Aplogy for everything I said/did earlier

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by ThatOneGuy2276, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. I'd just like to say sorry to everyone that was around when the whole disaster that broke out earlier.

    And I'd like to apologize for the language I used to some other members, and the stuff I said. Didn't mean it, was just pissed off and I lost my temper.

    @Casually Serious - Sorry for the stuff I said to you, but you don't need to remind me after Graze has talked to me about it.

    @Kyle the Penguin - Sorry for what I said, but you also integrated it. But I lost my temper. (not blaming you).

    @bamohame2 - I'd like to apologize for the shit show that happened today, even though I had little to no part in it.

    @Milo - Sorry for the shit I posted in chat. My bad, didn't mean for it to be taken that way.

    @Pacifist - Sorry for the way I unloaded on you in the SB. Didn't mean it :/

    @Solar - Sorry for the vulgar language and the harassment in that match

    @Graze - Thanks for looking at both sides of the argument, and sorry for what was said.

    I hope we can all start on a clean slate.
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  2. Patrick

    Patrick Ex-Deathrun Administrator VIP Silver

    You didn't say anything to me, but I want an apology
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  3. Kyül

    Kyül Caged Bird VIP Bronze

    You know what, why should I cause more beef? Ill just say im happy you did this, and im sorry if I was a bit too harsh on you, so apology accepted ;)
    Hope stuff like this doesnt happen again and you can enjoy this community as much as we do.
    See you around!
    -Kyle :penguin:
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  4. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

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  5. You probably didn't see it. Won't repost it as it was mean..
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  6. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    I love these threads
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  7. Acnologia

    Acnologia modern desperado VIP Silver

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  8. Zack

    Zack Shepherd of Fire VIP

    I will accept your apology, but I am a firm believer that apology isn't expressed through words. Future actions are what show if you are genuinely apologetic. Treat your fellow players better, and we'll be in the clear.
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  9. Solar

    Solar El Dorado VIP

    Actions speak louder than words, hope you truly mean this.

    See you on the servers.
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  10. bamohame2

    bamohame2 Member

    I accept the apology. Actions are louder than words so I am hoping for more respectful gameplay. See you on the servers.
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  11. Darki

    Darki Member

    cri me an ocean
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