Invalid Report against Super Unhappy face/French Toast

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Wailord, Mar 19, 2017.

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  1. Wailord

    Wailord VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Super Unhappy face/French Toast
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 1
    Which Map:
    Not sure what it was called
    Which Round:
    not sure, maybe 2-3 rounds before map change
    Time of Occurence:
    5:00pm central
    Reason For Report:
    Power hungry mod literally just looking for reasons to slay me multiple times.

    I accidentally did 2 damage to someone and they said it was fine but the mod went ahead and still slayed me for the TWO DAMAGE and then he was the one that reported me for it. Even though no one cared.

    Also threatened to gag me because I burped into the mic on accident when I was about to say something.

    Overrall was just really making a lot of people angry in the server and was very hard to enjoy the game with him around having that sort of power.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

    There are more screen shots of the incident. Kpeller is the guy who I damaged for TWO whole damage. and he didnt care.

    STEAM_0:1:70048869 his name is Aeverotious said he will testify against the mod as well​
  2. Sith Master

    Sith Master An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal Banned Gold VIP Emerald

  3. SuperUnHappyFace

    SuperUnHappyFace The worker VIP

    I've seen this and will respond when i can.
  4. Sith Master

    Sith Master An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal Banned Gold VIP Emerald

  5. Wailord

    Wailord VIP

    sorry i asked what to do in shout box and french toast made it seem like he was the same guy. i apologize
  6. SuperUnHappyFace

    SuperUnHappyFace The worker VIP

    Okay so let's get down to the report. as you said in this report you damaged someone and i reported you for it yes it was 2 damage but it was still rdm on our servers, I understand that the player was okay with it but i am not able to let players forgive for rdm.
    As for the gagging of other players and telling you i will gag you if you continue to burp in your mic yes i did warn you for this and did gag another player for burping in their mic, I also gagged the other player for using his harmonica over mic seeing i just warned him for burping as well.

    As i said in game, as a staff member we are expected to look in the logs for unreported damage and report it and for the burping in your mic it was not a accident you held down your mic for a few second and then i did warn you for it, If for some reason i was wrong and you did burp in your mic on accident, I only warned you for it to not do it again. After i had warned you a few other players felt like doing it as well and got gagged after i warned again over mic a few time to not burp over the mic.

    I will leave the rest up to my admin @Han Solo
  7. Wailord

    Wailord VIP

    it was the tone in your voice when you warned me for accidentally burping into my mic. you didn't warn anyone it sounded like a threat which is why you put so many people on edge because everyone was very put off by the harsh threatening tone in your voice. also that should not be a rule about the damage thing.. it was only 2 damage and the guy didn't even care, that is so wrong to where the player doesnt have the ability to just forget it and move on.
    i've never seen a mod punish someone for that. and it happened AFTER i accidentally burped into the mic by the way so it very much seemed like you were acting on spite and not as a mod.
  8. Han

    Han       VIP

    Hi Wailord / Caucasian Persuasion. I'd like to go over a few things you have said in this report before making my verdict.

    My moderator has provided me with a recording of this incident. As far as threats go, he said "Next person to do it, you will be gagged. Simple as that. I've already warned you." 'It' in this instance refers to burping into a microphone. While this line may fall into a threat by definition, I see nothing wrong with it as Super was not being offensive or rude, but as instead giving a clear and concise warning to what would happen if people burped into their mics, which can fall into micspam. Furthermore, while giving the warning, his voice was certainly not harsh or threatening.

    The damage rule has been in place for a long time on our servers. While admins and above can use their discretion not to slay people in cases such as this, moderators are required to place a slay, even if the victim does not forgive. If you would like to know more about this topic, feel free to search it on our forums, as there have been a fair amount of post on the subject.

    I don't have much to say about the first section except that mods do slay for low damage frequently. I am sure many staff and players here could attest to this. In regards to your second point, Super doesn't have the right to decide whether to slay you or not. Going ahead with the slay means he was acting as a moderator. While he could have reached out to an admin to discuss the potential of no slay, this is his choice, and he chose not to do so in this scenario.

    In conclusion, I will be marking this report invalid against Super. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me on the forums.

    Report invalid, thread locked.
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