Invalid Report against Agent A

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Fuzzy Slug, Nov 15, 2016.

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  1. Fuzzy Slug

    Fuzzy Slug The Slug Army VIP Emerald

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Agent A
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Clue SE
    Which Round:
    I believe it was round 3
    Time of Occurence:
    7:00PM EST
    Reason For Report:
    So basically me and 3 other guys were part of the "Iguana" Team and we had our pictures changed to animated iguana's and we had our names that WERE DIFFERENT AND SOUNDED DIFFERENT changed. Here were our names... "Mohr Ogwonnor", "Mahr Agwanna", "MayorIguana", and "Miir Igwinnih". If someone wanted to call kos that would say MOHR. MAHR, MAYOR, or MIIR, which all sound different. When we set this group up we were on the map with the "chicken" and the thing that lowers you into the ground thats on the side of a cliff. Since it isn't listed in the Tips and Tricks thread I have no idea what the name is. Anyways when we were on that map KYOGRE was on and he said that our names were okay. Well then 1 or 2 hours later Agent A came on and told us to change our names. We asked him why and he didn't respond, we asked at least 3 more times and with no answer we then told him that KYOGRE allowed us to have these names... He still refused to reply and then kicked us all the next round. I have a screenshot of our names below and I will be tagging... @Kyogre @Agent A @Verified I tagged Verified, Agent A's Administrator, Kyogre because he was the one who gave us clearance for the name, and Agent A because the report is against him.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    I'll go ahead and re-tag @Kyogre @Agent A and @Verified in case the original tag doesn't work as that happens quite frequently.

    Thank you for your patience!
  3. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Let's get some things clarified here, what I recall giving the "okay" for was the names "MayorIguana" and "Miir Igwinnih" as they were phonetically different enough for me.

    Both these players were on my server when they asked if it was okay and I said it was. The other names I wasn't made aware of, nor do I think they're okay as they can be easily confused. Especially when all the names are grouped together such as "Mayor", "Mahr", and "Moor". Pronunciations will easily cause confusion and they're simply too similar in my opinion.

    That'll easily brew confusion and Agent A taking action against them were okay in my eyes. Regardless, I'll let Verified handle this situation.
  4. Fuzzy Slug

    Fuzzy Slug The Slug Army VIP Emerald

    Ok thank you, regardless I would wish that Agent A could give us more input like why do we have to change our names? and he wouldn't respond. And we would ask him over and over and he still wouldn't respond... As well as when we told him about you knowing he still didn't care and didn't even reply to us.
  5. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    Hello Fuzzy Slug. It's a good thing that you're concern with possible abuse so thank you for taking your time to make the report.

    Let's hop in. When I hopped on the server, I agreed that the names can sound different, but they are somewhat similar. Thus, I asked my admin for whether I should ignore it or ask them to change their name.


    Thus, I acted on Verified's discretion.


    You refused to change your name by the end of the following round, which I start to kick you all.


    Only 1 person came back without changing his/her name, which he was banned for 8 hours.


    Verified asked Kyogre. This was Kyogre's response.

    I'll leave the verdict to my admin @Verified . I'll also tag @Kyogre if he has anything to add to this report against me.
  6. My thing is the whole time we were on not one person got us confused. not one so if its not causing confusion why start kicking? I understand what you guys are getting at they sound kinda close, but if it didnt casue any problem why make a big deal out of it?
  7. We used phonetically different names on purpose; no one would get confused by them, and no one was. I was told by Kyogre that since my name was phonetically different from Mayor Iguana's and just looked similar for the sake of a joke, that that was fine. I assumed that would apply if more than one person did it, but apparently Mohr and Miir sound too similar.

    Also, I was kicked for "Refusal to change name"; I was in spectate, AFK. I wasn't refusing to do anything. I wasn't there.

    And kicking someone/asking them to change their name is one thing, but an 8 hour ban seems absurd.
  8. Agent A

    Agent A Veni, vidi, vici VIP Silver Emerald

    That is my fault. It's not that I didn't care. It's more because I was typing out to each person to change their name during that round, which I was unable to respond. I will try to react and respond to the situation faster next time. Thank you for helping me by pointing out a flaw within my staffing.

    While you were afk, I still followed the usual protocol where I asked you to change your name. If my admin sees this action as incorrect action, I'll take it into consideration next time I run into this situation. Furthermore, that's the usual standard protocol with names. He was warned and kicked before he was banned.
  9. veri

    veri Creating Order VIP Silver

    "Mohr Ogwonnor", "Mahr Agwanna", "MayorIguana", and "Miir Igwinnih". These names appear very different when written, but phonetically, they are similar. This is where the problem lies. Verbal KOSes become harder and more confusing when two or more names sound similar, as in this case. Our "No Confusing Names" rule is in place to prevent this sort of situation from happening. Even as a joke, these types of names are not allowed.

    Even if nobody, that you know of, is making a deal out of it at that moment, someone will eventually come along and get confused by their names. This action was taken to prevent that from happening.

    Agent A took the correct course of action by requesting my discretion in this case, for which I gave him. You were all warned, and then kicked. The one person who returned to the server without changing his name was banned for 8 hours. This is standard protocol, and he was within his right to issue these punishments. Also, @It's Jeff!, being AFK or in spectator does not render you immune to punishment. Agent A followed proper protocol by kicking you. In this case it was more to inform you that you should have changed your name before you returned.

    In the future, when a staff member requests you to change your name, please do so as soon as you are able. Arguing or ignoring the request until you get a "valid reason" will only result in being kicked. It's far easier to play it on the safe side and simply change your name. Then, ask the staff member for their reasoning.

    I do agree that Agent A could have been more responsive to your questions, however it is clear that he was messaging several people at the time, and could not get back to you in a timely fashion. He has addressed this in his post above. All of this being said, I will be marking this report against @Agent A Invalid. Protocol was followed as intended and the situation handled.
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