What I want: To alter the RDM rule so that mass RDM only counts if you RDM 3 people in /1 round/ Why: If you killed someone on accident shouldn't it only count for one round, wasn't the standard punishment 1 slay for a round?
Accidental RDM is still RDM and if we were to follow your rule we would have way more RDMing than we got now since people then could kill 2 people each round and get away with it -1
Kill 2 people one round, wait 2 rounds, rinse and repeat. It would be an endless loop, and so long as you dont kill more than 3 people you will never get banned. What's the point of even punishing rdm then?
i was taken as a mass rdmer even though i get on the server every day showing I clearly want to be there
You can appeal the ban here if it is still active. I still don't think the rule need to change but I understand it can be a bit lame if you got banned for accidental RDM.
Mass RDM isn't necessarily restricted to a two round limit. <Edit> Quotation marks, Pacifist! Quotation marks!
its very gay yes, agent a is literally hitler and doesnt even let anyone explain themselves personal vendetta aside if something like this is already in the rulebooks then im ok with it
yes and time i got banned i didnt receive any slays hence the 'mass rdm'. these rdm's were spread over numerous rounds/reports of an admin not being there onthe server at the time
If you are banned for Mass RDM before you have served any slays you won't get them as you can not be both slayed 3 times and banned(if you RDM three times before you have been slayed 3 times ofc)