that flashbang buff looks cool and i say this as a speedy Gonzales main
That's and insane way to counter dive meta Zarya will be a must pick on defence, Rein will be actually working again, Orissa is now the only hero to be able to get out of Graviton. Reaper finally learnt to shut the fuck up
I hope overwatch fixes people making new accounts and placing higher than there mains. I just had a mercy diamond player who is 3.2k and his main account is 2.5k and he was playing in masters games. I thought overwatch is supposed to keep track of your rank across all accounts so you maintain a mmr average across them.
So I'm playing on my friends account and its like 2.9k not decayed or anything, and my friend was 3050 her highest ever and then this happens. Spoiler: OW in a nutshell
if anyone wants to play with a decent healer and an ok dps hmu Spoiler: my stats if that interests you
I cant remember the last time I saw a full gravioli. And it's harder to even imagine with how much the game has changed since then that everyone would die in a full gravioli.
If anyone wants to see ya boy game like a mad man on a top 500 streamer's stream 3hr 59min
why cant me and my team win when i get 18k+ damage and 35+ elims with 4 gold medals i dont get it what am i doing wrong am i to blame are they to blame this game is so fucking frustrating im not playing till season 6 fuck these kids come get me when i can play my placement matches again