Due to a new bug that's been discovered, players are constantly blocking doors with couches which also causes the couch to glitch and damage or kill players even by touching it. Better than deleting the couches.
This is really needed, one couch can pretty much make a good sized portion of the map inaccessible. In addition it is hard to find out who did it, even with staff on unless someone happened to record it the person can't get in trouble.
Even easier would be to just use the same functions the server is using for other map changes like the innomotel boxes that spawn, I'd just freeze all the couches, personally at round start, much easier and less laggy. @Chai could I see that code or write my own?
I'll tell you this much. Disabling the motion of props or in other words, freezing them can be rather ineffective in this case. The problem itself is not with the prop, rather the physics engine doing. It is attempting to crush the prop however the prop itself does not have a breakable model, hence it will never break. For example, if you put a wooden crate or a banana(any type of breakable model) and jam them in between a rotating door. The prop would instantaneously break upon contact and the physics bug would have never occur in the first place. The solution is pretty simple and it should be able to resolve all these issues all at once, once and for all.
The map specific bugs I had was the couches on terrortrain and props in the teleporter on 67thway, if you could fix those i'd be so excited . But what are you going to do, just make the props breakable, I honestly figured freezing it would be easier since you cant unfreeze props in ttt to my knowledge.
Oh, then you should be allowed to just blast them. Give them a fair warning and if they wish to not cooperate. Then they should have the right to BLAST them.
We'd just implemented a fix for this today. We appreciate if the community would keep an eye on the fix as it may causes any unexpected behaviour. It's of course our best interest to keep everything working as intended, so please file bug reports if you've encountered one. As far as I'm aware of currently, 67th way is still affected by this prop blocking exploit.
theres something like this on roy the ship where you jam a vending machine in the door and it spazzes it and it can do massive damage
It would be very much appreciated if you could pm me the details and screenshots to replicate the exploit.