Sticky The Faces of SGM v2

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Darktooth, May 19, 2015.

  1. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    I. Love. Your. Hair.
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  2. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    Is it me or do you look like ted Cruz
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  3. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    damn son you clean up nicely
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  4. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    *Steps into RNC at High Noon*
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  5. Proper

    Proper VIP Silver

    holy shit it was a joke lmao
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  6. jajar binks looking ass nigga with yo yee yee ass haircut smh smd got me fucked up coming at me that way u gon catch these hands soon if u think u can try clowning in front of me my dad hits me
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  7. Proper

    Proper VIP Silver

    thank you
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  8. EhhChris

    EhhChris Advisor. VIP Silver Emerald

    So glad you actually did this.
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  9. Makuzi

    Makuzi Now we all pray blood stains wash away VIP Silver

    Can't believe my hair used to be 14 inches
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  10. Zombina

    Zombina VIP

    Wow, finally found this thread. Who knew SGMod was full of such good lookin' nerds?
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  11. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    Kinda surprised you just found it tbh. I think this is one of the most popular threads on these forums. We have 63 pages here but this is the 3rd faces thread. We had two other big ones.
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  12. Zombina

    Zombina VIP

    I never really went to off topic before. c:
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  13. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    Thanks for letting me know. I wouldn't have been able to tell. But nice picture though(y)
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  14. ink

    ink Genuine Happiness VIP Silver

    Why do you have this picture again?
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  15. NoHackJustGood

    NoHackJustGood Hai :) VIP Silver

    Why not? I was on vacation when I took this and I honestly got no idea why.
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  16. Proper

    Proper VIP Silver

    I'm the one on the left
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  17. NoHackJustGood

    NoHackJustGood Hai :) VIP Silver

    In that case, it is a mom and her son.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  18. Proper

    Proper VIP Silver

    I am not your mother ??????
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  19. NoHackJustGood

    NoHackJustGood Hai :) VIP Silver

    Your lucky then ;)
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  20. Acnologia

    Acnologia modern desperado VIP Silver

    Figured I'd get a shot in before my next haircut.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2016
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