I bake them all the time and they're great.
@Rare Endangered Spycrab This guy enjoys pressing the "dumb" rating because he is just to lazy to actually leave an a proper rating. Along with several other people I won't care to name
I am rating all your fucking garbage image macros dumb as they are unnecessary and clog up the fourms for me on my phone. Those image macros are just trash and rude (some of them)
Go to my profile. I would link it but my name already does that. Just look at my ratings and you'll understand
There ya go. But I've already said I would stop posting here so I'm gonna start staring by my word now Also. It spams my inbox dammit
Sounds like whatever it is you are doing to get those ratings is either stupid or just plain unwanted. lol It's honestly not that hard to appeal to others.