Rejected Make any use of the word 'Nigger' an instant ban. Including 'nigga' or any other variations.

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by bamohame2, Jan 8, 2017.

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  1. bamohame2

    bamohame2 Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I have been playing on these servers for about 80 hours in my free time. I have really enjoyed it and in general the server is great. However, there are disturbing moments that I experience on this server. These moments often include use of racist terms like Nigger. When asked to stop, users just use variation of the word or end up mocking me as a 'SJW.'

    I made a previous suggestion here:

    If you don't recall, a number of users started using the word and attempted to hang my body with watermelon below it.

    The general consensus there was that 'nigga' and other variations should not be allowed on the server. However, most users did not agree with making it into a first time ban.

    Tonight, it happened again with a bunch of users using the word 'nigger' over mic and then changing their names to things such as 'electric nigga' or 'niggified.' Once again, I was called an SJW when I asked them to stop.

    I hopped on the forms to ask for advice and a mod told me to record it. I understand they are busy, so I recorded some of the interaction and took a couple of screenshots. Something interesting to note, one of the users just kept using the word 'nigga' when a mod told him it was acceptable. I have included that instance in the screenshots below.

    This will probably happen again and I am growing tired of it. To the point where I am going to give up with TTT on these servers. However, I believe racist instances like these can be preventsed This is why I suggest making any variation of the word Nigger a first time ban for the following reasons:

    • The onus falls on the victim to record the incident and to continue dealing with the racial harassment. When a victim says they are going to report, it is often met with laughs and in the end the users are let off with a warning.
    • Threats of reports will be taken more seriously if users know that it will be an instant ban. Thereby, they are more likely to stop.
    • There is no reason for a user on the server to use the word Nigger or any other variation. It makes no sense for a typical user to use these slurs asides from trolling or being abusive to someone.

    Having to experience racist slurs while i'm trying to have fun is really frustrating. I know I am going to probably get flak for this but I don't think most users understand the impact this word has on black people. Thereby, its easy for users on this forum to not feel the impact of the word and the damage it causes to people.

    This is why I am pleading for the admins to make this a bannable offence. It has no place in our servers and further alienates us from more diverse users.

    ***There has been some dispute about whether or not I am actually black. While surprised by this, I can provide proof to the admins to settle this conspiracy.
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  2. Dolph1n

    Dolph1n Time is an adventure- if you know when to look. VIP

    There's times that admins will use discretions to instant ban for use of the hard -er, but I've never seen someone punished for saying nigga. I don't think this rule should change because nigga is, in my eyes, a synonym of boy, in the way that you would say like, "Boy, get over here".
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. bamohame2

    bamohame2 Member

    I completely disagree and I am curious to why you think Nigga is the same as just using the word boy. Saying 'Nigga, get over here' would be completely unacceptable in the real world.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  4. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Literally hear that at my job all the time
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Dolph1n

    Dolph1n Time is an adventure- if you know when to look. VIP

    My thought on this is this- you can't use the word "nigga" in a racist fashion. I can't really prove this without saying things that could very well get me forum banned, so I'll refrain. But the general idea is that the reason that the hard -er is ban worthy is because it's a term of racism. It's generally associated with racist remarks, and as such, is bannable. The word "nigga" is generally associated with a friendly or not-so-friendly communication between african-americans, and as such isn't seen as a term of racsim. You can't really fit the word "nigga" in a sentence that has racist remarks. Again, I can't explain this without using terms and phrases that would probably get me forum banned, so I'll refrain.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  6. Lone Wanderer

    Lone Wanderer The One and Only VIP

    In my opinion, I don't think the word, 'nigga', is really a racist word/term. Certainly, if it's used in a racially charged way, in a racist joke, or as a form of harassment, then it would be dealt with as such. But, like Dolphin mentioned above, a lot of people will just use it in a casual way as if they're talking to a friend or bro.

    The hard-r really has a completely different connotation, and I don't think there really needs to be a lot of debate here why. As such, it's strictly not allowed here, and staff members will deal with it when it's said, along with clever spellings that try to get around that.

    That being said, I still don't think it needs to be an instant ban on the first offense. We warn users for all kinds of offenses, and this one shouldn't be any different. Along with that, I obviously want the server to be a place where people don't feel harassed, or feel overly offended/uncomfortable. But some people who are new to our servers might not know that's our policy, and that's why we have warnings to make sure the behavior doesn't continue. Those players aren't likely to return to the community if they're just outright banned, and they also lose the opportunity for a staff member to explain to them the rule and why we don't allow that kind of language.

    But back onto the word, 'nigga', as I'm seeing your second reply, now. There are a lot, and I mean a lot, of people who use it as a friendly word to refer to their friends/mates/bros, or whatever you call them. A lot of my friends down at school do that, and hell, even I get wrapped up in that sometimes. I don't use it in a racial way at all, and I'm sure that plenty of players on our servers use it in that same way, without even thinking of it being racist/offensive, let alone intending it to be that way. I don't use it on the servers because I'm a staff member, and want to be professional and composed at all times. But I don't think it's unreasonable for people to speak like that, because I see it all the time, and I have done it as well.

    So, given that, I think it's not that bad when people use 'nigga' on the servers, and I typically don't warn people when they say. The only case where I would is if it's getting excessive, or if it's being used in a racially charged/racist manner, such as in racist jokes or to degrade black people. In those cases, players would certainly get a warning and get punished if they continue.

    That's my opinion on the matter. I'll be around to continue this discussion as others' thoughts come in.
  7. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    When @Highwon established many of the rules we have today, he prided himself on the fact that we didn't punish players so harshly for speaking freely or enjoying themselves on our servers. This is why our harassment ruling is the way it is, warn, kick and finally ban, which gives the player enough time to realize their mistakes. We will never ban a player immediately for using a slur, or offensive term. If you are truly feeling harassed because someone says something in specific, relay your concerns to a staff member online and they'll try their best to alleviate the situation.

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  8. Koanga

    Koanga gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8 VIP

    In my opinion racism is a matter of context. If "nigga" is used in the context of a racial slur, then I absolutely support punishing the individual who used it in that manner. However, as several others have stated, "nigga" now has a lot of different contexts associated with it - for example, (as some have pointed out) "nigga" can be used to address friends or people that you know. In such contexts, I don't think a punishment is warranted at all, but this sort of discussion is a slippery slope and it's up to the staff member in charge to use their judgment and determine what the context was. Besides, I'm not black so I don't have the proper understanding to truly commentate on whether the usage of it is right or wrong - personally it doesn't offend me at all, but I can see how it may offend other people.

    Additionally, as Sinz' pointed out, this community has a very rigid and firm set of punishments when it comes to Harassment (which is what racism falls under): first a warn, then a kick (with a message explaining why), and then a ban. Even if there were to be a no tolerance policy on the use of "nigga" then the punishment for its usage would still follow that.

    As far as the "hard R" version of it goes, I'm pretty sure that's always been and always will be associated with racism and the player saying it should be punished accordingly.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. bamohame2

    bamohame2 Member

    Nigga is often used as a greeting between other black people. It is not acceptable for non-Black people to use it as a greeting. Which is why it is so frustrating when 'edgy' kids on this server decide to start tossing it around. I think this is something major to consider.

    Now, I have mostly heard the term be used after use of the word nigger is warned. I haven't heard it used in a friendly way.

    I often try to get a mod but nothing really happens. Instead, I am expected to take time to make a report each time this happens (which is quite often). I don't think that is really fair tbh.
    • Disagree Disagree x 5
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Patrick

    Patrick Ex-Deathrun Administrator VIP Silver

    I think my Nigga sinz summed it up fairly well
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  11. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    There's no such thing as a word people aren't allowed to say.

    It's 2017.
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  12. bamohame2

    bamohame2 Member

    "I think my Nigga sinz summed it up fairly well"

    This is so incredibly frustrating since you and others on this thread are using it in an ironic way. The word Nigga is seen as friendly between other black people and there is an entire reason behind that.

    It being used by non-Black people is considered offensive and racist. The fact that users above (including admins) are tossing it around casually is extremely frustrating.

    Keep in mind that you may not see the issue of the word or the context because you may not be Black.
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
  13. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    One word shouldn't get special protocols.
    • Agree Agree x 5
  14. bamohame2

    bamohame2 Member

    I didn't say you couldn't use it. I am saying that it is offensive for non-Black people to use it.
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
  15. Patrick

    Patrick Ex-Deathrun Administrator VIP Silver

    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Are we supposed to ask every user who uses the term nigga to post a selfie and their social security number before saying it?
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  17. bamohame2

    bamohame2 Member

    This is not about one word getting special treatment. It is about preventing harassment. On these servers, I have NEVER seen the word Nigga be used in a friendly way. Only in an abusive way or in a sarcastic way as can be seen in this thread.
    • Disagree Disagree x 6
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  18. Zack

    Zack Shepherd of Fire VIP

    bamohame, it wouldn't matter if you were black, blue, purple, etc. You're one of our players and as such, we totally respect what you're trying to get across, here. The internet is a weird/disturbing place to be, and that expands to all of us. People say things on a daily basis that make me cringe, sigh, or otherwise express extreme discontent. That said, I can't agree with you about the extreme nature of what you're requesting here. It's already been stated, but it is plentifully efficient to handle harassment cases locally.

    Even if there aren't staff online, you are entirely welcome to make forum reports, as you have successfully done in the past. We don't want anyone to have a lousy experience on our servers, but that includes people who might use part of what you've said here casually among friends. If you feel personally wronged, you have seen first hand that we will handle it. Hate speech is not a joke to us, but we have to make a definitive line in the sand as to what is considered hate speech. The more we put our thumb down on things, the less free the atmosphere feels, and I just can't condone that. I

    This is tragically how the internet responds to impending threats of authority. To best counter this, don't waste your time exchanging with trolls. Just report them and move on, they can and will be dealt with at the staff's earliest convenience, which is typically extra quick, as some of our moderators actively watch for new reports to handle.

    Unfortunately, this couldn't be further from the truth. Even I as a moderator, after warning people, commonly get laughed at about it until the user/s in question slip up again and I punish them, and even after the kick phase of our harassment protocol, come back and offend yet again. Further cementing why threatening in any fashion, report or otherwise, is ill-advised.

    I couldn't agree with this more if I tried. There IS no reason for it, and at least as far as I'm concerned, I treat it as hate speech 100% of the time. If there's ever a time where you're hearing this and it is going un-punished, or if no staff is available, record, screenshot and bide your time, just to drive that home.

    Protocol has to remain in tact as what it is, under the pure consideration for other members of the community/playerbase who are not taken to offense by these terms. The rules are in your favor here, bamohame, you only have to make ample use of them. We won't ignore harassment, at any point. I do hope this helps to clarify some of the reasoning behind why our stance on certain things is a bit more lax than you would personally like it to be.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Winner Winner x 1
  19. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver


    Then you obviously have only seen the bad parts of the server. The word Nigga can be used in both racial and non racial ways. (Staff and users both dont hate me making examples) saying "Fuck you nigga/I hate niggas/Niggas make me sick" are all racial ways that this can be said ("Fuck you nigga" can be used in a non racial way if you know for a fact the user is playing with someone like saying "Ahaha hahahaha fuck you nigga you so ruuuude ahaha"). If i say "Ahhhhhh wasuppp my nigga/Yo my nigga down the street is selling me some hype ass dope man like you dont even know", it will not be considered racial uses of the word.
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  20. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    This is going in circles.
    • Agree Agree x 9
    • Winner Winner x 1
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