Rules in Spanish

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by elyo-luk, Sep 15, 2016.

  1. elyo-luk

    elyo-luk VIP

    Hello guys. I want to make a small contribution to the community translating the rules into Spanish. I hope this help to any spanish-speaking person!

    Reglas generales
    1. No se debe chivar.
    2. No molestes o acoses a otros jugadores
    3. No tengas sprays de contenido sangriento o de adultos
    4. No puedes llamar cuartos tu propiedad
    5. No se puede campar/retrasarse cuando la mayoria de los jugadores están muertos
    6. No se debe surfear con objetos a áreas que no se puedan llegar normalmente
    7. No mates con objetos mientras eres espectador
    8. No tengas un nombre que no se pueda leer (debe contener 3 o más caracteres en inglés)
    9. No hagas RDM (Matar a alguien sin una razon valida)
    10. No hagas falsos KOS (Annunciar que se debe mater a alguien)
    11. Puedes matar a los AFK (personas que están ausentes) sólo en el tiempo extra
      Reglas para Traidores
    12. No puedes matar a tus compañeros traidores
    Actos de traición *No se aplican a los Detectives
    • Disparar al direccion de jugadores (cebo de traidor)
    • Lanzar granadas de fragmentación, incendiarias, o grenadas de desconcertacion
    • No identificar cuerpos
    • Hacer KOS a inocentes
    • Plantar un C4
    • Dañar probadores de traidor o estaciones de salud
    • Tener armas de traidor (silenciada, cuchillo, arpón, gas lacrimógeno, etc)
    • Aproximarse a otro jugador con un objeto explosivo (barril explosivo, etc)
    • Esconderse un equipamiento de traidor (C4, señuelo, radio)
    • Entrar/Salir de un area exclusiva de traidores (cuarto de traidor)
    Este servidor no tiene la regla de las tres advertencias. No puedes hacer un KOS a alguien por seguirte. Si alguien te atrapa, informa a los miembros del equipo que estás atrapado y te teletransportarán de donde estas atrapada. Usa '@' para mandar un mensaje a un miembro del equipo.


    RDM (Inocentes/Detectives)
    • Dañar o matar al azar a otros jugadores.
    • Matar a alguien por ser sospechoso.
    • Matar a alguien por seguirte.
    • Daños o muertes usando objetos de manera al azar.
    • Peleas usando barretas.
    • Si das permiso a alguien para matarte, se sigue considerando RDM.
    • Usar programas externos de mensajes para informar a otros jugadores de lo que pasa en el juego que no puedan ver ellos mismos.
    • Esto incluye usar los mensajes internos del juego, los mensajes al admin, los mensajes de Steam, Skype, TeamSpeak, etc.
    • Esto incluye dar información sobre ti mismo.
    • Usar los mensajes públicos, los mensajes de equipo y los mensajes entre espectadores te asegura de que no te estes chivando. Otras formas de comunicación puede resultar sin darte cuenta en una forma de chivarse e entonces vamos a cumplir con castigos.
    Surfear con objetos
    • Cualquier área del mapa que no se pueda accesar sin usar objetos será considerada inalcanzable.
    • Surfear con objetos hasta el cielo está permitido, siempre que estés a la vista.
    Reglas extendidas
    • 1ª vez - Muerte*
    • 2ª vez - Muerte en 2 rondas*
    • 3ª vez - Prohibición de entrar al servidor durante 24 horas
    • 4 veces o más - Prohibición de entrar al servidor durante 5 días
      * Si se te ha castigado con una muerte por RDM, tienes que permanecer toda la ronda en el servidor, o será considerado RDM e irse.
    RDM e irse
    • 1ª vez - Prohibición de entrar al servidor durante 5 días.
    • 2ª vez - Prohibición de entrar al servidor durante 2 semanas.
    • 3ª vez - Prohibición de entrar al servidor durante 4 semanas.
    • 1ª vez - Silenciar + advertencia.
    • 2ª vez - Silenciar por una ronda.*
    • 3ª vez - Prohibición de entrar al servidor durante 8 horas.
      * Si sigues molestando en los mensajes al admin después de ser silenciado, no podras entrar al servidor durante 24 horas.
    • 1ª vez - Advertencia.
    • 2ª vez - Expulsión del servidor.
    • 3ª vez - Prohibición de entrar al servidor durante 24 horas.
    • 4ª vez - Prohibición de entrar al servidor durante 5 días.
    Chivarse, hacer trampa o hackear
    • 1ª vez - Prohibición de entrar al servidor durante 4 semanas.
    • 2ª vez - Prohibición de entrar al servidor durante 8 semanas.
    Sprays de porno/sangriento
    • 1ª vez - Advertencia
    • 2ª vez - Expulsión del servidor
    • 3ª vez - Prohibición de entrar al servidor durante 5 días.
    Los castigos están sujetos a cambios ante opinión del administrador.
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  2. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    Hey i don't know if you used google translate or translated this yourself. I ran your Spanish version through google translate and this is what I got, which is very different from how the rules were meant to be interpreted.
    General rules
    no tattle
    Do not bother or harass other juegadores
    Do not be bloody sprays or adult content
    No conquer rooms
    No campear / delayed when most players are dead
    Not worth surf with objects pudding areas not reach
    You do not kill with objects while you spectator
    Do not be a name that can not be read (must contain 3 or more characters in English)
    Do not do RDM (Killing someone for no reason)
    Do not make false KOS (Ask to kill someone)
    You can kill the AFK (People who are absent) only in overtime
    Rules for traitors
    You can not kill your fellow traitors
    * Acts of treason to DETECTIVES not apply
    Shoot near players (bait traitor, T baiting in English)
    Throwing fragmentation grenades, incendiary or frag Throwing, incendiary, or stun
    Not identify bodies
    KOS make innocent
    Plant a C4
    Damaging testers traitor or health stations
    Having traitor weapons (Silenced, knife, spear, tear gas, etc.)
    Approaching another player with an explosive object (explosive barrel, etc)
    Hiding an equipment traitor (C4, lure, radio)
    Login / Ssalir an exclusive area of traitors (room traitor)
    This server does not have the rule of three warnings. You can not make a KOS someone to follow you. If someone grabs you, informs administrators you're stuck and you teleport out of place. Use '@' to send a message to an administrator.


    RDM (Innocents / Detectives)
    Damage or kill other players random way.
    Killing someone on suspicion.
    Killing someone to follow you.
    Damage or deaths from objects randomly.
    Fights lever.
    If you give someone permission to kill, it is still considered.
    Using external programs messages to inform other players about what happens in the game they can not see themselves.
    That includes using internal game messages, messages to the admin, steam messages, Skype, TeamSpeak, etc.
    This includes giving information about yourself.
    Using public messages, computer messages and messages from viewers assures you of what you're not chivando. Other forms of communication may be without realizing it in a way to tattle and try the standard is met.
    Surfing with objects
    Any area of the map that can not be accessed without using objects will be considered unreachable.
    Surf with objects until the sky is allowed, you're always in sight.
    extended rules
    If you want to know a little more about the server rules, which include things RDM objects, guilt by association, and specific rules of some maps, please follow this link (In English, we will try to translate coming soon):
    1st time - Death *
    2nd time - Death in 2 rounds *
    3rd time - Prohibition of entering the server for 24 hours
    4 times or more - Prohibition of entering the server for 5 days
    * If you have been punished with death by RDM, you have to stay all round on the server, or will be considered RDM and leave.
    RDM and go
    1st time - Prohibition of entering the server for 5 days.
    2nd time - Prohibition of entering the server for 2 weeks.
    3rd time - Prohibition of entering the server for 4 weeks.
    1st time - Mute + warning.
    2nd time - Mute by a round *.
    3rd time - Prohibition of entering the server for 8 hours.
    * If you keep bothering messages to admin after being silenced, it will throw you out of the server for 24 hours.
    1st time - Warning.
    2nd time - Expulsion server.
    3rd time - Prohibition of entering the server for 24 hours.
    4th time - Prohibition of entering the server for 5 days.
    Tattle, use tricks or hack
    1st time - Prohibition of entering the server for 4 weeks.
    2nd time - Prohibition of entering the server for 8 weeks.
    Sray porn / bloody
    1st time - Warning
    2nd time - Expulsion server
    3rd time - Prohibition of entering the server for 5 days.
    Punishments are subject to change before Administrator opinion.

    Food for thought, might be very confusing
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  3. elyo-luk

    elyo-luk VIP


    I translated it by myself. The google translator is so broken translating spanish to any other language. If I had translated it by Google Translator, using the inverse translation should give the same result.

    Why is Google translator broken translating from spanish? It's simple, we use too similar words. For example, if I translate "I enjoy playing like you", in spanish is something like "Me divierto jugando como tú", which and be translated into english (Literally, using Google translator)like "I enjoy to eat you".
    • Funny Funny x 8
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  4. Silent Rebel

    Silent Rebel Lead Shitposter VIP

    I understand how translations can be skewed due to syntax/grammar/etc, I was just wondering how this reads to native Spanish speakers. Good job though.
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  5. dugi

    dugi Member

    I could do the same in Italian, if it is worth it (Italy doesn't have many gamers).
    Let me know!
  6. ink

    ink Genuine Happiness VIP Silver

    Google translate doesn't translate grammar rules correctly from spanish to and from english, and translates the words one by one, not changing the difference in syntax. Rules seem fine to me. Thanks for translating this. Maybe we can link threads like this to the original rules. Time for @Kyogre to stretch his lead muscles again and make @CDriscoll link it.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2016
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  7. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    we need swedish, dutch, german, mandarin too
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Don't forget russian, portuguese, and whatever middle easterners uses.

    also at the Spanish list anyone with at least 2 hs classes of spanish knowledge can translate that entire list to a general understanding of the rule better than google translator could ever do.
  9. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron


    Get some German/Russian in there for the EU peeps. If anyone is up to the task.
  10. tengo tres metros de madera esperando por ti
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  11. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    • Funny Funny x 3
  12. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Tengo un gato en mis pantalones, ayudame.
  13. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    me llamo maccarone con queso y tengo mucho biblioteca muy bien!!!
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  14. Wex

    Wex The enemy of art is the absence of limitations VIP Bronze

    Should translate forum rule #2
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  15. elyo-luk

    elyo-luk VIP

    Well, they're not talking in "real" spanish :p They have similar level as this two songs :D

    So, Can I call you "Mr macarrones con queso"?:woot::woot:
    I preffer this version:

    Do you have a giant wooden sword waiting for me? :muted::muted::(
    • Funny Funny x 3
  16. a gorilla sword
    • Winner Winner x 4
  17. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

    google translate screwed up what i siad
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2016
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  18. Kyogre

    Kyogre Ayuda VIP Silver

    Hey, this is actually pretty neat. While our community is more so focused on English users, I definitely feel this is a nice addition for those who have a hard time understanding our ruleset because they only speak Spanish or know little English.

    Would you mind if I edited the OP to make some adjustments and then maybe from there CD and I would consider if this should be something to link in our MOTD? I'm a native Spanish speaker myself so I just find some minor things that I feel could be worded better.

    Otherwise, I really appreciate the work and effort that was put into this.
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  19. elyo-luk

    elyo-luk VIP

    Fell free to change everything you want :D
  20. pinche stupido
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