Name Backstory

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by andrewca79, May 31, 2017.

  1. andrewca79

    andrewca79 Malteser Forever VIP Silver

    So this is a thread I've been wanting to make for a while but never really got around to it. Basically, this is a thread where you share the story of how you came up with your IGN. This is mine:

    So my school was setting up a system where you can view your homework online and they randomly assigned usernames to the students which contained their name and part of their surname and then any 2 numbers. Mine turned out to be andrewca79. When I started playing video games I couldn't be bothered to think of a new name so I just used the one the school created for me.
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  2. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    There was an old thread on this so I'll go ahead and just port my story.

    I'm on the run from the chicago mafia, got to hide my name at all costs.
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  3. mae

    mae angelic VIP Emerald

    I've literally gone through so many names loool
    Lamb sounded really sweet to me and seemed fitting, kinda ironic cause I'm a rude lil shit.
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  4. Grim

    Grim VIP

    I just mashed random keys on my keyboard and got my current nick
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  5. Kyül

    Kyül Caged Bird VIP Bronze

    I think everyone knows me as Kyle
    Funny thing is that Kyle is not even my real name.

    My name is pretty similar, but with a different pronunciation. When I started playing with my English speaking buds a few years ago, they just couldn't pronounce it and started calling me Kyle as a joke... And well, here I am
    I stuck with Kyle cause I like it and its pretty simple ngl
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一

    (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一 Always Gray ︻デ═一 VIP

    Good thread. As most of the people know me as Atlas I will explain that one.

    Back in 2010 I was kicked out of Highschool for having a pocket knife. I was expelled for a whole year, no friends and it felt like no real support system. I faced a great advercity of challanges from getting back into school to graduating. I felt like the world was on my shoulders, crushing me under the weight of the labels that society had placed on me. I was a criminal, 16 with what could have been a felony but it was written off as a misdemeanor. I served my community service while taking online classes. Fast forward to a year later I had a hearing to get back into the public schools and all of the hard work i had done to overcome what society had made of me was nothing to them. Reluctantly I was accepted back into my district school but instead of taking it I opted to go to another school, I did not have a fresh start though, same county ... People knew my history. I worked harder then I ever had to rise above what I had become. 3 years after my expulsion from school I graduated with a 4.0 while holding down a full time job at wendys and going to college part time. When I was at my graduation it was the best moment of my life when I was awarded the presidential award for exelence for the entire county as well as named student of the year for 2012 and 2013. I had truely risen. As I shook the mans hand who expelled me. I looked them dead in the eye and I thanked him for treating me like a criminal ... For giving me the drive to prove that one mistake will not define me ... For putting the world on my shoulders.

    A lot of people referance the song "Atlas Rise" by Metallica as sort of a meme. Well for me it is more than a meme, it is the last 7 years of my life. Even today I walk with the world on my shoulders but under a different light. Instead of a criminal I am a father, a hard working employee and a voulenteer for one of the greatest communitys I have ever had the pleasure to be a part of. So one last time "ATLAS RISE!"
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  7. .shirt

    .shirt VIP

    andrew california 1979 (y)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Tups

    Tups VIP

    highschool gay ass nickname
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  9. Acnologia

    Acnologia modern desperado VIP Silver

    I'm obsessed with dragons.
    Fairy Tail was my first anime.
    Acnologia was the big bad villian who was a dragon slayer-turned-dragon.
    I have a similar skin tone to his human form.
    So I just made Acnologia my alias.

    Before Acnologia, my name used to be RN-G. It was originally RN since that's what everyone calls me irl. But then @Ravin made me change it since 3 letter english character rule.
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  10. Alex

    Alex VIP

    My Mom Forced Me To Have This Name.
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  11. Chris

    Chris Custom Title VIP Bronze

    Im just not very creative...
    • Creative Creative x 2
  12. Oh this is a good thread, so back in the old days of like 2010, when I was just a small kid, I played Roblox, I made an account called mastergoldfreak, from there about like a year or 2 later I got minecraft and I made the username Goldpika, I rocked this username until around Augest of 2015 when my microphone broke, so I renamed my self a meme, then after that meme I wanted something new, so I thought of my favorite orange juice, Simply Orange. So I combined the 2 and came up with Simply Pika, and never changed it since. And if you wondering why roblox is a matter, its where I got the Gold for Goldpika from.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  13. ECHO-6251

    ECHO-6251 The insectoid alien. VIP Silver

    My name is actually from a character that I created, that is in the SW universe, (Nerdy I know right?) Anyways it is the name or name that he chose to call himself, and then the numbers are his "assignment number". I.E he is/was a stormtropper, etc. (Don't want to get too much into it. Anyways it is just his name he gave himself, after he was "removed" from the FO. P.S. If you want to know more about it, PM me.
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  14. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    that's pretty creative, go ahead and hmu in a forum convo.
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  15. Siddo

    Siddo Banned VIP Bronze

    Hooooh boy, if I were less lazy :sleep: and tired :sleep: :sleep:
    I might have explained from start to finish in great detail, but since I am :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
    I'll keep it fairly short.

    I used to play Warcraft 3 a lot and it had a clan system. I joined an RP clan under an unrelated name.
    One night I was joking around as the edgy child I was and said I'd change my name to <clan tag>_outsider. And I did.
    Anywho, obviously nobody wanted to spell that out every time they talked to me, one of my better friends at the time started calling me Sid, which stuck to me since, but my name has had a few variations.
    After the clan fell apart I had to make a new account (WC3 doesn't allow name changes).
    So, since everyone called me Sid, I made my name TheSidster. Up until 2-3 years ago, that was my name on virtually anything online. But since I've grown up, I didn't wanna #objectify myself with 'The'... (actually I was tired of getting called Sister in games with voice chat....)

    Anywho, I considered making my alias Sid but it felt cold and short, so I made it Siddo 'cause it looks and sounds better.
    And here I am :LOL:
    • Informative Informative x 1
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  16. StrayHunter

    StrayHunter Emerald

    current one
    last one (StrayHunter) was stolen from the leaderboard of an mmofps, ill give you a cheek kiss if you find out which game it is
  17. Alex

    Alex VIP

    Planetside 1 or 2?
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  18. After 11 years of using the same name anywhere I went online, I knew it was time to change. I had to become someone else, I had to become something else. I like pizza. I like sci-fi. I like alliteration. There was no other choice. To my delight the name was unused and waiting for someone worthy enough to claim it. My name is Pizza Paradox, and I am the fattest man alive.
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  19. andrewca79

    andrewca79 Malteser Forever VIP Silver

    Do you watch Arrow?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一

    (ØČĐ)™ Atlas ︻デ═一 Always Gray ︻デ═一 VIP

    I want to hear this story trooper. Specificaly if it is a fan fiction of your own!