I have personally be the victim of and seen false KOS's that lead to rampant RDM trains and outright chaos. I have also witness several individuals express their bitterness over being killed simply because they were near or around a KOS'd player. What do you guys think? I'd love to hear your thoughts. <3
It gives the traitor something they can do in a bind, say if a nosy innocent is snooping. It doesn't really cause rdm because it's not considered rdm lmao.
While I've seen many false kos'es leading to RDM trains, I do, however, believe that as a traitor you have the ability to kill Innocents and Detectives however you like. I think that false kos'es are for skrubs and people who can't get kills in a legitimate way. If they want to be the person who cried wolf, let them do so to their heart's content and laugh as they get salty about not following real kos'es.
Same here. I agree with Rhienor. I think they are garbage; however, it is fair game. I could name off a guy who does this >.>
Well, if players are good enough, they'll kill the caller and not start a chain of innos killing each other.
Before I get into my statement. Are we talking about False KOS from a Traitor or a Innocent? I'm assuming a False KOS from a Traitor Well.. #1 Its not RDM, as it was a T who called the false KOS, so it was a Traitorous act. #2 When that innocent is killed by another innocent, because of a T calling them out, at that point you can call the KOS back onto the player who called the KOS #3 Yes it can start an "RDM train" but it's part of the game Its part of the game, a lot of times if a player calls a KOS on me, I call a KOS right back on them (Normally a false KOS if I'm a T or a legit KOS cause I'm innocent) but its how the game works.
Look man, sometimes there are players that are just too hard to kill, so as T you false kos them to get them killed, and because they are so skilled they take out 2-4 other innos with them
For Traitors false KOSes are a legitimate way to try and cause havoc and eliminate the Innocents. I don't see anything wrong with that tactic and believe it is fair play. No one has to follow the KOS and they can just choose to ignore it. It's the players' choice if they decide to shoot someone based on someone else's word.
"Nobody has to follow the KOS" is at the core of this, and I feel like a broken record when I say this, but a lot of people are just absolute morons who will fire at anything for which they won't get slain. They'll wander around with someone for a while, hear the KOS out of the blue, and kill them anyways without a second thought as to their behavior. This isn't isolated behavior, either- it's half (or more) of people who play this game. It's like there's some deathmatch instinct in every one of us, and most just don't have the willpower to curb it to follow the intent of the game mode.
False KOSes are a way for the traitors to cause confusion among the innocents, by having them murder each other off one by one without the traitors ever having to reveal themselves. It's entirely up to you to kill the player called out, if you decide to go though with following the KOS, you can be killed for it (even though it isn't advised to kill somebody for following a KOS that you knew about).I personally love to call false KOSes because 1. Causes confusion within innos 2. Their reactions are funny when you call them out of the blue 3. I love the feeling when I call a KOS 2 seconds in the round, and someone follows it. If you aware of somebody who likes to call a lot of false KOSes, like me, just don't listen to the KOS to save your karma and possibly your life.
It is my favorite thing to False KoS staff as a T. Ask @C.A.Anna . Sorry, its a very fun thing to do.
I think that when a traitor calls a KOS on an innocent player, it causes enough danger to themselves to make any unfairness irrelevant. For example, a traitor will KOS an innocent player, that player is killed and identified as innocent, and as a result the traitor receives a KOS in return. Obviously, if an innocent player calls a KOS on another innocent player, they must have seen something traitorous. As a tip, if two players are calling a KOS on each other, simply follow the first one. That is normally the correct one to follow.