Completed Report against Squisher

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Spud, Jun 23, 2017.

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  1. Spud

    Spud VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Several maps
    Which Round:
    Constantly throughout rounds
    Time of Occurence:
    Around 3:30 -4:30 yesterday
    Reason For Report:
    Constant harassment of myself and other players, mic spam, deliberate false KOSing and bullying.

    It started with me joking around with my friends and other players and having fun, which he took seriously and believed me to actually be harassing my friends. In response he started to become abusive towards me and angry, to which I asked him to stop harassing me and told him to calm down (in a joking manner, the likes of which can be seen in screenshots through a report he created on me). The player then begun to do things such as jumping off the sides of buildings shouting over the mic 'Spud pushed me' in order to false KOS me - this was witnessed and noted in the adminstats by @irritatingness luckily. Later he begun to micspam, begging for points over the mic and ignoring people's pleas for him to quieten down. Evidence of this is below. He then continued to harass me by false reporting me every time I killed him validly - for example, on one occasion he was KOSed by the player 'Alpha & Omega', also visible in the video evidence. On the other occasion he was stood next to an unidentified body so I, rightfully, killed him (he was a traitor).

    Squisher also rdmed me by pushing me off a ledge when we were both and he had no reason to kill me. I reported him for this but, unfortunately, there were no admins/mods online to deal with it and in his report response he lied and claimed he didn't even push me (perhaps it will be visible in the logs that he crowbar pushed me leading to my death? I cannot remember the map name but I would recognise it if I was playing on it to be able to indicate which map it was on).

    Overall, this guy reported me for 'harassing' him when he was the person doing the harassing. I repeatedly asking him to stop harassing me and calm down but he continued despite that. I am currently banned due to his report when his behaviour was no different, if not worse, than my own as he toxically abused other players and got away with it. It's an unfortunate situation when players such as this are able to abuse the report system leading others to receive bans for saying things such as 'epic fail' while they continue to break the rules and harass others and, while I do not normally bother to report others, I feel it would be a great injustice for only one party in this matter to be punished merely because the other party was not so petty as to make it an issue. For a player to hypocritically behave in such a poor manner and then to make an issue when others play the game similarly is, frankly, toxic and ruins the experience for others.

    I am currently banned due to Squisher's report (which I will try and figure out how to appeal soon) and this isn't merely a false report for 'revenge'. Squisher behaved awfully towards not only myself but also many other players and so for him to then have the audacity to falsely report others and feel immune due to other players' reluctance to waste time pettily reporting his actions is insulting to the server and the game.

    Thank you.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Unfortunately I don't have much evidence of his behaviour as I did not originally plan on reporting him - however, this player ended up reporting me for the very harassment he was creating and so I believe it's only fair that his actions are seen as well. He selectively screenshotted certain parts of conversation between me and other players as well as himself so as to paint himself in a good light and me negatively, while he conveniently neglected to screenshot some of the many horrible things he was saying. For the most part, the player used his microphone to harass and abuse me with foul language such as referring to me as 'retarded' and swearing at me.

    @irritatingness witnessed and noted the false KOS on myself.
    @Loan Shark may have witnessed some of it as I remember he was previously harassed by Squisher
    @Enemy Below recorded a video of the incident and therefore witnessed it too
    The players:
    Korean Queen - steamid is STEAM_0:1:37750197
    1940's Mob Boss - steamid is STEAM_0:0:88186450
    Were both also online and were victims of Squisher's harassment - he later also falsely reported them for harassment on the forums.

    This video shows Squisher micspamming begging for points and being abusive over mic

    At 1:15 in the video you can hear 'Alpha & Omega' put a KOS on Squisher which led to me killing him. He then falsely reported me for this and claimed it was evidence of me harassing him and even lied in the report saying there was no KOS, all because there were no mods/admins online at that time.

    At 5:10 in the video you can hear Squisher repeatedly threatening me and telling me I'm going to be banned (he had previously masqueraded as though he had the power to do so himself until he was called out on it) and accused me of loopholing (again, this was because I killed him after he was KOSed and he falsely reported me).

    At 5:50 you can hear him berate me and tell me I'm "actually retarded".

    I am so glad another player (@Enemy Below) managed to record and capture the incident for evidence as I did not have any software to record nor was I planning to at the time (as I had no intention of reporting him at that moment).

    Thank you.​
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
  2. Hyper ✿

    Hyper ✿ peace lata VIP Bronze

    Tagging @irritatingness as the OP tags usually don't work and he could probably put forth some insight.
  3. john redcorn

    john redcorn strangers like me VIP Emerald

    Tagging @guilty who is handling another report against the same player.
  4. EhhChris

    EhhChris Advisor. VIP Silver Emerald

    I have the video of the false kos on my PC. I'll upload it shortly.


    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
  5. Spud

    Spud VIP

    Thank you, glad you caught it since I didn't manage to keep much proof myself.
  6. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver


    Once again, why did you commit all these actions?
  7. Squisher

    Squisher VIP

    Thank you for making this report.

    So first of all Spud, You were banned for constantly harrassing me. " I repeatedly asking him to stop harassing me and calm down but he continued despite that" you actually spammed it along with your friends which there is a report against you and your friends that was handled by an admin the screenshots and videos were provided on the report to leading the evidence. You later called me a low life for making a report against you and kept telling me to stop harassing you and to "calm the fuck down" when I was not talking to you what so ever eventually I said something to you cause you would not stop. The false KOS of you supposeably pushing me off i was slayed it was dealt with that was the only time it ahd happened.

    EDIT: I did not reply to the points thing I believe there was an admin on at the time when I was "begging for points" correction I was thanking people for the points they had given me I later gave away all the points I recieved to players that I know and were pretty cool. My intention was not to spam it was to be nice and be thankful for donating them to me.

    Another Edit: "the most part, the player used his microphone to harass and abuse me with foul language such as referring to me as 'retarded' and swearing at me." Believe what you want but my parents forbid me to swear and i did not swear at you nor did i abuse you with foul language whats sad is you lied in your reports and your also trying to lie in this report.

    Second of all. In the video around 5:10 when i called you "retarded" he did not look through the chat to see what you had said to me which you were harassing me and i was just retaliating with a respone cause you had been doing all map and the map before and also the map after as you can see in the screen shot he told me my parents dont give me enough attention so i come online to play games.

    Also in the next screenshot
    You can see he continued to harass me and in this "report" he said he was "trying to have fun and a good time with his friends" I dont know your definition of fun if its harassing a player for 3-4 maps non stop and then constantly harassing other players telling them the same thing you and your friends constantly spammed and gave me a bunch of shit for playing. I supposeably "he toxically abused other players and got away with it" I feel the only thing I did wrong was defend myself when the entire server started to give me shit about anything they could and you know that. My behavior was not the "same or "worse then yours. You were obviously being toxic and trolling in the first place when I asked you several times to stop but you didnt you continued.

    In the video around 6:57 he began to harass me again telling me all I do is cry and I know for a fact its harassment because ive been muted for it before. " this player ended up reporting me for the very harassment he was creating" I was creating the "harassment" somehow no I wasnt this first started off when he would not stop telling me to "calm the fuck down and stop harassing him" I was just normally talking and he continued to say it for the next four maps. Sadly idk if my screenshots are still available because I had deleted them off my profile but Carlton's screenshots is a little evidence of him and his friends having a "good time" as in good time I think you mean trolling the server and making fun of me and directing everything towards me. I did not want to report him but he wouldn't stop so I felt it was my right to get him of the server, after he was banned by an admin about 5 minutes later his friends were also banned for the same reason.

    Now third of all @The Carlton™ is a witness to his actions and he might be able to provide more evidence. Now for the rdm report in the video he said he did not rdm me but actually after the admin got on he banned him and slayed him twice for the two times he did rdm me. I know he purposely did it my reason for that is after i retaliated and he had just turned his "fun" into more trolling and he never left me alone. The time I did call him "retarded" is because he was being vvery obnoxious and would not leave me be him and his friends I feel there main goal was to troll an get a reaction from the server. I feel he needs a break and if he really wants to get a reaction i suggest he goes to another server and does it instead of bringing me into this. I did not want to deal with this but now I have to but thank you for tagging me in this. Hopefully my evidence is enough and ill be tagging @Agent A in this because im pretty sure he is the one that banned them hopefully he can provide evidence and or vouch for me and Carlton.

    Another note: "Overall, this guy reported me for 'harassing' him when he was the person doing the harassing" Either way he started this no matter what "evidence" or he has to say about it I did not acknowledge you until you really started to bother me.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
  8. Carl

    Carl Kachow! VIP

    • Please post relevant information. Simply being a witness doesn't mean you can comment on the appeal.
    I was a witness to this and can say that @Squisher did nothing wrong in my opinion. And he was not harassing anyone of any sort.
  9. Carl

    Carl Kachow! VIP

    Fine @Agent A if you want me to prove evidence that Spud was being a toxic player saying that he was only "9" when his profile says he's 28, which in my opinion is lying to staff and trying to get attention.
  10. Squisher

    Squisher VIP

    @The Carlton™ Thats more of samurai warrior being toxic and harassing players.
  11. Carl

    Carl Kachow! VIP

    But it still shows Spud being toxic.
  12. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver


    After further investigation of your actions, you will be punished appropriately. Here's the reason why.

    You were spamming on the servers announcing who gave you points as well as asking who can outbid the previous player and despite others telling you to stop, you still chose to persist with these comments. This isn't the first time that you have been warned by the staff to stop with this kind of spam and you have been banned for this kind of action before. The evidence provided only demonstrates further problems of you not learning what you're doing wrong and not learning from your mistakes.

    Next, the harassment. While the evidence provided by @Enemy Below isn't punish anyone with a ban, this isn't the first time where you've exhibited such behavior on the servers. In fact, you're known to insult other players through these kinds of terms whenever you are on the servers and to be honest, you've gone too far. As a result, this will also be factored into your punishment.

    Finally, the deliberate false KOSing mentioned by @Spud . As we can see by the evidence provided by @irritatingness , you did choose to KOS the player and to add onto the situation, you chose to feign ignorance towards your involvement. I was given more evidence in regards to this situation, which will be shown below.


    Again, this isn't the first time you've been punished for this kind of toxic behavior before and there are other pieces of evidence that demonstrates your problems of adhering to our rules. Instead of pointing fingers at other players, it's time that you take responsibility for each of your actions. You will be given a 2 week global ban on our TTT servers after further consideration.

    This report has been found valid. Thank you for your report!

    Best Regards,
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