the only explanation i can give for that is the armor pen jhin and mf builds shit on him because they outrange him, and now that they're gone his winrate'll rise. edit: also his pick rate is 0.2%
The armor pen MF/Jhin builds? Jhin- Ghostblade Duskblade Rapidfire Cannon IE boots of swiftness MF- Ghostblade Duskblade Black Cleaver Zerker greaves Bloodthirster Mercurial Scimitar
If you play tristana you're a pussy piece of shit kid and probably should kys. Fucking free disengage whenever the fuck she wants, so fucking annoying
That list is measured by win rate so urgot being top 5 isn't surprising when only urgot mains play him
Not sure what this comment does apart from take some type of high ground against bronze players but the truth is, silver and bronze are basically the same lol.