Finished For The Beggars

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Scotty, Jun 24, 2017.

  1. Panda With a Gun

    Panda With a Gun CHINA NUMBA ONE Administrator VIP Emerald

    I want this as much as the points I don't have for the new skins.
  2. Penius

    Penius Aye man, you're shaking it all wrong VIP Bronze

    I want it more then Atlas, Kappa. I want it for the new skins!

    Your daily cringe - Logan Paul
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017
  3. MyriadOfChaos

    MyriadOfChaos It was fun.... VIP

    I WANT ELITE SO BAD SO I CAN GET THE HKSL8 AND M1911 SKINS. THEY IS SO SEXY AND I NEED THAT IN MY LIFE. Also so I can use the Samus skin cause Samus is Bae.
  4. Wendy

    Wendy Chaotic VIP

    I want it because I never had elite :cry:

    Rig it for me please
  5. Erotic Dr. Pepper

    Erotic Dr. Pepper Supporter

    Give me stuff, or else I will ask you politely again. If you then do not reach my demands by the second request I will have no choice but to take drastic measures: First, I will lure you into a false sense of security by hiring a mugger to mug you. I will then murder the mugger in broad daylight resulting in my arrest for first-degree homicide. You, feeling guilty that I saved your life and for that I was imprisoned, will pay my bail. To thank you for paying my bail I will take you to a nice steak dinner at Ron Swanson's Steakhouse in Pawnee, Indiana. Then I will whisper into your ear after you have finished Ron's specialty New York Strip, "That steak was nice, but I'm still hungry for seconds. I want to tongue punch you fart box". Overcome with lust, you can't wait for dessert and instead, we decide to go to your house. On the way there we engage in a very passionate conversation about Trouble in Terrorist Town. I bring up Serious Gmod's Trouble in Terrorist Town servers and we talk for what feels like hours. When we arrive I say I will buy you VIP+. After purchasing the rank with my prepaid credit card that I used false information to obtain I alert all the mods and admins that there is an RDM'er on WEST 2 using my mobile phone. As I watch you get decimated by superior players my heart fills with joy. I then see mods and admins filling in the empty spots in the server. My plan for revenge will soon be complete. First I will bend you over your DX Racer Gaming Chair, and ask gently into your ear "Are you ready?" You will predictably respond with "Yes, daddy" Not even partially realizing what is about to happen. I will say "I want to get kinky". I will then grab some cordage and bind you to your beloved DX Racer Gaming Chair. I will then very slowly lick your asshole while holding the "enable voice chat" button on your keyboard. As the mods hear your faint moans they begin to wonder if they should gag you, they then immediately change their corrupt minds as they realize your newly acquired status of VIP+. Then seeing that my plan will work, I begin to tighten the cords making it impossible for you to escape. You ask "Maybe a little too tight?" I respond "I will untighten it but first let me untighten that ass!". You then begin to scream and moan into voice chat "STOP!" and "NO, DADDY PLEASE DON'T RAPE ME!" as I violently tear into your Extra virgin rectum like it's olive oil. The mods and admins begin to deliberate whether to mute you but they come to the unanimous and mutual consensus that losing some money is simply not worth it. As I tear into your ass your intestines become so loose that you let out a brown avalanche of shit right into my face. Only invigorated by the excrement and your belligerent screaming, I yell "We will take Canaan and conquer the holy land from the dirty Saracens, DEUS VULT!" for the entourage of staff listening solemnly. As ass blood squirts from your shitter and your anus begins to prolapse I begin to laugh maniacally because I know that each heartbeat is a cruel reminder of your mortality and that I have successfully executed you and my plan simultaneously. As I take my now shit-stained tongue from your gaping derrière I have no choice but then cut your corpse into pieces, taking a nibble every once in a while to satisfy me. Then I wrap each body part in extra thick parchment paper and tie it off with twine leaving the penis for a snack. I then drop each body part in random trashcans at your favoirte eateries, restaurants, and delicatessens. With my work complete I can now enjoy your juicy, flaccid 2-incher for the low price of VIP+.
    • Creative Creative x 3
  6. Carl

    Carl Kachow! VIP

    I want the rank so bad because my elite runs out only July 8th so I might not even be elite for the anniversary, plz rig.
  7. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

    A lot. Don't have many rare skins like this.
  8. Arcanius

    Arcanius Oh, you like it there VIP

  9. Mr. 7-Minute Wonder

    Mr. 7-Minute Wonder Regular Member

    I'd really love to not have to decide on food and buying elite again. I love you, white guy.
  10. MythMe

    MythMe VIP

    Another elite for me :panda:
  11. Koishi

    Koishi Killer Queen VIP

    that tommy gun skin is sexy
    and ill stop c4ing the server everytime im a t if i get the golden scout

    im also a grill btw
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. ayygurl_

    ayygurl_ VIP

    I would sell my virginity for an Elite rank.
  13. n0blerone

    n0blerone VIP

    I dont need it but @Rauno is probably a begger ;) :oops:
    entering for ............ ^^^^
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  14. Oddsome

    Oddsome VIP

    I would seriously enjoy the rank my dude. Would be awesome to have it for the aniversary to buy shit!
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2017
  15. Aquast

    Aquast lordy was here :barefoot: VIP Bronze

    I want the rank more than I want friends
  16. Shadow™

    Shadow™ What it do Shortyyyy™ VIP

    Last edited: Jun 25, 2017
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  17. dudeeee i was really feeling elite when i had it for a month and there wasnt even an event just imagine how lit it'll b now
  18. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

    What happens when the elite ends the skins deequip <3 Anyways entering for @Pacifist cause he needs free elite <3
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2017
  19. The Finesse Kid

    The Finesse Kid New Member

    I've been on this server for 3 years now and almost never had a problem with anybody on here, except for the trolls but I have always wanted a rank so i can use the cool guns that you guys have, I will always remember this server as the greatest of all time. Thanks for letting others get a chance to win a rank!
  20. Aatu21

    Aatu21 VIP

    i want it as much as i want to live :)