Approved T.w² | Rusty's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by T.w² | Rusty, Jun 10, 2017.

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  1. T.w² | Rusty

    T.w² | Rusty Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    T.w² | Rusty
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I did no harm to the server to be banned for 5 days. I was stopping others from body blocking.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I cannot prove any evidence because i was unfairly banned after i had already explained myself. We were playing on the train map of TTT. This map has bedrooms, in these bedrooms are walk in wardrobes. I walked into one (they are only wide enough to fit 1 person through at a time) I turned around, ready to leave. There was a player standing in front of me. I told him as follows:
    No response
    *I push him with my crowbar*
    *he pushes back, trapping me once again in the wardrobe*
    "Back up in 3, 2 ,1" i say, with my gun out.
    No response
    I try again in chat this time
    I unload onto him, killing him.
    Another person was standing behind him, watching this unfold.
    He begins to shoot at me. I fire at him, killing him. I identify both of the bodies and stand in the room, Thinking of how i will explain it. I see the guns of 2 people outside pointing inside. I tell them "I can explain, they were blocking me" I open the door, letting them see. They look upon, one of them being a detective. They say nothing. The innocent says "Scan them" I type in chat, my mic battery ran out from explanation "I KILLED THEM, THEY WERE BLOCKING" They stand there for a while, the innocent pulls out a Jihad, i hear it begin to go off, i run frantically, he cancels it at the last moment. At this point my game seems to crash, I boot Gmod back up, try to rejoin, and am greeted with this text:
    Banned for 5 days. (Go to to appeal)
    and that's where the story ends. I was very clearly banned for an unruly reason. And i should be unbanned

    Damn i sound like a whiny little bitch dont I? Sorry​
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
  2. neutral

    neutral VIP

  3. T.w² | Rusty

    T.w² | Rusty Member

    thx pops
  4. T.w² | Rusty

    T.w² | Rusty Member

    any continuation/reply?
  5. neutral

    neutral VIP

    Please remain patient. He'll reply as soon as he gets a chance.
  6. DieKasta

    DieKasta :Blackalien: Forever VIP

    You were originally banned for leaving before replying to a report.

    After a discussion over steam, I decided to unban you but not void your ban. In the future, try to notify the staff who are on the server with you at the time if your PC crashes.

    Appeal: Approved (not voided)
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