Your In Game Nickname: VolnuesYour Steam ID: Server: WestWhy you should be unbanned: I was killed by jigat for the supposed reason of "GBA" but I did not not see that "SHIRT" was burning a body I was in the other room and I heard somebody getting shot at so I Re entered the room to find shirt had been killed, which was when jigat came in and killed me. I called him a cunt because I knew his accusation was complete bullshit and he was only getting away with it because he was a moderator, then the map changed I was kicked so I came back on and "jokingly" said just give me the points and we'll call it even, to which then he bans me for harassment I'm sorry if I offended a grown man but I think banning me for harassment is a cop out because you don't want to admit that you were wrongEvidence of Innocence: I think it's really pathetic that the staff of this server act so immaturely when confronted with vulgar language, harassment is me going on your steam profile and accosting you after the fact not swearing at you because you took my T round from me for idiotic reasons
All staff members have a life outside of gaming like most people on the forums. Your ban has expired so I'm gonna close this and lock it up. If either @Volnues or @Jigat have any questions, you may message me through forums!