Denied The Comedian's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by The Comedian, Dec 4, 2016.

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  1. The Comedian

    The Comedian Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Please I have no Idea why I got banned this time but my account has suffered enough bans and I have waited months on end to get back into these servers. I can't wait 55 days it will kill me inside. Please find it in your heart to forgive me or at least reduce the sentencing to 2 weeks.
    Evidence of Innocence:


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 4, 2016
  2. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

  3. The Comedian

    The Comedian Member

    What do I have to do to get a clean record cause if I rdm once or twice now I get banned for months on end.
  4. Sage.

    Sage. VIP Silver Emerald

    The SoL (Statue of Limitations) lasts three months. Although keep in mind not all bans have an SoL, and that we may still see your history even after SoL.
  5. Sage.

    Sage. VIP Silver Emerald

    Here you were reported by AttrumX from the previous map de_dolls on what you assumed him shooting another player. Although the logs actually prove otherwise that he never shot anyone.

    You'd then left.

    I will be denying my part in this appeal, seeing your very toxic history that conflicts with our interests within the servers.
  6. The Comedian

    The Comedian Member

    Going as far as to call my history "toxic" is borderline insulting. As all players on this server we have RDMed an innocent somehow and paid the price for it. I have paid the price for my rdms countless times and believe I deserve a more lenient sentencing but I will respect you're decision in the matter. Even though I have ever or rarely played with you on the same server.
  7. Sage.

    Sage. VIP Silver Emerald

    Do you not agree with your previous actions being worthy of being called toxic to the community's environment? Also, I banned you only on one of our servers for five days. So you could still face leniency for your globalized ban from the one who gave it to you, in which he will respond as soon as he can.
  8. The Comedian

    The Comedian Member

    Ok good to know and yes. I do admit that my actions in the past were damaging to the community that you and the other moderators are trying to keep in tack. I wish to say that I am quickly learning to respect the integrity of these servers. I hope to fully express my change to the admin who requested I be globally banned.
  9. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    For my side,

    when I hopped onto a server, I had bunch of reports to handled.
    The first report was understandable but still slayable offense.

    However, the logs for the last two reports showed that you rdm'd. Furthermore, your responses to the reports hint a lack of care to RDMs.

    Thus, I will be denying on my side. Please wait for Steve Mason to post his side before Machinekiller00 can decide the verdict of the global ban.
  10. The Comedian

    The Comedian Member

    Well damn. I understand your reasoning. The report by Silves was actually supposed to be a gag between us but I see RDM is no joking matter for you Agent. I am now at the mercy of Holidy Steve and Snow Machine. As far as my actual behavior on the servers you will see that I have never been slain or kicked for excessive harassment or verbally abusing someone. As far as attitude and respect towards other players I would say I am decent.
  11. Steve Mason

    Steve Mason Honesty. VIP


    Sorry in the delay in the response, I thought I already replied, once again sorry for that. I'll try to keep this short and sweet as I don't want to keep you waiting anymore.




    That was the report that I filed against you since you blatantly rdm'd me and left while there was a slay issued on you. Because of this I banned you for second offense. Since Machine was the one that globalized your ban, please wait for his response.

    Thank you,

  12. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    Looking at all the replies you have rdmed on multiple occasions. Leading you to get banned 3 different times. All 3 of them have chosen to keep your ban. You have just gotten off a 4 week global ban for mass rdm so you think you would have learned your lesson. I won't be lenient to you in anyway. You've had many chances and you didn't improve at all since your last global ban. Which is why I gave you a 8 week global ban for you having 3 active bans at once, plus your history.

    I will just go ahead and close this up. If you have any more questions about your ban then feel free to message me on the forums.

    Appeal: Denied
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