Not really scared of but the people I find more of a challenge is @Xproplayer , @_MuffinTops_ ,(Kessage) and @kingsaib0t
HMMM for this I would have to tag @Sir Clutch , @Amphaross @Loads O Butter @Pandora? @J.T.Ripper If I try at the start I know I lost my t round I leave him for last or let someone else do it...... or use a t trap, and last but certainly not least @Highwon
I don't know why people are scared of @Sith Master the dark side only blinds you to the truth fogging your vision of those around you, while the light gives you clarity and calmness allowing you to do even the most difficult of tasks. The dark side has nothing on me.
The only thing im scared off are the ttt shitboxes other than that id shoot anyone with my colt anytime
Not afraid to shoot anyone down, if I could get any decent amount of kills before I take care of reports, that's a plus. If I some how miss every shot from shooting at a hardcore player, it's kind of a meh.
@ anybody with skill or a double barrell I can't win fights easily without being called out or brought to near death unless I get the sneak shot first lol