a serious (pun intended) problem.

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by RapidMagic, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. Darth West

    Darth West I am Darth West, Dark Lord of the Sith. VIP

    Quick question are you capable of typing more than a sentence at a time? I'm not trying to be mean just curious.

    Ok I am going to make it really simple. When you staff you have a certain amount of hours you need to do per two weeks. Once you have those hours done your jobis done for that time period. Just like any job that doesn't pay overtime you dont work more than what is needed. Because regardless of what you think Staffing is hard. There are maps where you don't get to play. Every round you have to be on alert for spam, harrassment, potential rdm, and people asking you shit in admin chat. All that while you play. Its like your not even playing sometimes. I may not be the best guide for ideal moding but all that takes it out of you.

    Most of these hero mods you seem to want that do insane staffing burn out. They usually last a month or two and never return. Now I don't play on the servers anymore but I doubt the quality of staffing hasn't changed. Quality is what Serious is all about. I would rather have one good mod that does 15 hours a week vs 10 shit mods that do 100 per week. I would rather be shit on by a rdmer than someone in a postion of power. Rdmers come and go but staff, thats a different story.

    I want to go on and on but I'm going to bed so let me sum um.

    1.) getting rid of less active staff when team is not full = Stupid. Literally just means less hours for staffing overall
    2.) Let more people staff = Stupid. Implies lowering standards which is something Serious cant afford.
    3.) Increasing min hours = Stupid. Staff will leave its happened before. 10 people do 20 hours each. Requirement changed to 25, three people leave. You end up with less hours overall.
    4.) Get rid of requirement of hours = Dumb. Expands on the problem of staff not doing hours.
    5.) Get of of staff not at the requirement = Stupid. As long as the play the game sometimes it better to have some hours than none. Of course only when you have a lot of open postions, which we do.
    6.) Make trial easier to get = Not a bad idea actually. As long as shit ones dont make it. Sounds like a good way of getting good staff faster.
    7.) Don't double staff when a server is staffless = Duh. Obviously thats ideal and something they should already be doing.

    Overall I want to convey this. This problem has happened before and will happen again. Those mods that you find so easy to mock over lack of interest in a JOB don't owe you anything. Lastly have a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

    P.s Spelling and grammer I dont care about. Wrote on a phone and no revision.
    • Winner Winner x 4
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    • Dumb Dumb x 1

  2. ok. THIS. even though you disagree, i like your reasoning. finally, someone who criticizes intelligently. i have never been staff, so this gives me a good idea of why staff would play with other staff. so they can PLAY. but yes. #6. this is one of the best things this thread has said. i believe this should be a thing. 100%.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1
  3. Dani

    Dani Impersonating Staff Banned VIP

    Easier to get in what way? Is it hard to get in any way right now?