Looking ahead of time for a three man group for the next set of placement matches. I'd like to aim for at least a 9 win run. So i'd like to get practice in as a team asap. Last season I hovered around 2900 SR. I play Zen, Lucio, Rein, Sym, and am learning Pharah. I can also do a passable soldier, but who can't? I like moonlit dinners, long walks on the beach, and making love by candle light. Hit me up.
Even if it's not, I'll still be pretty happy. We needed another tank like Reinhardt that can hold their own. Zarya is more of a support tank while Dva and Road were dps tanks.
My speculation is that its a giant tank robot thing that fights doomfist "1v1 quickscopes me m8 u noob git gud" and then there's an epic cinematic and we all scream b/c 2 new tank heroes!
I think I am like 2-6 in placements right now I knew I shouldn't of started on the first day. Especially when I have games like this http://prnt.sc/een2jp turn it around go 2-2 and still lose.
I think its good that bastion is viable however his armour makes him to strong. I've noticed with blizzard though that anything with high armour is considered OP take season 3 dva for example nerfed because of her high armour.