Finished Final Gift (Legendary Giveaway)

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Lemon, Jul 30, 2017.

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  1. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

    Hi all,

    Since I don't really go on these forums all to often anymore, I decided why not go out with a bang and do something I've always wanted to do, a legendary giveaway. All you have to do to enter is to comment below. Now there are a few rules for this giveaway.

    1. You may NOT enter or have someone else enter for you if you are already legendary.

    2. You may not enter if your forum account is less than two months old at the time this thread is being posted. (mitigates the chances of alts/randoms entering)

    Also, let's try not to rig this for one person okay? If you are entering for someone try to keep it to a minimum. This giveaway will end in one month, August 27th

    Good luck!
    • Winner x 78
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  2. Lit.
  3. Hyper ✿

    Hyper ✿ peace lata VIP Bronze

    Thanks for the Giveaway!
  4. Nitenox

    Nitenox Member

    throw me in
  5. Walker

    Walker Hell yeah VIP

    Posting this as everyone is talking about fruitloops in TS
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Sleepy

    Sleepy sleepy head VIP Silver

    • Funny x 1
    • Informative x 1
    • Friendly x 1
    • Creative x 1
    • Dumb x 1
  7. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

  8. littlememe

    littlememe nothinglastsforever VIP Bronze

    Yes yes yes yes
  9. lil f

    lil f That's how the toast crumbles VIP

    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Penius

    Penius Aye man, you're shaking it all wrong VIP Bronze

    Thanks for the giveaway! Really nice of you, $200 man. Thanks very much! Sad to see you leave though
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
  11. Ichikunjii

    Ichikunjii Vous avez changé VIP Iron

    You're a mad man. But sure why not.

    Thanks da- I mean owo
  12. Do me do me
  13. HyperStryker

    HyperStryker Supporter

    As usual, thanks for doing this giveaway!
  14. DarkLegion

    DarkLegion aka Alex VIP

    Sad to see you drifting away, wish you well in your travels.
    • Old Old x 1
  15. Panda With a Gun

    Panda With a Gun CHINA NUMBA ONE Administrator VIP Emerald

    Thanks for this Lemon!
  16. Timo654

    Timo654 EU BEST VIP Silver

    thanks for the giveaway (y)
    entering for @Rauno
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2017
  17. Arcanius

    Arcanius Oh, you like it there VIP

  18. s1rcool

    s1rcool Active Member VIP

    ill take the free pixels
  19. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

  20. NoHackJustGood

    NoHackJustGood Hai :) VIP Silver

    I'm not entering, but I thought I'd say thanks for giving this out to the community. I mean, it's $200, so I appreciate what you're doing here, @Lemon.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
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