible. If the prop was shot accidentally (i.e. while trying to kill the carrier), the CARRIER is responsible.
    Prop surfing:
    Prop surfing is the usage of props to lift yourself in the air and move around.
    Prop surfing is allowed in our servers. However, there are a bunch of rules to this as well:
    • Prop surfing is only allowed as long as you are still in clear sight of other players. Hiding behind buildings or getting outside the map boundaries is not allowed.
    • Prop surfing into areas otherwise unreachable is not allowed. If done, a staff member may teleport you back.
    • Prop surfing is not a traitorous act, even if it is to an unreachable area. Any damage caused to a player simply because they are prop surfing will be subject to the RDM punishments. The same applies to hitting the prop the player is using to surf to make them fall.

    Prop possession as spectator:
    TTT enables spectators to control props with the Punch-O-Meter. This means that, while uncommon, spectators can potentially affect the match. Therefore:
    • ANY damage or deaths caused by a spectator controlling a prop is an RDM under their responsibility, and they will be punished according to the usual protocol. This includes moving possessed props into pools and other drops areas where players are supposed to land from heights, causing them damage from their fall - for instance, the pool at the bottom of Life The Roof or the landing pool at the ceiling of 67th way.
    • Spectators controlling props in way that is disruptive to the gameplay of living players (i.e. taking away a prop from core gameplay or hiding a prop that has some functionality) is also not allowed and will be dealt with according to the harassment protocol (see above).
    • Even if a player was a Traitor before dying, they are still not allowed to use props as spectators to continue damaging/killing innocents.
    Misc. rules:
    • Crossfire does not apply to props. If you damage or kill someone by accident while trying to hit your target, it will be considered RDM.
    • In some situations, doors can be jammed with props, causing a physics glitch and harming any player approaching them. Doing so is Traitorous and any damage dealt this way will be credited to whoever placed the prop.
    • Placing props at the bottom of ladders/portals, such as those on community pool and 67th way, is a Traitorous act.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2018
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  8. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver


    Some maps in our servers have special rules tied to them, due to special mechanics found in them or other reasons. These rules only apply to the specific maps.
    Here they are:

    Non-Vanilla maps:

    • Carrying/charging the knife (Image) is Traitorous (regardless if it's charged or not).

    • Using the sign to get on top of the railroad tracks is considered prop surfing to an unreachable area.

    • Carrying the "Traitor Brand Batteries" is a Traitorous act, made obvious by the red trail that follows the module. This includes using any other method to get the device towards it's goal (i.e. shooting the module or pushing it with a prop).

    Community Pool 2017 & Overhaul:
    • Carrying the Turtles is Traitorous.

    • Carrying the turtles is Traitorous.

    Island 2013:
    • Blocking a player in the elevator shaft is Traitorous as it puts them in danger.

    Life The Roof:
    • Carrying the phallic object (Image) is Traitorous.
    • Placing props in the pool below the elevator is Traitorous.

    Lost Temple:
    • Carrying the staff is Traitorous.

    Magma V2:
    • Breaking bridges while someone is on them is Traitorous.

    Mount Base:
    • Carrying the axe is Traitorous.
    • Carrying the phallic object is Traitorous.

    Museum Heist:
    • Carrying any of the suitcases is Traitorous. This includes using any other method to get the device towards it's goal (i.e. shooting the suitcase or pushing it with a prop).

    Nuclear Power:
    • Carrying the keycard outside of the vault is Traitorous.
    • Hiding or throwing away the uranium is Traitorous.

    • Activating any of the lethal traps in the map is Traitorous.

    • Breaking bridges while someone is on them is Traitorous.
    • Carrying the axe is Traitorous (regardless if it's charged or not).

    • Carrying the turtles is Traitorous.

    • Carrying claymores is Traitorous.

    Vanilla maps:

    • Hiding or throwing away the golden blocks is Traitorous.
    • Carrying the egg is Traitorous.
    • All TNT blocks are considered explosive props.
    • Hiding or throwing away the coal blocks is Traitorous.
    • Carrying, pushing or otherwise moving the the sword when it's enchanted (diamond mode) is Traitorous. This includes any method to move the object (i.e. shooting it or pushing it with a prop).
    • Hiding or throwing away the redstone torch (activates the tester) is Traitorous.
    Minecraft B5:
    • Hiding or throwing away diamond blocks or the tester's gold block is Traitorous.

    MC Nether:

    • Hiding or throwing away the chicken is Traitorous.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2018
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  9. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver


    Thread overhauled for better readability and clarity.
    • Added a new traitorous act: Jamming doors with props to make them hazardous.
    • Added "Common Sense" section.
    • Added "Self Implication" rules.
    • Added "Macros" rules.
    • Added Ban Evasion protocol to the list.
    • Added protocol for improper name usage and false reporting:
      • Same punishments as Harassment.
    • Changed Porn/Gore/Disturbing content protocol:
      • Punishment changed to 2 weeks -> 4 weeks -> 8 weeks -> 26 weeks
      • Now implemented as a global protocol for all of our services (game servers, forums, Shoutbox, TeamSpeak)
    • GBA clarifications:
      • Players must give the GBA player a reasonable chance to react. This depends on the situation.
      • GBA cannot be applied for events a player cannot physically see.
      • GBA cannot be applied for events a player cannot physically react to.
    • Additional clarifications for the following main rules:
      • Ghosting
      • Spam and Harassment
      • Nicknames
    • KOS clarifications:
      • Usage of confusing terms (KOZ, KO5 etc.)
      • Joke KOSes
      • KOS repeating
    • Karma ban clarification:
      • An excessive amount of Karma bans may result in further discipline.
    • Minor/Misc. clarifications to the following topics:
      • "Shooting towards players" T act
      • Throwing grenades with a warning
      • Unreported damage
      • AFK players
      • Goomba stomps
      • Detective arming a C4
      • Loopholing and Metagaming
      • CP
      • Admin Discretion
      • Crossfire with melee weapons/props
      • Prop possession as a spectator
    • Removed the "Players in confined area" radar rule.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2017
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  10. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver


    Corrections suggested by players.
    • Added a new rule under Gameplay->Misc. rules:
      • "Team killing your teammates during fun rounds (in any form, including indirect damage like prop pushing) is not allowed and will be considered RDM" (@Giraffe)
    • Added a new rule under RDM/KOS rules:
      • "Being KOSed by a Detective is a special scenario: you may not attack the Detective even if you were KOSed by them, unless they proceed to shoot at you or near you. If they do not open fire, you cannot damage them"
    • Changed Crossfire rule:
    • Clarified GBA->Situations where GBA does not apply:
      • "A player is not GBA for not reacting to something that happened near them but they are not able to see due to some physical obstruction" (@Jässa)
      • "A player is not GBA for not reacting to something that happened near them if they are unable to react to that event (no line-of-fire to the target, behind an unbreakable window)" (@Jässa)
    • Clarified Traitor Team Killing rule:
      • "Killing fellow Traitors with their permission is no longer allowed". (@Giraffe, @wink)
    • Clarified RDM/KOS rule:
      • You cannot KOS/attack players for blocking your way, unless they put your life in immediate danger (blocking you inside a T trap, within range of a C4, near a map hazard, etc). In this case, you may attack them. This, however, does not apply if both players are Traitors" (@Giraffe)
    • Clarified Main Rules->No Porn, Gore or Disturbing content:
      • "Disturbing content is content that is graphic, disgusting or unsettling"
    • Clarified Map-specific rules->Museum Heist:
      • "Carrying any of the suitcases is Traitorous. This includes using any other method to get the device towards it's goal (i.e. shooting the suitcase or pushing it with a prop)" (@Timo654)
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  11. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver


    • Added Map-specific rules->Richland:
      • "Activating any of the traps in the map is Traitorous."
    • Added Traitorous Acts->Being indicated a Traitor by a Tester:
      • "Damaging Traitor testers or Health Stations, or being indicated a Traitor by a tester."
    • Rewrote "Warning to teammates rule".
    • Rewrote Harassment rule.
    • Clarified Traitorous acts->Pushing players off heights that can cause damage, near edges or near map hazards:
      • "This also includes pushing AFK players into water, after they start drowning."
      • "Examples for map hazards are: the mouse traps in Dolls, the Hammer trap in Richland, etc."
    • Clarified Gameplay Rules->Traitorous acts before round start:
      • "This also includes when a player pushes another player during pre-round, and the victim dies to or takes fall damage after the round has began. In this case, however, the damage dealt is still RDM and the attacker will be slain."
    • Clarified Prop Rules->Prop Possession as Spectators:
      • "ANY damage or deaths caused by a spectator controlling a prop is a RDM under their responsibility, and they will be punished according to the usual protocol. This includes moving possessed props into pools and other drops areas where players are supposed to land from heights, causing them damage from their fall - for instance, the pool at the bottom of Life The Roof or the landing pool at the ceiling of 67th way."
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 29, 2017
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  12. neutral

    neutral VIP


    • Added Guilty by Association (GBA) -> Situations where GBA does NOT apply
      • "A player is not GBA for not trying to kill a player who is in the process of activating a Jihad. However, not acting on the fact that a player is walking around with a jihad equipped can be considered GBA."
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  13. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver

    • Added Map-specific rules->Datmap:
      • Carrying the turtles is Traitorous.
    • Added Map-specific rules->Signal:
      • Carrying the turtles is Traitorous.
    • Added Gameplay Rules->DNA rules:
      • You are NOT allowed to damage/kill another based on a DNA sample you don't know the source of - for example, a body DNA sample found already in a dropped DNA scanner.
      • Always make sure the target player you are about to attack is indeed the one the DNA leads to! It is a good idea to wait for the scanner to tick again to make sure it is pointing to that player before taking action.
    • Clarified Gameplay Rules->Warnings to teammates:
      • For Innocents: Warnings and intent to harm a traitor are required before activating all explosives and/or negative effect items, otherwise any damage/deaths caused to other players in the crossfire will be considered RDM.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2017
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  14. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver

    • Added Main rules->No unreadable/confusing nicknames:
      • Confusing nicknames also include names that are too similar to the names of other players in the server or nicknames that sound identical. For example: "Kinky Marshmallows" and "Keen Key Marsh Mellows", or "SuperGamer" and "SnooperGrayMer". This is to avoid confusion when those names are called out in voice chat.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
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  15. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    • Removed Traitorous Acts->Not Identifying Bodies:
      • Simply being near an unided body is also considered a T act. However, we strongly recommend to exercise common sense in such cases and not blindly shoot anyone who just happened to be near an unided body.
    Simply being near an unidentified body isn't a traitorous act. Walking away from/disregarding unidentified bodies is still considered a traitorous act.

    Clarification: If you are AFK, you are still considered to be disregarding any unidentified bodies near you. You may still be killed.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2017
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  16. neutral

    neutral VIP

    • Added Misc. Rule:
      • Forcing a player into an area in which they will either be proven to be a traitor or die as an innocent will be considered RDM in all cases. For example: The traitor rooms on Minecraft B5 and Lost Temple, and the spike pit on Innomotel.
    • Clarified Harassment:
      • In some cases, using props to disrupt the gameplay of others may be considered harassment. (Such as, putting a prop in the teleporter of 67th way or see Prop possession as spectator section)
    • Added Map Specific Rule: dog
      • Hiding or throwing away the turtles is traitorous
    • Clarified Crossfire:
      • Shooting an NPC is considered crossfire only if it's a harmful NPC that is actively trying to cause damage to you or someone else. Such as the combine on bank.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2017
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  17. neutral

    neutral VIP

    • Changed Ban Evasion:
      • Ban evasions punishments now include not only the alt account that is used to ban evade, but also the account with the original ban. If a user is found to be evading a ban, the original ban will be matched to the corresponding offense or extended with the corresponding offense depending on the length of the original ban.
    • Changed Correct KOS callings:
      • "For a KOS to be valid, it must explicitly express that the player in question is a traitor or that they should be killed, either in a single text message or through voice chat. For example: "Opalium is a traitor!", "KOS Opalium", or "If you see Opalium shoot him in the face!".
        Variations of those callouts are fine as long as they still explicitly mention one of the above - e.g. "Kill Opalium", "Opalium is a T", "Opalium is triator", "KOZ/5 Opalium" and even "Kill this bastard Opalium" are all valid KOSes.

        If a callout does not mention either of these, for example "Opalium just shot someone!" or "Opalium has a T weapon" or "I think we should get rid of Opalium", it is not a valid KOS."
    • Removed KOz/KO5 Loopholing rule:
      • "Attempting to confuse other players through the use of KOZ, KO5 or similar terms is NOT a valid KOS, and may be considered loopholing, resulting in a punishment."
    • Clarified Self-implication:
      • "Statements said in the future-tense such as, "I am going to jihad", and "I am going to kill HelixSpiral", etc. do not fall under self-implication."
    • Clarified Warnings for Traitor equipment:
      • "Some traitor weapons have indicators above the item that is visible through walls from any distance such as C4s, Death stations, and Tripwire mines. These indicators may serve as a valid warning, however, be cautious that you must still have a reasonable time to allow your traitor buddies to escape when planting these devices. Because of this, it is recommended that you still warn in chat or voice regardless."
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2017
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  18. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver

    • Added Traitorous Actions->Not identifying bodies:
      • "You may not kill a player for not IDing a body that is in a location that may cause harm to said player if they attempt to ID it, or if it is unreachable by the means allowed by our rules. However, if the player is already in said area or is not actively avoiding it, they can be killed (with the exception of fire or existing hazards)."
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
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  19. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver


    Map-specific rules for our new maps:
    • Added Map Specific Rules->Nuclear Power:
      • "Carrying the keycard outside the vault is Traitorous."
    • Added Map Specific Rules->Whitehouse:
      • "Carrying the claymores is Traitorous."
    • Added Map Specific Rules->MC Drybones:
      • "Hiding or throwing away the golden blocks is Traitorous."
    • Added Map Specific Rules->MC Fantasy:
      • "Carrying the egg is Traitorous."
    • Added Map Specific Rules->MC Island:
      • "Hiding or throwing away the coal blocks is Traitorous."
      • "All TNT blocks are considered explosive props."
    • Added Map Specific Rules->Jondome:
      • "Carrying the sword when it's enchanted (diamond) is Traitorous."
    Please note: there are likely to be more changes in the upcoming days. Make sure to check again in a few days to ensure you won't miss any changes.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2017
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  20. neutral

    neutral VIP

    • Added Misc Rule: Malfunction Pistol
      • "It is considered RDM to shoot a teammate with a malfunction pistol as you may be forcing the player to RDM, or commit a traitorous act that may result in them getting unfairly killed.”
    • Changed Carrying/Equipping Traitor Equipment:
      • Removed “possessing” from “Using, holding, or possessing traitor-only weapons” from traitorous actions.
      • It is no longer traitorous to possess a traitor weapon. It is still traitorous to use or equip a traitor weapon. But simply picking one up and having it in your inventory is not a traitorous act. You must witness someone using or equipping the weapon to kill them for it.
      • The MOTD will soon be changed to reflect this.
    • Clarified Crossfire:
      • " Crossfire KOS may occur with radio commands targeting the wrong player that is near the intended target and is NOT considered a punishable false KOS as long as it is proven to be unintentional."
    • Clarified Warnings to Teammates:
      • " Note: Kills by explosive T-items such as death stations, a failed C4 disarm, and trip mines are still attributed to the person who planted them. See Special Items/Equipment rules.
    • Clarified Map Specific Rule - Richland:
      • Added "lethal" to Activating any of the lethal traps in the map is Traitorous.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2018
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