@BabyFace OP Let's start with the name; BabyFace OP? I don't remember babies having lips the size of whaling ships. FilteredFace OP would be more accurate. Besides being profound at getting a good angle and slapping a filter on your pics, you're also pretty decent at finding boring songs and slapping them on your profile. Still, I suppose it is better than posting all those edgy statuses you had to delete. This is the internet of course. If nobody knew how depressed you were, how would you ever manage to get donated Elite? I'm so sorry
Sorry, I'm a regular in Vanilla TTT and I just realize that I rarely visit the forums and thought it would be fun to go around and socialize outside the server.
Did you finally find a color you like, or are you hoping to pull a Disruptionz and become co-owner of DarkRP? Anna would be so disappointed. Shame because we all knew she would've been a better lead, so I guess Dev does suit you. You resigning was probably the most intelligent thing you've done. Well, it was certainly smarter than you working on a DarkRP server even though there was a majority of dislikes. But I am sure it will pay off in the long run