100% Transparency

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Python~, Jan 11, 2017.

  1. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Here is an imgur album of everything that went down the other day for anyone waking up and wondering what the fuck went down

    Form your own opinions. These screenshots are unbiased, unedited and uncut

    Granted, I missed a few things and there were deleted messages, but for the most part, it's all there


    Forgot to mention: starts at the bottom
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2017
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  2. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    This was needed. Python's coming thru yet again
    • Agree Agree x 4
  3. Harvest

    Harvest The Forever Serpent VIP

    No matter what people's opinions on the shitstorm last night, I have to say I'm fucking amazed you managed to get most of it. SB was going by at a mile a minute.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    The gist of it was that Anna got demoted for a long history of being fairly inactive. Anna came to the shout box claiming that we demoted her for her wanting to spend time with her dying mother during Christmas. This is completely not the case at all and Anna just wanted to stir up drama with the community. Mr.Rogers and Sinz decided to further misinform the community on a matter that they had no knowledge of and were only biased due to being her close friends. They were demoted for that and multiple other reasons. Let me remind you as staff of this community, you are a representative of it and as such held to a higher standard. Going around and spreading misinformation does not benefit the staff team or what we do here so it is our right to let you go from the staff position if we see you are no longer fit. With these three demotions, these individuals started a discord where they were going to "raid" the SGM community. Again this serves no benefit to the community but that is the course of action they decided to take.

    Hello my friend deleted user accounts on the forums which is why we had to rollback to an earlier backup. Ragman started banning people on our TeamSpeak server and he was banned for that. Since then these individuals have been posting spam threads and trying to start problems within the community. At the same time, I have gotten a huge outpouring of support from members of the community, who have come to me privately to show their support and/or offer their help during this time. I greatly appreciate that and am thankful for all the support. I also want to take this time to apologize for my behavior in the shout box as I went against the advise of my leads/advisors to stay out of the shout box during this time. I should have known better and only have myself to blame.

    Another thing I want to touch on is that I haven't deleted a single post in shout box or on the forums from these individuals, this has been done by other staff without my request. I did however disable the shout box as nothing is logged there and with the threats of this "raid" group wanting to post child porn on there, I figured it was best to disable it temporarily. They have been free to post on the forums and I even notified the mods to not lock these threads and move them to off-topic if they are spammy in nature. We are not trying to censor anything unless it is breaking our rules. You can see an example of these extremely inappropriate posts here that we haven't deleted: http://www.seriousgmod.com/threads/where-were-you-when.35946/

    All in all, certain ex-staff members showed their true colors and their true intention. They openly stated they want to see this community fall in their discord and I feel bad that they harbor ill intentions for this place but I will do my best to keep this place running and again want to thank everyone who has been supportive during this time.
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  5. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    I hope the team speak channels were worth it.
    • Dumb Dumb x 7
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  6. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    This gives me hope.

    But it doesn't help me support anything that you've done, and I cant say I support what others have done necessarily as this seems to mostly happen behind the scenes. I was following what I thought was right, and that was that what you did last night was wrong. Did I say what others did was wrong? Yes. Am I supporting their decisions? Im supporting their courage. I've dealt with this twice before.

    Though I am insignificant, and nearly voiceless, I'll be watching from the sidelines as this is something I need to experience in lieu of my rapid departure from my clan's two downfalls.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2017
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  7. Igneus

    Igneus VIP Silver

    So when are we getting SB back then?
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  8. Renko

    Renko VIP Iron

    >not reading the announcement
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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  9. Aw man, there was a meme spam and missed the whole thing.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Jakey

    Jakey Member

    What the fuck...?

    Even considering looking at {CP} says so much about your personality. Threatening to post it in a public forum is just shit.

    If this is true... shame on whoever threatened this.

    Seriously, fuck you.
    • Agree Agree x 6
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  11. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    Well I'm glad you admit to some fault, I'll respect that. I missed that while skimming.

    All in and all I don't agree with some of the things you said here and my side is elsewhere around the forums.

    Also, that discord is not something I condone if people in there want to post nazi symbols and cp everywhere thats kinda fucked up.
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  12. Amatsu

    Amatsu Emerald

    Yeah, gonna call BS. A discord was formed, yes, but mostly to discuss what happened. No talk of any raids was present. How about you supply some proof of these 'raid plans', Highwon, for 100% transparency?
    • Dumb Dumb x 6
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    Here I'll get your response:

    This is again, you talking without having knowledge of the full situation. Kyogre at the time had been warned multiple times about his performance as a lead administrator. I even have a formal warning issued to him in a conversation which I won't make public at this time unless @Kyogre wants me to. For weeks, both @CDriscoll and @Opalium were having a hard time working with Kyogre and wanted me to demote him. I kept giving Kyogre more chances to do what we expected of him. During the conversation on Discord regarding the staff channels, Kyogre decided to stand idly by while everything went on instead of participating in the conversation like I expect of my lead administrator when we make a decision. Due to Kyogre's history and what transpired, I told Kyogre its time for him to resign as I don't think he was a good fit for the position anymore. Kyogre has his strengths but he was just not a good fit for me as he wasn't for the other lead admin(s).

    I asked Kyogre why he was silent in discord during this time and he responded he was talking to the everyone in private on Steam trying to calm them down but in reality:


    So again, the decision was mine to make due to him not making a good fit for the upper administration team. I have no problem with people disagreeing with me, but to agree on a decision then sit there and watch me take heat from the staff and even fueling the fire in private, thats something I don't want as my Lead.
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  14. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    Also to add to my previous reply, we did have another meeting with the admins and decided to come up with a compromise regarding the staff channels. That was to move them to the bottom of the TeamSpeak instead of outright deleting them.
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  15. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Could you go in depth with this statement? As far as remember, I had an admin you could've spoken to if you felt the need to get rid of me, simply stating that Anna "sugarcoated" her explanation for her demotion shouldn't be a demotion as well.

    And I'm sure the other reasons include not agreeing with your opinions. Just like how Anna was demoted hours after disagreeing with your announcement on discord, just like how you said I wasn't going to get admin after I stated my opinions, just like how you asked GunAndBomb to be demoted for voicing his concerns. Not to mention threatening CD and Kyogre with demotion multiple times for not supporting your horrible decisions in the past. Is that how you expect to rule? As a dictator, getting rid of anyone who opposes you? As for the public discord, it wasn't meant to "raid", since you took away the shoutbox for obvious damage control, it was made as an outlet.

    I truly feel bad for anyone who takes Highwon at face value, as he's truly something else behind the scenes and yesterday you lot finally saw a bit of that.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2017
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  16. Adrian Shephard

    Adrian Shephard VIP Silver

    The same scene is reapeting
    • Bad Spelling Bad Spelling x 9
  17. daddy

    daddy おじいちゃんファック VIP Bronze

    • Funny Funny x 30
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  18. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    This is pretty much exactly what I have to say in response to you. You can speak and definitely get away with making it seem like derpy fueling the fire contributed to him being asked to step down but you and I and a lot of other people know that's not the case at all. I didn't even know about that myself until you just showed it to me.

    And you can take some heat, he's your Lead not your bodyguard. What exactly was he supposed to do, tell people to stop when he agreed with what they were saying? I don't understand.
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  19. GunAndBomb

    GunAndBomb Explosive VIP

    The fact that Kyogre was uncomfortable with being honest with you about his position shows what kind of leader you are. And the fact that you wanted me demoted for voicing my opposition to an idea that 90% of the staff team disagreed with shows your true character. It is hard to feel sorry for you after what you have done. You decided to make a drastic change to a core foundation of the staff team and only gave us a couple hours notice without ANY input from your staff team. You just don't understand the staff team because you aren't staff. You don't understand us and never will because it's your way or the highway. If that is the way you want to run your community then that is fine, but don't try to mislead everyone and act like you are some kind of victim. You did this to yourself.
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  20. Cirtex

    Cirtex Well-Known Member

    I just got caught up. And holy fuck this seems to be one hell of a shitstorm
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