No Mans Lie

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Shogun Melon, Oct 7, 2016.

  1. Anyone else disappointed by the fuck up that is No Mans Sky? I personally Pre-Ordered it (out of a moment of giddiness when I saw how awesome it looked from RECENT GAMEPLAY TRAILERS) and got stuck with a shitty product that is the love child of fraudulent asshole Sean Murray. 80 dollars were spent on that game. I personally enjoy it. But as a game, I think it's a fucking failure. Your thoughts?

    (Yes I know No Mans Sky is probably already dead on the forums, but I've been inactive during its launch period so I don't really care.)
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 4
  2. project

    project VIP

    I do not have the game myself but I have heard that a lot of people were disappointed by the game.

    Did you ask them for a refund?
  3. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Many people tried to refund it.

    Many people say it's bad.

    Many people have shown it's bad.

    There's investigations into false advertising, which could lead to criminal charges.

    There's no surprise at this point the reputation of the game is only getting worse, old news.
  4. SmileyOfChaos

    SmileyOfChaos Chaos Begets Order VIP

    I got it at launch out of curiosity. It was quite the disappointment. The only fun I found was in naming a system after the Fresh Prince theme song and getting an easy 100%.
  5. project

    project VIP

    When you say tried do you mean that they are denying people their right to a refund? I am sure that Steam offers a refund on all games if you have less than 2 hours of gameplay.
  6. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Like, probably 5% of ppl played that game for less than 2 hours and actually got the refund. The hype of the game and the time consuming exploration made most people get more than 2 hours w/o a doubt.

    A whole mod was refunding 2+ hrs, and rumors were circling that steam was actually refunding the game entirely (which they weren't)
  7. I (unfortunately) couldn't get a refund due to my retardedness of buying it on PS4. Because my Alienware laptop can't handle NMS (It can't even handle GMOD on low at 60. Even though it can handle more graphically intense games at 60) and 1, don't have a credit card, can't get it refunded anyway because Sony is a cunt with pre-orders, two, Sony owns the games rights. I doubt they would offer refunds on easy cash from pre-orders. Basically. Hello Games can't recover, Sony is a bunch of dicks, and it's a shit (but surprisingly fun at the same time) game. Still fucking awful.