Make the top of the Nether a PVP an accessible, PVP-safe area

Discussion in 'Minecraft Suggestions' started by Juice Juice™, Feb 27, 2017.


Would you want the Nether top to become a building zone like in this thread?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Yes, if Modified

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  1. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    It's a giant building space that people want to and can get to easily. It's been part of Minecraft and the nether for so long, I'd say its integral to the experience for some people, and it's just a nice way we can bring parts of the community together without risking exploits or interfering with any player area. Adding a portal in the market, or selling access to it like another perk, would expand the game for many player, and create another something that I *think* would be unique for our server.

    Common Negatives
    There are a handful of *Unfair* advantages or problems that the top of the nether can bring, but I am fairly certain they are easily addressed.
    First off, lag machines can be created. However, those are already against the rules, and surely there is a way to create a double, triple, quadruple, or however many layers thick of bedrock high in the sky to prevent people from going to far.
    Another problem I heard mention is the gold farms. Not only are these already possible in the lower parts of the nether, but this is one of the slower ways to gather money, and it can be fixed entirely by lowering the cost of gold. And even if there is no fix for it, there needs to be more ways for newcomers to make money anyway.
    Then, the only true advantage (other than building space) that the top of the nether brings is almost endless mushroom harvesting. But, with the incredible cheapness that bones go for, someone that just joined the server could probably buy a thousand, and if you find a shaded area you have nearly infinite mushrooms anyways.


    Many people have been wanting for a long time to have a safezone where people can come together and build. There are no resources (other than mushrooms) that you can gather on the top of the nether. You'll still have to go to the overworld to get materials. Disable spawners and you'll have to go there to get food as well, since you can't farm without water. It would be a place people can build together as a community, showing off their work and resources, without having to worry about getting stabbed all the time, and it wouldn't require a separate world to do it.

    Edit: Are people not reading this all the way through? Because it has zero impact on the actual pvp events of the server, and the only other impact on the server is there are going to be slightly less structures in the overworld, considering people who would use this would already hide during the night cycle anyway, you still have to build in the overworld to farm, and if you make it so claims dont reach downward, no impact in the nether.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2017
    • Disagree Disagree x 5
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
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    • Creative Creative x 1
  2. I don't think we should have it as a "safezone". recently we just had the pvp day and night cycle added to the server. If you really want to have some sort of safe zone community, I think it would be fun and exciting to all take shelter during the night and help each other out with mining or building (If you're willing to take the risk outside). Then when day comes, everyone can go around and have fun and not worry about people killing each other in a community/town etc. Although recently discussed with the top of the nether being off limits or not, in my opinion it would be a step too far to make it a no pvp zone.

    As good of an idea that it is, I feel like the top of the nether still has a few problems with players going up there and creating large bases etc. Large claims can interfere with the nether below the surface, giving a disadvantage to the people who just want to mine or find forges and blaze spawners (if enough people start living up there in close proximity, I could see this turning into a problem).

    It would be fun to have a building area without any obstacles at the top of the nether. But, I could definitely see someone on the server with lots of claim blocks and materials making a plot grid to sell to players for a space to build whatever they'd like in the overworld. Obviously while still having the survival aspect of it while also making a community at the same time without any restrictions like spawners being turned off or no water.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  3. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    I am sure there is a way to make sure claims stay to that upper layer. Beyond that, it would give a playerbase that is in desperate want for NO pvp a chance to build how they want, without any actual advantages, just a place where people can build openly and share their designs and creations. This would be the perfect compromise for what those players, and future players that don't want anything to do with PVP, as well as players that just want to build and show off. It's an unused space, and just giving free access to it without restriction doesn't really help anyone.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  4. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    It'd be slightly hypocritical if we make this okay when we have a rule against block glitching
    • Agree Agree x 4
  5. I'm still staying with what I said before, we JUST recently got the day night cycle where it's peaceful during the day. The end and nether should still stay the same, with PvP on. I feel like the Day/Night PvP cycle should be enough for the people who dislike pvp and would rather build. I understand you've been a bit of a target on the server sometimes due to your past attitude towards people killing you but even if the top of the nether is allowed for players, there shouldn't be a safe haven for people to run to when they see another player in the world. You already have your home that can keep you safe (if there aren't any obvious ways to easily get in). I feel like taking this extra step to add no pvp to the nether surface is just a way to make sure people don't come and kill you fairly if you're not prepared or have an opening in your home or tping someone in. That's not survival.

    Overall it would unbalance the PvP players and the peaceful players, giving the peaceful players an upper hand as it is with the recent changes to PvP on top of it. If you're really that determined to have a server where there's no PvP. Then, I'm not sure if this is the place for you as the staff and devs want to appeal to all sides of the server that would make things fair for everyone.

    (I'm not saying you shouldn't play on the server, I'm just saying that if you truly despise PvP and are always constantly playing in fear. Even with the recent additions, then maybe a more gentle server would do you well if it's troubling you to the point where you need a place you know people can't touch you.)
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  6. Puggehh

    Puggehh New Member

    I'm pretty sure being on top of the nether is considered an exploit, as it requires you to block glitch through to get on top of the nether so technically speaking you're breaking a rule which is a big no no.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    Which is why we would have a portal or command linking us to the top of the nether. It would in essence be an additional, special zone.
  8. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    And what's wrong with the current creative mode?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Puggehh

    Puggehh New Member

    it would still cause many issues if it was allowed and everyone did it far to many claims meaning below would be a mess to find where you can and can't dig up stuff.
  10. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    For one, isn't it still unavailable to people? For another, a lot of people, myself included, like to show off the work they have done, both in resource gathering and in the actual construction.

    Like I mentioned above, claims can be changed so they don't affect anything beneath them
  11. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    This is completely different from my earlier complaints, and has nothing to do with them. The top of the nether has NO USE as of now, and saying it will give peaceful players a special advantage is like saying creative mode gives them an advantage. The literal only advantage is mushrooms and the fact you can build wide, open structures. In what way is this a bad thing, at all?
    ESPECIALLY considering how the new day-and-night cycle has been put in place, name one actual advantage to building in the top?
  12. neutral

    neutral VIP

    This already exists. Creative. You're actually safer since hunger isn't a factor here.

    Rather than opening an area that has a possibility of affecting the survival section, I would be more open to lowering the requirements of opening the creative game world to new players. This would solve nearly every negative that you posted, while retaining the positives.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    A lot of people don't want to build in creative, myself and my group included.
  14. neutral

    neutral VIP

    Why? It describes literally everything you posted. To be more convincing for a dev to work on it I think an argument greater than "I don't wanna.." is going to be needed...
    • Like Like x 1

  15. You can vote 50 times in order to unlock the creative world or you can donate even to the smallest degree of $10 in order to access it.

    Although I wouldn't doubt that the devs can make it so claims don't go from top to bottom in the nether, I feel like it would sort of be wasted effort. Not to mention it taking painstakingly long to rewrite everything for it. Like people who have built below the nether surface and claimed their build, what would happen to them and their claim? Wouldn't it still go through the top? And would people complain that someone's taking up space and not using it if people were allowed to access the top of the nether.

    Back to the PvP portion, from my experience I've only been killed 2 times on this server, once because I was near another player's home. I've moved since then and rarely anyone has been around my home. You shouldn't need special permissions to have no PvP in the nether surface, you can go by fine without it to be honest. If you really want to express yourself and build whatever you'd like, flatten out some land and make what you want, you have everything you're asking for besides the no PvP. I feel like the community has went over this a few times and I believe that the no PvP 24/7 is sorta out of the question at this point.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  16. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    How about
    1. It will provide another unique aspect to our server for people to enjoy and for us to advertise
    2. It will please a large multitude of people that either want to build on the top of the nether or want a public safe space to build, as mentioned in several other threads
    3. It has no downside other than mushrooms, which is so insignificant an advantage I only mention it because someone would complain if I didn't.
    4. People like to show off the skill/effort or requires to build expensive buildings. Creative doesn't let you do that.
    5. It will keep people from breaking the rules, and a rule that is almost impossible to properly enforce at that.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  17. Juice Juice™

    Juice Juice™ VIP Emerald Bronze

    Unless I am way off, and someone with a better understanding with coding can correct me, this is actually an incredibly easy thing to adjust and write. Like, easy enough I could do it, and I believe I've seen other variations of the claims mod that already have something like this (just not for the nether).

    The pvp portion really isnt as important, and I have no diea why you are so focused on it. Right now, this isn't even allowed. Exactly what harm would keeping people from PVP bring? What harm would any of this bring? Because right now, all you're saying is "We shouldn't have this because we shouldn't"

    Edit: The top of the nether is just wasted space right now, and it is space that is considered by many to be the most prized building space on any server.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  18. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Build stuff in the overworld. Should be easy enough to clear a patch of flat ground

    Creative is also an incentive to donate/vote. If we give everyone access, that that would remove that major incentive

    Also, you can tp people to you in Creative, and claim land, and place water, and you can't build gold farms. It's the better option in literally every way

    This is and will always be against the rules.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. I'm focused on the PvP portion because that's literally the main point of the thread :ROFLMAO:
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
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