Fun Round Opinions?

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by BorkWoof, Jul 21, 2017.

  1. BorkWoof

    BorkWoof VIP

    Headshot wars - In my experience I have a brawl with someone consisting of spamming crouch jump/strafing while spamming at the head
    Harpoon wars - Same thing with HS wars except you just span harpoons with little prediction
    One in the Chamber - I love how tense this fun round is, one of my favorites
    Gun Game - Messy spawns, Kill thievery, AFKs. It's not fun.
    Hidden - Like OITC, I find it to be really tense, It's just good fun as an inno or hidden
    Reapers - It's okay ish, I find Reapers winning a lot when they are aware of the teleporter ability
    Men in the Middle - Some maps favor traitors and vice versa
    Team Deathmatch - Really fun

    what do you think of the fun rounds?
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
  2. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    Listing the Fun Rounds ranked in order from my most enjoyable, to least enjoyable.
    1. Team Deathmatch
    2. Harpoon Wars
    3. One in the Chamber
    4. Reapers
    5. Headshot wars
    6. Gun Game
    7. Hidden
    8. Men in the Middle
    Team Deathmatch is by far my favorite fun round. Men in the middle being my least favorite "fun round."
  3. BorkWoof

    BorkWoof VIP

    oops forgot tdm
  4. Best to worst, biased due to my low skill level

    Harpoon Wars
    Team Deathmatch
    Gun Game
    The Reapers
    The Hidden
    One in the Chamber
    Headshot Wars

    I haven't played Men in the Middle enough to fairly rank it but it's probably either above or below One in the Chamber


    Best to worst

    Headshot wars, cuz I feel like in that one I the most control over what happens and I wont die to stupid bullshit as often
    Team Deathmatch, cuz you shoot dudes whats not to like
    Reapers, cuz you shoot OP dudes but you can actually see em so you kinda have a chance of fighting
    Hidden, you shoot OP dudes but you can't see em so that makes it pretty hard
    Men in the Middle, shoot OP dude who you never get to play as, it's actually quite fun seeing a crowd of 10 people pile the same dude.
    Harpoon Wars, very little u can do about a shitty spawn or someone getting a lucky triple harpoon and making u wait in spectator.
    Gun Game , just a clusterfuck majority of the time, spawncamping simulator
    One in the Chamber, cuz that gamemode brings out the worst of the shitreg in this game, and is the opposite of fun to me.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  6. ayygurl_

    ayygurl_ VIP

    From best to worst!

    Headshot Wars
    One in the Chamber
    Team Deathmatch
    Harpoon Wars
    Men in the Middle
    Gun Game
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2017
  7. Team Deathmatch (I love carrying my team everytime)
    One in the Chamber (really tense and fun)
    Headshot Wars (except when the HK SL8 is chosen)
    Hidden (Fun gamemode until a doorspammer spams for the entire round and the hidden doesn't know what to do with no mod on)
    Reapers (I would have put it higher but most of the time the reapers don't know how to teleport so therefore they die very quickly)
    Gun Game (Only good on maps with spread out spawn points such as community bowling, otherwise its Spawncamping Simulator)
    Harpoon Wars (its either 1. a bad spawn point with 5 people around you or 2. a guy gets triple poons constantly when in a close range fight)
    Men in the Middle (plays horribly on open maps such as metropolis and 67thway, Men have no radars so it causes looooooooooong delays with no mods on, also its really easy to get gangbanged by 10 people at the same time on the small maps)
  8. El FLaco Gamer

    El FLaco Gamer Ecks Dee? VIP

    Gun Game on a decent map (The only one I can do consistently well on.)
    Harpoon Wars (It's a war of HARPOONS! What's not to love?)
    One in the Chamber (Probably my favorite on paper. Shit reg makes it pretty cancerous sometimes.)
    Headshot Wars (Fun round, nothing crazy. Solid overall.)
    Reapers (Similar problem to Hidden, but I find it mildly creepier and more fun as an innocent because you have a chance at soloing one)
    Hidden (Ranges pretty widely from a fun hide/seek type round to a boring everyone camps one room making winning almost impossible)
    Men in the Middle (Super cool concept, didn't pan out well. Depends to much on having a map size that's just right)
    Team Deathmatch (Just kind of a boring concept and more often that not AFKs/baddies that ruin the fun.)
    Gun game on a cluster map
  9. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Men in the middle, Hidden & Reaper are pure trash because they are only fun for the small group.

    Team Deathmatch, Headshot and Harpoon wars are great.

    OITC is meh.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. The hidden, reapers and men in the middle are my faves because it's a handful of people versus the rest and it's a great challenge for both sides plus the tension makes it a lot of fun.
  11. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    gun game on lost temple
    • Winner Winner x 1
    • Love
    • Team Deathmatch- So much fun on any map and I tend to see a lot of cluches during this gamemode.
    • Harpoon Wars- One in the chamber but actually require skill
    • Hidden- Its Hidden, its always fun for me

    • Natural
    • One in the Chamber- Hope lag doesn't kill you.
    • Reapers- Eh, if you get a room with only 1 entrance its a win for innos

    • HATE
    • Headshot wars- I hate this sooo much, it never works for me
    • Men in the Middle- If the innos are smart and group up they won't lose
    • Gun Game- A general mess
  12. dude85632

    dude85632 VIP

    Harpoon Wars
    Gun Game
    Team Deathmatch
    Headshot Wars
    Men in the Middle
  13. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    • Headshot Wars
    • Reaper
    • Team Deathmatch

    • One in the Chamber
    • Harpoon Wars
    • Men in the Middle

    • Gun Game
    • Hidden
  14. n0blerone

    n0blerone VIP

    basically this