Yeah. It gives him the perfect early-mid game stats. AP for his ult(it has a shit scaling but that 3 extra damage per ring is op) Mana regen and the 4 mana return on kills is for mana sustain in conjunction with his W. You can even get the 4 mana from destroying his barrels. Edit: @Chad if you don't spam q on minions(to last hit at least) then you're not playing GP right. The bonus gold and Silver Serpents are too big to pass up. Especially because of how OP Death's Daughter is.
Yeah Doran's ring works well with the ap for his W. Instead getting PD you should get an Armour Pen (Lethality) item. Duskblade usually does the job!
I get it for the Giant Slayer. Generally GP doesn't have any problem dealing with tanks, but health stackers he has a huge problem with because he has nothing to deal with them, and with Giant Slayer, he can explode them just as if they were squishies. Also, Duskblade isn't good because it no longer applies onto his Q unless you slip into a bush before Parrrlying and that slows down his barrel combos.
I still get LDR but way later into the game, my build path is; TriForce->Ionian boots->I.E.->Duskblade/Youmuus->Stattik shiv-> LDR. Sometimes the order varies depending on the match up but this is usually what I go.
Majority of my ranked games are so shit Spoiler in this game we got counter jungled and annie was new to the game and auto attacked minions and didnt understand how to last hit. This is just some proof that she is new Spoiler and well in this game our mid viktor and jungle twitch thought it would be funny to int feed. Fun times.
what do u mean feed i had a positive kda in every one of those games also my kda overall for GP is 2.56
Gangplank is a great champion. And according to, he's my best performing champion.