Invalid Report against Hyper, Falcor

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by AWildSqueekMelon, Mar 10, 2017.

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  1. AWildSqueekMelon

    AWildSqueekMelon Active Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Hyper, Falcor
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Multiple Maps
    Which Round:
    Multiple Rounds and Maps
    Time of Occurence:
    1900 to 2000
    Reason For Report:
    Let me start off with Hyper, Hyper in my opinion is a very bad mod who is incessant at muting people for saying the N word. On my time on the server (1900 to 2000 approx) Hyper seemed to have devoted most of his attention to people saying the N word, quite deliberately. Including myself, I admit to this because I only did it to get his attention which was something quite hard to do.

    The overall story begins when Hyper RDM's. He kills himself (this is late round) and slays himself. Around a minute later Hyper leaves before another round starts. This counts as "Rdm and Leave" though I couldn't expect this to apply to mods or admins ofcourse! Hyper came back, nothing much was said though everyone knew what Hyper did to get out of trouble. Hyper, then began to be ruthless at muting people who said the N word. More than this, he muted people who said "Faggot" or homophobic words. Hyper only occasionally dealt with RDM and seemed to have devoted all of her/his attention towards muting people who were quite deliberately saying the N word.
    We then begin to RTV nearly every map we picked random at the end of the round/map because the maps that we got were bad, so this added to the mass RTV. This happened around three times before we came onto 67th way. Hyper did not deal with the mass group trolling, instead, he just left us be. He/She went radio silent for quite a time and didn't even tell us to stop. I admit to rtving. I do, which angers me (I'll get onto this) Once we got onto 67th way, The RTV stopped. We started playing rounds. It wasn't until the 2nd round I believe that Falcor joined. Falcor banned AWildSharkie, AWildLucy, MiGGo (and some more people I can't remember their names) for 4 weeks for group trolling. This is where I got angry, because the entire server did it, atleast 22 people did it and half of that encouraged it, including me because these maps we got were horrendous. Falcor had nitpicked and targetted these people for bans. MiGGO did not encourage RTV troll even though he did RTV, he infact told us to stop verbally because it was annoying, This was on Clue, though we all said MiGGo was our leader, and spammed MiGGo to You: RTV RTV RTV even though he never said such a thing. 4 weeks is a long punishment for something people only half did.

    Summary: (please read all of the above though)
    1) Hyper RDMed, slayed himself though left before the slay took place, then he did not take the slay when he rejoined.
    2) Falcor banned people who did not take part in the mass RTV as much as other people. Falcor had targetted to an extent (4 weeks I mean seriously)
    3) Hyper didn't pay attention to RDM instead put most of his attention on muting people who deliberately said the N word to get his attention.
    4) As far as I know RTVing every map for 3/4 rounds is not a 4 weeks ban.

    EDIT1) I did say N word to get Hypers attention which was something hard to do
    EDIT2) The people banned were banned globally Edit3) For 4 weeks​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. Mellow

    Mellow Taking it easy VIP



    While I feel the bans were a bit unjust on some parts, and that the whole ''group trolling'' thing should require warnings like other discretion based rules (harassment), I feel Hyper was doing the best she could on the server and muting people for saying specific words should be nothing new.

    I'm saying this because I'm tagged in this post and was present at the time. I dont agree that Hyper is a bad moderator, just that the way group trolling is handled right now is odd.
  4. I 100% agree with this report. It seems hyper is only doing this job for the fun of it, not actually trying to help this community like mods are supposed too. And yes, she did slay herself, but then left,rejoined, and didnt take the slay. isnt that classified as rdm and leave? Or does she think shes immortal to punishment? Taking everything into consideration, it seems like this is the case with Hyper. She is a bad mod, who should be removed from the staff team immediately.

    I would write a longer reply, but i dont think theres any point wasting my time with hyper, as she doesnt take time doing reports, and actually obeying the rules of this server, she is just ruining its reputation, deterring players from joining this wonderful community which has sadly been ruined by Hyper. She hasent obeyed the rules of the server most of the time, and the only time she does, is when someone in a higher position than her, is on the server.

    And now, Falcor. Yes, she is quite a good lead admin, but she gave me a 4 weeks global ban, for what? RTVing 2 maps I generally disliked? Or maybe it was for me asking what words were allowed on the server. Im guessing Hyper exaggerated it, and thats what led to me getting banned, as a lwad admin would probably take a mods word over the general user. Which,yes, I would do the same in falcors position. But the 4 weeks global ban, was generally uncalled for. There was no need for it. Did Hyper ever say "stop mass rtving", or "stop spamming the chat"? No she didnt. Maybe if she had told me that i was disturbing the server with my chat messages, I wouldve stopped. However she didnt, so i considered my chat messages to not be called spam. And where did "group trolling"? come from? I did nothing of the sort. I admit maybe the words i put in chat were quite rude, but a 4 wks global ban was not required for the events that had taken place. I would take a week ban(local) without any arguments, but 4 weeks is just overkill, its like bringing an death machine to a fist fight.

    All in all, I do think Hyper should be demoted(if not, she shouldnt be considered for admin.ever.), as she is slowly ruining this servers reputation and deterring players from joining back, one by one. Falcor does do a good job as lead admin, but shouldnt ban you straight away because a mod says so.
  5. AWildSqueekMelon

    AWildSqueekMelon Active Member

    How interesting that you are banned for 3 active warning points just as soon as you reply on my forum report?
  6. Antoni

    Antoni Member

    One thing I know is, that you should get banned aswell..
    maybe Hyper was busy collecting proofs and calling a higher up to deal with the stupidity.

    here are some screenshots from you trolling aswell.
    after 3-4 maps rtving a new map you've started a new one:

    • "oh god.. rtv now please"
    "must rtv"

    • "RTV.. overused map"

    • New Map and you were starting it again:

    • Once we got onto 67th way, The RTV stopped:
    from the screenshot you can assign the background to the map 67th clearly. you were starting a rtv on 67th way.
    "RTV for dayas" on 67th

    • starting a vote on other map before..
    and saying "RTV squad"
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
  7. AWildSqueekMelon

    AWildSqueekMelon Active Member

    For the first 2 images) Explained in the post

    For the last 3 images) Is one single person saying !RTV qualify as group trolling?
  8. Hyper ✿

    Hyper ✿ peace lata VIP Bronze

    I have seen this and I will respond ASAP.
  9. Solar

    Solar El Dorado VIP

    I'll be tagging @Opalium as well for this one.
  10. Hyper ✿

    Hyper ✿ peace lata VIP Bronze

    Hello AWildSqueekMelon and thank you for taking the time to report my lead admin and I on the forums as it helps to ensure a better server. Let's get right into it.

    The Story
    You may think that I am a bad moderator but I respect your opinion/claim because we got off on the wrong foot. The reason for this claim leaves me a little puzzled. "who is incessant at muting people for saying the N word." Yes, this is a true claim, I mute people for saying the N word with the hard "er". As every other moderator on a server should do and already does. You also claim that I devoted most of my attention to people doing this and to a certain effect, this is also true. Because of the sheer overuse of this word, of course, I would have to focus more on chat because I would not want such an offense to go unwarranted. As for the slay, I did RDM someone accidentally as I was holding out a harpoon when I went into the ulx menu to put a warning command in chat. Unfortunately, I double clicked the X button and threw that harpoon straight at a player. This was an accident, nobody is perfect and that does not make someone a bad moderator or a toxic player. What makes someone credible is admitting to their wrong doing and taking the punishment as a penalty. I slew myself in chat right after it happened and apologized to the player on mic. As for the true reality of this claim, it was false. You could probably hear on the mic that there were many false and trolly accusations that I should had to auto-slay myself 5 times or that I did not take the slay. Below, I have attached 2 screenshots showing when I issued my slay and when I took it. As you probably also saw in the 2 appeals that I handled, I had a master post of the chat logs in an Imgur link that will be at the end of this reply which shows my presence throughout the whole round. If I were to leave and rejoin, a message (like shown in the first screenshot in the master post) will welcome you to the server which was not present anywhere in those logs of chat. As I said before, due to the overload of rulebreaking in chat, I was forced to pay a little more attention to chat and mic which, indeed, did slow down my time on reports, but every single report was handled, as well as unreported damage. I also received some assistance from Falcor during the whole ordeal so I had the time to go through screenshots and gather evidence for these pretty hefty bans. Pertaining to the RTV, this was a misconception many took out of context. The ban was NOT for the RTV spam. Rather, it was for the chat spam and trollish behaviour as a whole. MiGGo's involvement in this report is a little irrelevant, but all that was done that day was warranted. All information relating to those bans can be found in the 2 appeals and Imgur linked at the end of this reply. As a side note, saying the N word to get my attention did not help the problem at hand. It only added to it, but I appreciate your honesty.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I will leave this up to my admin, Han Solo, to decide whether my part of the report is within reason. Falcor is only involved in the ban portion of this report and such concerns were handled in the appeals. Nevertheless, I will retag Opalium, Highwon, and Disruptionz for their input.

    A master-post of the history of chat during my time on is in the link as follows. Some may be offended by the racial/homophobic slurs, so please tread carefully. Start from the second screenshot and go down until the bottom. The first screenshot posted is the last part of the logs (Converting it all to Imgur was a horror). Let me know if there is any confusion. It took about 25-30 minutes to screenshot all of the chat through fast map changes on EU2 so I apologize for any blurriness or confusion.
    Thank you and have a nice day!
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2017
  11. AWildSqueekMelon

    AWildSqueekMelon Active Member

    Was 67th way RTVED? No. Infact, half the server were gone after the bannings, that is people leaving too.
  12. Han

    Han       VIP

    Hey @AWildSqueekMelon. I've read through your report and below I will be addressing the summary points you make. I've nixed the third point as that is related to Falcor.

    My moderator has provided screenshots that refute this claim. While Hyper did RDM someone, he fully served the slay and did not leave the server in attempt to circumvent punishment.

    It is necessary at times to swap priorities. By your own words, he was focusing on people "who deliberately said the N word to get his attention." While Hyper admits this focus caused him to finish reports slower, this is excusable when you consider the stuff going on in chat and mic.

    Hyper has stated in his response that the bans for group trolling were not due to the RTVing, but the constant racial slurs in chat. The imgur album he linked contains evidence of this.

    In conclusion, my moderator handled these situations appropriately and wisely. Group trolling normally includes a global ban, so it should be fairly obvious why that is a higher priority than one or two slays. I will be marking the report against Hyper as invalid, although the thread will remain unlocked until the other section of this report is handled. If you have any questions, please contact me.
  13. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hi SqueekerMelon,

    Hyper and Han have broke down their perspectives and understanding of what happened on the server this day.
    I will explain my side of the bans being issued.
    Hyper has linked a master post of a good amount of chat this day. When hyper came to me seeking trolling bans, I was given about 5-10 ss of chat spam, harassment and general trolling in chat. (examples of this are in the link above)
    It was evident there were multiple people causing issues on the server. Due to this I had hopped on the server and issued the general Group Trolling ban, to the main offenders in my initial screenshots.
    As Hyper mentions the RTV trolling was not the major cause of issuing these bans initially, although it did add to the situation and made it more toxic environment for many on the server.
    After I issued the Bans Hyper then was gathering the rest of his evidence while discussing his reasoning with those who were banned.

    Once Hyper was done with his full evidence it was sent my way. I then began discussions with the players since I now had a bigger picture of what happened on the server.
    I have discussed with these players how actions like spamming the n word, antagonizing people, and continuously copy and pasting chat, while several others are causing issues and trolling can be viewed as Group Trolling, regardless if friends or not.
    It only adds to the toxicity. There was no nitpicking or targeting when I issued the bans as everyone was initially banned for the same length.
    After having discussions with the players and seeing how actions can be viewed especially in a negative environment, It is understood how a few poor choices can be seen worse then intended.
    Players bans were removed and issued warnings instead. Was handled relatively soon after being issued.
    Hope this clears it up for you.

    If you have an questions feel free to send me a message
    Thank You,
  14. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver

    Hey. I will be handling Falcor's side in this report on behalf of Highwon due to time constraints on his side.

    Anyway, seeing as the matter has already been discussed between Falcor and the accused players, there isn't much to add. There is no doubt that the actions taken by the group in question here is questionable at best and unacceptable at worst. By going through the hefty amount of screenshots provided by Hyper, it's not difficult to see that the behavior of these players is not something we welcome in our servers. Spamming, deliberately saying things we do not allow, and everything else the evidence portrait - there's not need to get into why these aren't accepted, obviously.
    Considering the evidence clearly shows what Falcor describes in her response, I can safely say she did her job as required and did not break any protocols. I agree, however, that the length of the bans initially given can be questioned, but this matter was already resolved between the parties. We're also going to discuss this case within the administration to formalize a more clear protocol for the Group Trolling rule.
    To sum it up: Falcor did not break any rules or protocols, and thus I am marking her side in the report as INVALID.
    This also wraps up the report, so I will be locking this thread. If you have any questions or concerns, you are welcome to start a forum conversation with me and raise them there.

    Thank you for your time.
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