Point reward for every traitor kills, innocents and traitors win.

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by Renko, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. Renko

    Renko VIP Iron

    Suggested Point Reward
    Every traitor kill = 10 points
    Innocent win = 50 points
    Traitors win = 100 points
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. Dunkel

    Dunkel Member

    I think that if you got points for every win then the economy would overinflate. I think that instead you should get 5pts for every Traitor kill and 1pt for every Innocent kill (as Traitor).
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 5
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  3. That wouldn't really add much.

    +1 to the idea, but not the values you suggested. I think it should be +10 for a traitor kill, +10 for killing a traitor as an innocent/detective, and +20 for a traitor win. Possibly +10 for detectives only if the innocents win. That might be a bit more interesting.
  4. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    Imagine boosting with 2 players on the server and then suggest point amounts.

    With your original suggestion, I could get around 100 points per minute boosting with someone. Or 6,000 per hour.

    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Dunkel

    Dunkel Member

    To prevent boosting, point rewards will be disabled until a certain number of people join the server. I believe a fair number would be around 8 to 10 people.
  6. Dunkel

    Dunkel Member

    That would work if it wasn't for receiving 10 points every X amount of minutes. Those point values easily double if not triple the amount of points you earn over time making it easier to get items. Can we get an economist over here?
  7. Santa Claus

    Santa Claus Best Member VIP Bronze

    good idea!
    • Like Like x 1
  8. NinjaDragon48

    NinjaDragon48 Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul VIP Emerald

    The point of how the system works right now is so that palyers who are on the servers all the time, or spend many hours playing are rewarded by getting enough points to purchase the items they need/want. I believe that recieving points for winning or killing Ts in such a large amount would make the F3 pointshop obsolete as everyone would have the items. At this state I would be -1 it, but maybe a revision to the point of 10 or less, points for a win, and no points for the kill. My reason for this is, when I look at my stats in total I have close to 5000+ rounds, so even that would give me 50K points which would be huge. (I havent won all those but this is a generalized number)
  9. Solar

    Solar El Dorado VIP

    Personally, I think the current system is fine. Having extra points for the said parameters will just make the market saturated.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Creative Creative x 1
  10. I see your point, but I mean the way the points system is right now, kind of sucks. 300 points an hour isn't much. you'd have to play for over 9 days non-stop just for the Triple Harpoon upgrade. That's a bit excessive.
  11. I think it should be:
    traitor kill (Traitor kills an inno): 5 points
    Innos win: 10 points
    Traitors win: 10 points

    Not more than that.

    I'm also pretty sure I've suggested this before.
  12. Honestly about that, I think it will encourage RDM, therefor only Traitors will be rewarded with points when killing innocents.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  13. Maybe have a system like this:
    • Innocents get penalized for killing other innocents (Automatically, for 5 points)
    • If there is a report against you and it is valid the moderator/admin which handled the report gets to choose whether to penalize you or not. The amount is up to them (maybe a max of 25 points?)
    • If a traitor kills another traitor he gets penalized (Automatically for 10 points)
    • If you kill 5 innocents/T buddies in one round you lose a mass amount of points (say 500, 1k or higher)
  14. lewis1000

    lewis1000 VIP

    What if a T uses a C4 and kills some unaware T's?
  15. I didn't know if I should say this initially, but for that a mod/admin can remove the penalty.
    If there could be a forgiveness system in those penalties I'd suggest it, but the rules seem to not like forgiveness at all...
  16. I see your logic behind this you want the good players to get rewarded a little bit more for being good and wining. While I have no problem with that I don't think it should be done this way. -1 from me. I would suggest giving players 100 pts for every 10 rounds won. That way its realize more on group effort than individual skill.
  17. See I thought that as well, but that doesn't account for RDM'ers, if someone is T-baiting or doing an otherwise traitorous act as an innocent (e.g. throwing props near players, approaching players with explosive barrels, not id'ing a body).

    Not to mention as was stated about C4, I frequently run into t-buddies C4 by accident. There's also death stations and trip mines that could cause that as well.

    It's a good idea, but needs to be roughed out I suppose.
    • Agree Agree x 1