Ok, we all come down to problems with our names whether it's our real names or in-game name or our **** name. We all have names for a reason for identification, egotism, or parody of some sort. My in-game name is Osmium. OS-ME-UM. Get it? Great! Wait, no? Oh dear saying my in-game name isn't that hard really. I had many surprises with players on saying my name. I had quite a few players saying all kinds of mesmerizing names... List so far, Ossmimimimimium Oooosmeiuuuum Os Osum Oooomeiummumium Optamius (seriously this did happen) So yeah, what about you guys? Does not have to pertain to in-game names but real life names which the person who is sitting on their bed, chair, or table. Just mark the one you want on this list in Yellow or Red so I can add on. ~~~~Compiled List for Name Problems~~~~
Dude my name cause all sorts of errors in pronounciation. Its easy to say, it goes: Ac-no-loe-geeah ( or just Acno) I've heard all of this stuff when people try to say my name: Ack A-dude Acnohol Can A... that guy who is wearing the Carnage model That girl whose name starts with A Acne Like seriously, just say Acno like everyone else.
There is already a thread like this somewhere. Names: Mr Butters. Nothing else, don't call me nothing else I stab you. I was here for this I don't know how he got it wrong but it was amusing and I went with it Optamius.
Okay so people frequently say my name wrong, Some people do it on purpouse some people don't know any better... Here is a list with all the variations on my name using a mic: Q-A-A-A-P Qube Kappa Cape Crap Quap Here is a list how people spell my name: Qaaap Qaap Quaap Quap Qaaaap Quack Qaaapie Qaaappa Crap Qaeap If you want to pronounce my name the right way: https://translate.google.com/?hl=en&tab=wT&authuser=0#en/nl/quap -> Choose: "Translate instead quap" Just try pronounce my name like this and spell it the right way, thanks! The story of my name: Me and my cousin played Habbo back in the day, he made an account called: "qaaap". He made it like that since the name was symmetrical, atleast in that font... So years later I made an Xbox Live account, but the name I choose was already taken. So I just grabbed this name and started calling it my own. and that is the story of the name Qaaap.
This is what they call me: Rhinosores Rhinocowres Rhinosowes Rhinosawrus Rhinosucks Rhinoswallow Rhinoshit Rhinocunt Rhinostupid Rhinosteam Rhino Rhino2x Rhino3x RhinoRhino RhinoRhino2x RhinoRhinoRhino RhinoRhinoRhino2x Rhinosour Rhinosweet Rhinosmells Rhinosmelly RhinoRheinor onihR onihRonihR Rhinocores is a traitor! Rhinocores is a innocent. Rhinocores acts suspicious. I see Rhinocores. I'm with Rhinocores.
[SaPy]Igneus [Sappy]Igneus Ingenius (this one made me choke on my drink) Igkneeus ignose [Sappeye]igneus
Back when my name was Proper.Grammer9: Proper Gamer Programmer pro gamer grammer proper.grammar people would actually look at my name and stutter out my name, incorrectly. i didnt get it.
best one was when a kid kept calling me Mr. Falcor in game.. seriously. and once when i was called factor.
I get so much confusion around my name. @Acnologia @Neatlyspeed @Tree did 7/11 know how much I get this Gagago Jajago Sasago Kakago. And much more, I just say it ZAZAGO. But in the end I dont really care how you say my name
"Zacsago" is how most people say it, which i'd say seems close enough to perfect, since it's like saying xylophone, you say zeye or zi-la-phone
And for my name, if it wasn't obvious, Neatlyspeed Neatly is fine, as is neat or neaty BUT FUCKING NEATRY OR NITRY, I SWEAR TO GOD *cris profusely*
I haven't played 1 day of TTT without somebody calling me Lighting. It's gotten to the point where I am considering a name change.