A Serious Minecraft server?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by EhhChris, Sep 26, 2016.


How would you feel about an SGM brand Minecraft server?

  1. Get my saddle, this pig needs to be ridden!

    110 vote(s)
  2. I've broken enough 3D blocks, let me just play Gmod forever.

    51 vote(s)
  1. RainyKitsune

    RainyKitsune Bark! VIP

    I will say right now, with such a small majority in favor, leading only by 56% It seems very unlikely enough of the server is invested enough to be significant enough in my eyes. I mean, with a difference like that, It's pretty split. I should also clarify though, that I think having a Binary system for this vote is also improperly representative of the players and their true opinions.

    For example, there's no way in hell you'll get me to play factions. That's why I voted no in this case. But Creative would be fine by me, or even just straight up vanilla, where I can get in, play for as long as I want, and get out without issue. Granted, that'd be harder to moderate, unless you had some kinda no rules server which seems out of character.

    I'd recommend changing the polls.

    Yes: I enjoy the idea of factions! Where do I sign up?

    Maybe: I like Minecraft, but instead of Factions, I like Creative mode!

    Maybe: I like Minecraft, But instead of Factions, I prefer Vanilla!

    No: What Is this? 2009? Let me go back to TTT.
  2. Tinbuster00

    Tinbuster00 See you on the forums! VIP Silver Emerald

    I'd be down as long as there was an alternative mode to factions.

    I used to be a big factions player a while ago on a few different servers. Looking back at it, the concept leaves a bad taste in my mouth. They all ended up being a really a toxic environment. This was probably due to how competitive people got over it. Weeks of work gone the next time you log in ect ect. People ddosing each other was also big then. While every server had anti-cheat type plugins, most of the "top" players always ended up being hackers just due to how limited the anti cheat plugins end up being. They're usually are fine for combating x-ray, but awful at pvp and other things like player radar. Then a portion of them always ended up being the typical pay to win servers.
    To be fair this was before the EULA changes and the combat changes.

    You really have to stay active and grind constantly in order to avoid getting shit on. Something I've liked about Deathrun and TTT is that you can just join and play. If there was an alternative survival server (with a plot system or similar) you could also play on, I think it would be more inline with what we currently have.

    "Brand" wise, I think something closer to Serious Darkrp would fit better. But I doubt that would happen unless we had more devs.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Where's the I don't play TTT or MC, and just lurk on the forums button? There would be a lot of people who choose that option @A Dog. Bark!
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Winner Winner x 2
  4. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    Hey that sounds familiar...

    • Like Like x 1
  5. Chai

    Chai returned; VIP

    fun fact: I used to play minecraft a lot and enjoyed the game back then. The novelty of adventuring, building castles(I suck at it) and being a tourist, I had a blast, it was so cool and especially entertaining when you're playing with "online" friends. Trading, opening up shops, blazing through nether and hunting down the dragons.
    The thrill of solving puzzles by joining unique events thats hosted based on occasions. The memories aaah

    Too bad, the joy quickly worn off as time goes by. I hosted minecraft servers before and was a formal terrible bukkit dev before the shitstorm occured.

    Nonetheless, I would love to dive deep into this adventure again as long as its fun and not that sirius :)

    You need to sign up with a legitimate minecraft account?
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Xaxago

    Xaxago "Goodbye Mike"-Eleven VIP

    I played minecraft a lot back in the day but I have lost interest, I remember losing interest on severs very fast, I honestly would prefer if we focus on Gmod. But thats just me.
  7. Oshy

    Oshy Crimson Avenger Silver Emerald

    Minecraft huh? I can somewhat see that being possible, heck I'm probably already down for something like that if it ever happens as its probably one of my stronger expertise and would have the most ranked hours in total (which I'm afraid to see if I ever check that data). However as much as I dream something like this would happen, how long the server will last is a big question. If the server turns out great, it'll last years, if decent maybe last about 2-3 years like all other Minecraft servers I tried keeping a home in their community. Minecraft is a bold move to take, sure it has "died" due to games like maybe Overwatch, or other newer trending games on the market, though I wouldn't necessary say it died as Minecraft still runs a very high player data-base and would still attract new players if advertised properly (if advertising is done at all). Now for the bigger issue, the different between Minecraft and Gmod servers. Gmod I would definitely say has won when it came to unique gamemodes like TTT and Deathrun, however Minecraft exceeds with giving the players more options to do things (depending on what Minecraft server it would become be it modded or vanilla). Some say Gmod is nicer as it is more simple and easier for people to grasp, though unless its a complicated case like FTB packs or anything containing vast crafting recipes, Minecraft can be a very simple concept as well. Plus I find it fairly nice to have people try out different things and give them challenges (Kinda like whenever a new map comes out people have to adapt to the new environment to have a better chance at winning.) instead of once you master being a skilled Bhopper or knowing how to play TTT skillfully, you start to lose (in my opinion of course) the challenge of things unless another skilled player joins to counter you.

    I may not be the right one to answer that but in my eyes, I would find logging into a server with legitimate accounts much more effective rather than doing something like a cracked Minecraft server (If that's what your implying, if not I apologize) since your more likely to get trolls to return in random usernames along with a higher chance of hackers. Bought Minecraft reduces that as most players (and I say most, not all) have to get their accounts by purchasing it reducing the number of accounts they could possibly return on after being banned. Ill not go into too much specifics now but if this done correctly I do see it becoming a successive part of the community. Oh, and one last thing. Just because a Minecraft server is put up, those whom REALLY enjoy TTT or Deathrun more, obviously it would be fine for you not having to participate on the MC server as its basically no different then preferring TTT or Deathrun, or vise-versa.
  8. Steve Mason

    Steve Mason Honesty. VIP

    I think we should go for it, it'll attract a completely different playerbase to this community. However one thing that will happen is that at first the servers will be full because of the people playing it for the novelty who normally play other gamemodes. After that wears off, these players will go back to the norm which could consist of minecraft but that is unlikely. There has to be a consistent amount of players playing minecraft regularly for it to be even viable enough to open a server, which is the obvious.

    Minecraft is a extremely popular game, you can play it on your tablets, pcs, pretty much anywhere. There is a really good chance that in the long-run the server can get steady number of players consistently. And with our initial spike of players, people will join it and if we have a polished product from the start we can be a successful server right off the bat.

    There are a lot of ifs here and I understand that, but I think we should go for it, it'll hopefully pay off. I mean if it doesn't, we can at least have a SGMOD (? will that still be the name lol) minecraft server a for a little bit before it shuts down. And in that little time we can just fool around with our friends which is always fun.

    I'm up for it, let's do this boys!
  9. Opalium

    Opalium Stay Awesome Banned VIP Silver

    (Note: I am basing this mostly on my personal experience with the game. I never used mods for MC)

    Minecraft, in my eyes, is a game with a very low replay value. Unless altered in some way to add new content (mods and such), there is only so much you can do in it before you'll just get bored. I used to play (vanilla) Minecraft with some good friends of mine when I was younger, and we had a blast for the first few hours, but eventually the excitement faded away and the next day we wouldn't even bother launching the game again - it was just 'meh'. We already did most of the things the game had to offer (I'm talking about the vanilla game here).

    As for modding, I'm afraid I do not know enough of what they can do and how much they can add, since I never really got into the topic or learned how they work - so I can't really say if it will make any difference. Are there compatibility issues? Will they require large downloads and manual installation of things? How will they affect the stability of the server? And, most important - how much can they really add to the game? Will they make such a big difference? And what if people will get bored of them? Are we going to replace them? Add to them?
    These are all questions you'll need to answer as well.

    So yeah, I'm gonna be honest and say I'm not sure this will turn out well, but again, my knowledge of Minecraft and the possibilities in it is very limited and there are probably a ton of things I don't know that would change the picture. I just think that in the eyes of a new-comer like me, who only played a bit of MC here and there, there is nothing too exciting in this.

    But I hope you can prove me wrong. "Surprise me", as they say.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Salisian

    Salisian An unbroken series of successful gestures VIP

    I have such mixed feelings about this. I love Minecraft, I love the nonsense you can get up to in vanilla. But when all the crazy economy and RPG mods came out, I lost interest, because then you weren't playing Minecraft any more; you were playing DayZ or Rust or ARMA or something, but with poorer graphics.

    My experience with any new Minecraft server, though, is that you have to permit low-level trollery in order to attract people, but then a certain group of trolls will get entrenched, and that's that- it becomes their server because their troll tactics are superior. I feel that Minecraft was created to be a cooperative game, to make things of creative beauty, but so many people play it for the sake of dominance and to ruin the fun of others. Only severe, strict rules can prevent that sort of behavior.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Smash

    Smash Baka VIP Silver

    More than likely we would be using a Pre-Arranged pack like FTB which usually has somewhere around 200-300+ mods in it(some are very minor while some add huge amounts of content to the game.) Because it's a pre-arranged pack all you have to do is download the launcher and then let the pack install, the only exception would be if extra mods were added and even that is not hard to do client side. The comparability issues are completely taken care of by the pack itself as everything is patched to work together. Stability is mostly dependent on the server box, and although it's not perfect it's worth the small spikes you may get due to the additions. The mods can add hundreds if not thousands of hours of gameplay to minecraft when they are condensed like this, many of the mods are integrated to work with similar mods and unique mods alike. These mods are only getting more complicated as time goes on, recently there have been some additions to the pack that I've seen that is mind boggling complex and very intriguing.

    Creating new dimensions, exploring the world of tech, delving into magic and witchcraft or simply being a very advanced farmer. These are all options within the realm of FTB, and you don't have to pick just one, you can do it all and more.

    This is entirely true for vanilla minecraft and I think you're point is very valid. However something like FTB is a completely different ballgame, people tend to work together towards a goal when more is at stake. You have to spend hours of your time to create this crazy machines or insane magic contraptions and there is plenty to occupy yourself with outside of simply trolling others.

    That being said, the pack does allow for even more trolling to occur theoretically, from curses and hexes to full on Atomic and Nuclear warheads there's plenty of havoc to be wreaked if it's allowed. There is a point where it's all fun and games, just pranking friends and there's another level which can be entirely destructive(nukes etc would be disabled so you wouldn't have to worry about that.)

    I strayed and ranted a bit, but my main point is that FTB and Vanilla are worlds apart in terms of content and the entire sense of the game. I always felt more driven to work with other people when playing FTB as even getting one set of machinery going later on can be time consuming and having other people contributing to your work while you contribute to theirs was always a nice feeling.
  12. Slicck

    Slicck Advisor VIP Silver

    @irritatingness Talk to me about possible options regarding FTB infinity. I think it'd be pretty popular.
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  13. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    A minecraft server before a DarkRP server?

    • Dumb Dumb x 3
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Also you have to consider that this will draw even more staff away from the TTT servers and the hours are bad enough.

    Obviously Highwon is interested in this due to the alert but surely to god you need to look at how little love the current servers get before expanding into a different game.

    I despise seeing how unloved the servers are already, this will just make things worse.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Also on mobile the notification appears on every single page even after closing it once, annoying as hell @Highwon
  16. Renko

    Renko VIP Iron

    I'm neutral because the developer sold the game for $2.5 billion to Microsoft Corporation, the server will not last long (except Microsoft is still cares to minecraft community).
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2016
  17. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP


    This is literally what we mean by modded MC, a modpack, you download it, just like on steam. They are usually about 200-300MB in filesize.

    Outdated PCs that use intel graphics is a known problem with some packs, but also gmod has the same thing, so I think that's being over-critical.

    Also this is not a complete suggestion yet. It's just a topic to discuss it. So I suggest that you put some feedback, it really helps decide the whole thing. Also so far, microsoft has done a good job with MC.
  18. RainyKitsune

    RainyKitsune Bark! VIP

    I have an okay computer, but Feed the Beast has consistently had problems with my systems. Terrible framerates, even with a Core i7 6700 (And GTX 950, but minecraft is cpu intensive anyway.)

    Maybe it's just me, but you need a fairly strong CPU for minecraft in general.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

    This is true, but I believe you should try to render more ram to FTB. And the correct java, ect. There's a lot of things.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  20. RainyKitsune

    RainyKitsune Bark! VIP

    A Lot of things I wouldn't have to do if I weren't playing FTB :/
    • Agree Agree x 1