She literally got a nerf in the PTR today, the reduced the knockback she does to targets making them even more likely to kill her.
Just spent £30 on loot boxes, I got the Pumpkin-head Reaper and Junkenstein's Monster Roadhogg skins. I still regret my decision though..
Machine Pistol... ok seems useless Offense hero! Interesting Ult-negation... That's scary. That's like, insanely scary. Especially for bey blade users. Stealth.... Ugh. Great. She doesn't have a 1-hit ok like the TF2 spy but she's basically got the Dead Ringer from TF2 excluding feign death. However, excellent to note: Taking damage disables the stealth. That's key. Translocator is very interesting, it can provide a lot of new chaos. EMP: Seems to be her ult. It's insanely OP. It can literally destroy any close-knit defense. Hanamura gates... Volskaiya front... King's Row walls. It's scary. Her walking animation is the most retarded thing since Turret's guy.