A small TTT addon that is actually surprisingly useful. I knew something was off right as I started playing on these servers, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it until I remembered these hit numbers my previous server had. I might be slightly biased because I'm so used to these showing up when I manage to land a bullet on someone, but the feeling of getting a clear headshot from a sniper with a red ''critical'' text showing up is pretty satisfying. Plus it's extremely useful for plebs like me, who get super lost in a gunfight and have no idea how much damage they're dealing. I can also tell you from personal experience that these won't interfere with your usual gameplay, they're not distracting whatsoever and are super easy to get used to. You can actually tell who you're dealing damage to even when shooting into a group of people. Thoughts? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=110871780&searchtext=hit+numbers I believe this was suggested absolute ages ago, though got no real response from the devs, so I'm hoping me reposting stuff is alright. pls dont hate me im just tryna help
I suggested this a LONG time ago and @Zikeji rejected it, I'll see if I can find the thread and update with a reason!
Wasn't even actually rejected (3 years ago tho so forgive me) http://www.seriousgmod.com/threads/hit-numbers.7951/page-2 +1.
I agree with Gunandbomb that it looks tacky. I've played with servers that have it and it just makes the game look weird with colored numbers flying out of bodies. I would definitely disagree that they're not distracting. That said, like many other people I would support this if there is an option to disable it.
I agree with Gun and Han, It looks very tacky and I personally would find it to be very distracting to see numbers and words flying out of bodies while I'm attacking someone. I don't see a reason for this to be implemented but If it is it definitely needs a toggle option because It would be annoying to have something to distract people like this without giving them a way to not have it there.
From the addon page: You can probably make it very professional looking and less "tacky." Seriously, just check out all of the customization for it: Spoiler: Incoming 50 lines of text Server: sv_hitnums_enable 0/1 Defaulted to ON, duh. Disable/Enable this addon server-wide. sv_hitnums_allowusertoggle 0/1 Defaulted to OFF. Disallow/Allow users to use the client convar hitnums_toggle. sv_hitnums_breakablesonly 0/1 Defaulted to ON. Set this to OFF (0) to show indicators for indestructable props (like barrels), too. sv_hitnums_showalldamage 0/1 Defaulted to OFF. Set to ON (1) to show all damage inflictions being made anywhere in the server. This can be quite taxing on network performance if there are many indicators active at once. sv_hitnums_ignorez 0/1 Defaulted to OFF. Ignore depth testing. Basically, setting this to ON (1) means you can see the indicators through walls and objects. sv_hitnums_scale scale Defaulted to 0.3. Scale the size of the indicators. sv_hitnums_ttl seconds Defaulted to 1.0. Time-to-live in seconds. How long until the indicator completely fades out. sv_hitnums_showsign 0/1 Defaulted ON. When enabled, the - (minus) sign on indicators is shown. sv_hitnums_alpha 0-1 Defaulted 1.0. Alpha multiplier for indicators. Range is from 0.0 (0%, fully transparent) to 1.0 (100%, fully opaque). sv_hitnums_critmode mode Defaulted to 7. Sets how "critical" indicatiors are shown (See list below) 0 = No Crit (Damage is shown, but not in critical colour) 1 = dmg# (Damage only, in critical colour) 2 = Crit! 3 = Critical! 4 = Crit dmg# 5 = Critical dmg# 6 = Crit! and dmg# 7 = Critical! and dmg# sv_hitnums_animate style Defaulted to 1. Sets style of animation during an indicators lifetime (See list below) 0 = No animation (Stays same constant size) 1 = Grow in and subtly shrink out 2 = Grow in only 3 = Shrink out only sv_hitnums_gravity gravity Defaulted to 1.0. Multiplier for how much gravity is applied to the indicators. (for example, 1.0 for normal gravity, 0.0 for no gravity, -1.0 for inverted gravity) sv_hitnums_forceinheritance force Defaulted to 1.0. Multiplier for the amount of velocity force applied to the indicators from an impact. Setting this to 0.0 will remove any impact force velocity added to the indicators. sv_hitnums_forceoffset_xmin min Defaulted to -0.5. The minimum of the range for applying a random force on the X axis when creating an indicator. sv_hitnums_forceoffset_xmax max Defaulted to 0.5. The maximum of the range for applying a random force on the X axis when creating an indicator. sv_hitnums_forceoffset_ymin min Defaulted to -0.5. The minimum of the range for applying a random force on the Y axis when creating an indicator. sv_hitnums_forceoffset_ymax max Defaulted to 0.5. The maximum of the range for applying a random force on the Y axis when creating an indicator. sv_hitnums_forceoffset_zmin min Defaulted to 0.75. The minimum of the range for applying a random force on the Z axis when creating an indicator. Note: Critical indicators have a bonus multiplier of 1.5 added on top of this axis. sv_hitnums_forceoffset_zmax max Defaulted to 1.0. The maximum of the range for applying a random force on the Z axis when creating an indicator. Note: Critical indicators have a bonus multiplier of 1.5 added on top of this axis. Masking: Masks are used to tell Hit Numbers what type of objects are allowed to create indicators when damaged. 1 = enable/show, most of these are defaulted ON. sv_hitnums_mask_players 0/1 Mask players. sv_hitnums_mask_npcs 0/1 Mask NPCs. sv_hitnums_mask_ragdolls 0/1 Mask ragdolls. (Ragdolls typically don't have health. In that case, sv_hitnums_breakablesonly should be enabled.) sv_hitnums_mask_vehicles 0/1 Mask vehicles. (Same thing with ragdolls.) sv_hitnums_mask_props 0/1 Mask props. (More specifically; prop_physics* and prop_dynamic*) sv_hitnums_mask_world 0/1 Mask world. (More specifically; func_* like func_breakable (ie. glass, doors). This one is defaulted OFF.) Font: These should be set in the server configuration file: For dedicated servers, use cfg/server.cfg For singleplayer or listen servers, use cfg/listenserver.cfg You may also edit the font information in the Hit Numbers configuration file data/hitnumbers/settings.txt These should not be modified in-game because fonts are only loaded when the player initializes. sv_hitnums_font_name fontname Indicator font face. (Default is coolvetica) sv_hitnums_font_size size Size of the font. (Default is 50) sv_hitnums_font_weight weight Weight of the font. (Default is 800 [normal weight for Coolvetica]) sv_hitnums_font_underline 0/1 Underline for indicators. (Default is OFF) sv_hitnums_font_italic 0/1 Italic indicators. (Default is OFF) sv_hitnums_font_shadow 0/1 Adds a little shadow to indicators. (Default is OFF. Not visible when outline is enabled) sv_hitnums_font_additive 0/1 Use additive rendering for indicators. (Default is OFF) sv_hitnums_font_outline 0/1 Add outline to indicators. (Default is ON) Colours: These are in RRGGBB hexadecimal format. For example, sv_hitnums_color_critical FF00FF will make critical hits purple. Use an online colour wheel to help you with this. sv_hitnums_color_generic RRGGBB Colour for generic/bullet damage. (Default is FFE6D2) sv_hitnums_color_critical RRGGBB Colour for critical damage. (Default is FF2828) sv_hitnums_color_fire RRGGBB Colour for fire/burning damage. (Default is FF7800) sv_hitnums_color_explosion RRGGBB Colour for explosion damage. (Default is F0F032) sv_hitnums_color_acid RRGGBB Colour for acidic/poison/toxic damage. (Default is 8CFF4B) sv_hitnums_color_electric RRGGBB Colour for electric/shock damage. (Default is 64A0FF) ALSO! It already can be toggled (quoted from page details): Definitely will have more benefits for the servers. The (few) complaints that people are mentioning in this thread are easily fixed. Feel free to correct any errors. Cheers! Jake
I still don't see the benefits... you get to see how much damage you're doing and if you're hitting the person? It's not like seeing the damage amount is going to make everyone's gaming experience better... I am slightly worried because I don't know if something like this would cause lag? I honestly just don't see the benefits.