100% Transparency

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Python~, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    He's "Mr. Suggestion" lol

    @Steve Mason what do you have to say about the potential damage the people who were demoted could have done before-hand, like hello my friend? Do you think it would've back fired on highwon had he not demoted the 20 people?

    Also do you feel like it's going to happen anyway?

    edit: didnt mean to say that all 20 were demoted.
  2. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    If @Highwon couldn't be anymore of a scumbag, he decides to "leak" the person responsible for mason and proper's bans, something he promised would stay private. A position I was forced into by him.


    What a great guy, huh? But guess he won't ban himself for leaking cause he only bans people when it benefits him.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2017
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  3. Cirtex

    Cirtex Well-Known Member

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  4. Cirtex

    Cirtex Well-Known Member


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  5. Steve Mason

    Steve Mason Honesty. VIP

    No one did any damage before hand. This all was spurred from last night. Only a handful people were "demoted" (with baseless evidence/reasoning.) the rest all resigned. I think this community is big enough to survive since there are people who care about this community. But everything that happened last night was to help the owner realize how wrong he is with almost everything.

    What hello did was stupid and just got carried away, he's a great guy and better than that. Everything is backfiring already on Highwon and I'm just waiting to see him reply to my earlier post. The staff members that knew this firsthand resigned last night and those that stayed are here to just play and have fun. They think that these decisions don't impact them but they'll learn eventually.
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  6. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Needed to say a few things about your post, just to get some history in on some of the events that expanded even into my time as staff.

    -Anna's activity has been up and down since I was staff, it was actually discussed multiple times when I was still around about demoting her, and it wasn't just about inactivity. Hell I probably have screenshots of it on my external HD if you want proof.

    -Wasn't Ragman and Hello my friend 2 of her "prized" admins? heh. Also lets not forget that, sure, training unleashes a good part of someones potential, but the person determines whether they are fit for a higher position from the start, lets not discredit the people who came in with the right skills.

    -There's also a huge history with Rogers, and he was understandably kept on a very short lease due to these past issues, it's all over the forums if you wish to look it up, or you could try to ask Darktooth or Rogers himself for more of that.

    -Again, we all don't have all the information of what went down, based on what happened not that long ago, the "Europe" trip probably played a big role in this.

    -I wouldn't say he's getting support because hes the "owner" but more so he's getting support because the "Uprising" group fucked up their support by doing idiotic things that caused grief and anger in the rest of us who had no idea what was going on, or was on the fence of who to support, sure it was just a small percent of your group that did stupid shit, but it reflects on all of you, especially when you laughed at it as it went down, instead of calling them out for their bullshit at the time.
    -You're also the main reason that I couldn't back your group, our talk in TS after you banned me from shoutbox where you said I was fueling the fire, yet allowed you're buddies to continue to do so with the reply "He got demoted, highwons dealing with it" really showed me that you had a biased view in it all instead of doing your job and delivering equal punishment to all instead of just those that called out your buddies.

    -Everyone showed how unprofessional and immature they could be last night, some more than others, and I was impressed at how some (@Mr. Rogers) have changed from the past and able to keep things in check for the most part (I'm glad to see that rogers, it shows some real improvement, and no sarcasm is here, I'm actually impressed).

    -The community has seen the "Real" Highwon several times, that pastebin that people were trying to spread was met with the same response "That shit is old, seen it a thousand times". and again, the mob mentality really killed most of the support you could have had, pretty much think of it as the last U.S.A election, you have Trump or Hillary, choose the lesser of 2 evils.
    -You may also want to learn from Highwons tactics, pushing people and forcing them to support the uprising, or beating down on people who are trying to fix the community isn't the way to do it, thanking people for the support, trying to keep it civil after the fact "I greatly appreciate that and am thankful for all the support." and overall trying to keep a decent tone to it all to talk about it more is the way to do it, and yes, you are doing it, but you may want to send some messages toward those who aren't.
    -You may also want to read posts to the fullest as Highwon did apologize "I also want to take this time to apologize for my behavior in the shout box as I went against the advise of my leads/advisors to stay out of the shout box during this time. I should have known better and only have myself to blame."

    Anyways, that's all I really have to say about this, shit went down, some of you are trying to destroy a place that so many others hold dear and expect full support because of the "Corrupt tyrannical owner!" but you won't get it, not with your tactics, as for those who are stepping up to the place and taking the abuse for trying to fix this shitstorm and applying and becoming staff, you're the ones who deserve the respect.
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  7. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    I respect your view on this and can agree with you on the fact that almost half of the staff team united together against @Highwon . There's apparent communication issues that I haven't seen since last time I was staff back in May. Highwon needs to listen to you guys, but I feel like the staff team (keyword: TEAM) needs to come together instead of dividing the whole community in half.

    I'm just gonna go play TTT and forget about all this BS.
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  8. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    It seems you're not understanding the full extent of this situation and again basing your opinions on the little you do know. Anna has been on her way out of the door for a while now. She wasn't disagreeing with me last week when I notified Opalium to demote her. She wasn't disagreeing with me more than a month ago when I was telling CD to demote her either. Nothing has changed except the fact that Opalium gave her a week to increase her hours but she failed to do so. But sure, just keep ignoring the fact that Anna was being demoted regardless of if she was agreeing with me or not.

    Rogers was an admin and Sinz was a previous lead admin in the moderator position so when they go say things to the effect of "Anna was sugarcoating her demotion" when Anna stated it was because she didn't staff during christmas due to her dying mother, then people will take their word as the official stance of the server. I can't have staff members making those claims on our behalf and I have every right to demote them when they do so. If I find a staff member causing more damage than good to the reputation of the staff team, they will be dealt with appropriately. Does that make sense to you?

    I didn't ban Rogers or Sinz for making those claims, I merely demoted them for saying those things publicly when the extent of their words was far more damaging than the actual truth. Rogers has been disciplined by Kyogre multiple times for the things he was saying publicly in the shoutbox as an admin so he should have known better. Now that he isn't an admin, he is free to say whatever he wants. But as admins you are held to a certain standard and you can't go spreading misinformation.
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  9. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    You demoting me is completely cool. You're right I should have known better if my intent was to keep my position, but it really wasn't.

    But seriously, if you really wanna be over this don't just try and expose Sinz to one of his friends or something, he was doing something FOR you and just because you demoted him doesn't mean what he's done holds any less value.

    I don't know if that screenshot is from last night or this morning because there's no timestamp, but seriously, just stop.
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  10. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Yes, can you explain this? @Highwon
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  11. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    people's true colors are a sight to see
    • Agree Agree x 6
  12. Amatsu

    Amatsu Emerald

    And a good chunk of those colors are brown.
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  13. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

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  14. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    I feel like whats been said so far is only about 50% of it
    can i get some real 100% Transparency from both sides instead of bickering
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Dolph1n

    Dolph1n Time is an adventure- if you know when to look. VIP

    I fully agree with all of this except for one line:
    The original intention of the discord channel was to be a replacement to the Shoutbox so that we, as the members of SGM, could have a place to talk and share memes.

    It was Ragman that stirred up talk of the incident when he mentioned it by saying that he was surprised that Hello My Friend had actually gone through with [Ragman's] idea (which was to delete forum accounts). This had started the talk of the incident and eventually led up to people(including myself) spouting off about how Highwon was retarded and etc. I personally(and I'm sure there were others too) was unaware of the context behind the incident. As far as I knew, Highwon had just demoted Rog/Sinz out of anger. I didn't know anything about the context other than that Anna had been demoted. After someone had posted the full screenshots of the event in the discord, I realized that it actually wasn't Highwon being tyrannical, but it was Highwon reacting poorly to Rog/Sinz stirring up drama.

    So don't go thinking that everyone in that discord wanted to raid SGM. The people "raiding" it were Husky and one other(can't think of names atm).
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  16. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    Original intention to replace shoutbox? Then why was DT leaking all the info from staff discussion, ranting about highwon, then me getting banned from it when all i said was "Everyones welcomed except Highwon and Disruptionz LOL" in a reply to someone saying "Everyones welcomed except highwon", after Dis got removed from it after he joined? Seems like it was more of a "Lets get the circle jerk together and talk shit about the community" type of discord.
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  17. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    I'm at work so I this doesn't cover all I want to cover right now but anwyays I do have one question here for you. Why are you using my hours from 4+ months ago to justify my demotion? I won't lie, I did have low hours from the middle of March to the start of September. Between my promotion to Admin in December and March, I was pushing 40+ hours easily. Once my mum was diagnosed with her incurable Stage 4 Breast cancer, it was hard to sit on a server for 2 hours a day when I was actively caring for my mother after a full hip replacement and taxing chemo. I could go into my mothers condition to the fullest extent here, I don't want to hide it anymore but my main point here isn't that. With all the shit going on, (even after I was allowed the one week off completely which I didn't even take to it's fullest extent) I never have 0 hours. I kept it close to or at 10 as best as I could and I tried hard Highwon. But just because my hours were low didn't mean I wasn't taking care of my team or the community elsewhere. I was always active where I could be, be it on the forums doing denials or helping Mods etc etc. During those months I picked up mods and helped guide people into getting Admin. I filled up 8 of your empty positions in times that you needed people when they were dropping like flys.

    When it hit September and things settled with mum I was pushing 30+ hours every two weeks until the start of December where I advised my Lead I was in the surprise process of moving house as we had the one we were renting sold under us and I would be dropping back a little if that were to be okay. I was told it was, I kept around 15 hours for the 3 weeks before christmas and then it dropped because I was away with my famiyl for Christmas and New Years much like every other member of staff here. All hours dropped because everyone was busy and I was told that there was leniency.

    Opal came to me 2 3 days ago saying hours needed to be up again but I was already in the process of resuming a steady schedule of staffing. I staffed about 2 hours every day and as of yesterday before I was demoted, I had staffed 2 hours and was at 13. That would mean I had steady hours for about an entire week showing that I was indeed staffing and bring them back up.

    Then queue yesterday where you told everyone on the staff Discord what was going to happen and there was backlash. We had never been consulted. I expressed my opinion and then I got the following messages from Opal. (excuse the large screenshot)
    You went for straight demotion right after I had expressed an opinion different to yours that many others agreed with. You claim you gave me a week to bring up my hours but It hadn't even been a week. I can post a screenshot of when opal told me that you again wanted to demote me if they were not up. It was on the 9th, only 4 days ago for me from today. 3 from the time you demoted me, which means I hardly had anytime, not even the week you claim you gave me. Again I had been busy with Christmas and new years just like everyone else and my hours for the 4 months prior to this had not even been abysmal which is why I find it so hard to believe you can claim it was lack of activity and unreliability when again my hours had been find for an extended period of time. Hardly unreliable.

    If anything it just seems to me you were trying to silence me. And honestly, I just want answers. Answers you refused to give me when I asked and instead removed me from Steam. I never asked for what transpired yesterday from anyone. All actions of all parties involved were of their own accord. I didn't start a discord, other member of the community did when you took away Shoutbox. I didn't terrorise anyone either. Hell I was at work when you demoted me, I didn't even get much of a chance to defend myself when people were shit talking in shoutbox earlier in the day but I digress.

    In the end, what I didn't appreciate from you or CD, was the shit talk and making me seem like the bad guy when really, I had been getting hours. You used info on me from 4+ months ago that was completely irrelevant to my current situation as justification for your actions in regards to my demotion and I just don't get it.
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  18. Dolph1n

    Dolph1n Time is an adventure- if you know when to look. VIP

    Maybe you don't understand what the phrase "original intention" means. The discord was CREATED so that we could talk as a community in the absence of Shoutbox. It may have turned into that after a few messages, but it originally was supposed to be for discussion about whatever while shoutbox is gone.
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  19. Rozboon

    Rozboon Forgive and Forget, or just forget. VIP

    I don't want to turn this into an arguement, but who were given powers in there? if it was created for the community, then why were "Disliked" people shunned out by those who created it or by those who created it that gave "responsible" people power over it?
    • Dumb Dumb x 2
  20. Gazzy

    Gazzy they're GREAT! VIP

    @Highwon is there not thing you can limit some staff to do on forums ect and maybe make teamspeak permissions that they cant edit channels or deleted them
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