
Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Carned, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. EhhChris

    EhhChris Advisor. VIP Silver Emerald

    So I decided to see just how bad elo-hell is on @AnarkisT 's account would be.

    Even with this D'VA carry it was a slim victory...

  2. AnarkisT

    AnarkisT ★ No Gods, No Masters. ★ VIP Silver Emerald

    The system is more broken then my family

    But fucking seriously, this is bullshit, game after game, retard team after retard team, carry after carry, elo fucking hell.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    Don't worry, it doesn't get better until diamond.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    I'm stuck w/ no mic so im done w/ competitive until further notice.

    At least you can struggle.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    Worse than struggle, sad when you know your teammates can hear you but they never respond to anything.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Voca

    Voca o.o Administrator VIP

    Shabie#2136 o.o
    If anyone ish interested at all \(o.o)/
  7. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    I hate this game, does everyone fucking suck? I get 2-3 golds every game on DPS and guaranteed gold healing and object when playing support and we lose every fucking game, Ive gone back to quick play, fuck this.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Joined Quick play, played Symettra all game on defense and got 4 golds, i shit you not I wish i remembered to screenshot it.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. EhhChris

    EhhChris Advisor. VIP Silver Emerald

    That D'va screenshot above is about how all of my games go, win or lose. The ranking system is incredibly broken as it is, and then quick-play is a toss-up.
  10. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    holy fucking shit this new patch

    1. Ana was fixed
    3. Widow is... whatever
  11. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Fucking spam rat didnt need a buff.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. EhhChris

    EhhChris Advisor. VIP Silver Emerald

    Where do you see the new patch info?

    Last edited: Sep 22, 2016
  13. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Context: Grandmaster on his smurf purposely placed in bronze to experience ELO hell and show it's possible to overcome. Here's some gold: https://clips.twitch.tv/ster/CautiousSwanPRChase

    Context: 3rd game. The other team were being slammed so hard by ster that 3 of them left. Before this clip started, ster typed to the enemy team trying to tell them in case they may not have realized that they were playing 3v6. What's even funnier was what happened after that: https://clips.twitch.tv/ster/KindZebraPeteZaroll(edited)

    Context: 3rd game still, everyone on other team left. This guy didn't want to leave and made everyone wait 4 minutes.

    Something happened in every game he played in bronze.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2016
    • Winner Winner x 1
  14. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    I DID IT
    (also thanks to my 11 winstreak :p)

    • Like Like x 1
  15. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    nice talk about dedication, effort, and having a mic.abcdefghijklmnop
  16. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

  17. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    • Like Like x 1
  18. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

  19. Skyrossm

    Skyrossm Ideal Female Moderator? VIP Emerald Bronze

    rip the dream, lost after fighting 2 smurfs. :p I got pretty close to the limit tho, now the slow decline back to plat.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    • Funny Funny x 3