Denied Doctor Rustled's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Doctor Rustled, Aug 7, 2016.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Doctor Rustled
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Read the rules, being toxic is not against the rules. I have requested several members of staff several times on which rules are violated when I am being toxic.

    Being racist is also not against the rules, it does not fall under harassment as it simply isn't harassment. Unless you've got evidence that I was aiming racism directly at a player several times, your ban is completely invalid.

    Not all, but quite a lot of your staff is just salty because I exposed their superiority complex. Therefore, rather than looking at this appeal from a perspective of feelings and emotions, you should look at this appeal through the perspective of facts and logic. Thank you.
    Evidence of Innocence:
  2. Shaddoll

    Shaddoll Okay doomer. VIP

    @Thistle will get to you shortly. Please be patient.
  3. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Hello! I am dropping these links here since this is awkwardly not your first ban for this reason, and I have been the moderator to handle your toxic behavior for the last 3 bans. These reports also include what you were banned for this time. Please wait for Thistle to explain further and provide more evidence.
  4. News Network

    News Network broken VIP

    I've seen this appeal, I'm just heading out for work at the moment. I'll try to get my response out on either one of my breaks or once I get home. Thanks for being patient.
  5. Just by taking a look at some of the messages shown on the second report, you can clearly see that most of it is either taking a piss at someone who isn't speaking English in the chat, or at some of the staff members who purposefully get offended so they can have a chance at muting someone. The large chunk of it is just an explanation of the difference between harassment (which is banned) and racism (which is not banned). Something that a lot of the staff members seem to coincidentally ignore. Which is why I'm taking this to a place where they can't just kick me for having an opposing viewpoint without looking like a bunch of Orwellian crybabies.

    The third one, oh boy. Let me begin by stating that inappropriate language is not banned from the servers, otherwise several people from both report 1 and 2 would be banned for a lengthy amount of time... say 8 weeks *hint*. Chat spam is the only legitimate offence I will admit to, however this was coincided by several other members of this community, both of them unpunished (or at least not punished to the length of time that I was) which proves clear bias to me as an individual. Finally, insulting a mod *once* does not equate to harassment, as presented in both the evidence of this appeal as well as the chat logs of report 2, harassment can only happen multiple times. The screenshot only proves the opposite.

    I cannot comment on the first report as the evidence for that one is gone.

    It is clear that I should only be punished for chat spam and nothing else, as anything else I did do completely abides to the server rules.

    To sum it all up, mods should never be given the authority to redefine words at their will to suit their pathetic superiority complex.
  6. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    Just going to state that your bans aren't made specifically for harassment. They are catered more towards toxic behaviour and racism.
  7. Which is why I have specifically included the rules as part of my evidence as neither toxic behaviour nor racism is actually against the rules.
  8. News Network

    News Network broken VIP

    Alright, firstly i'd like to apologize for my delayed response in this appeal. I have had a pretty busy day at work today.

    Lets address the reasoning behind my ban on you as a start. As you can see in this report against you, you are seen using some extremely derogatory and demoralizing terms. The major one being the N word.
    This is firstly where you are mistaken. There isn't a specific rule in place for this as it falls under at-least two other rules here on our servers.
    that as by the definition of harassment on these servers, it is very discretionary based. Any post that makes the target uncomfortable, in this case, 90% of your comments make people, staff members included, uncomfortable.

    There are two instances of the following two rules being broken within the shown the report. The first being the use of the N word. Although you weren't directing any of this at a specific person, it is still extremely offensive to a multitude of people thus making it a form of indirect harassment. Although you are not directly addressing anyone calling them that term, this community is a diverse community. Many players join our servers from all around the world thus meaning that there is mass of people who will find this term to be extremely offensive, this term has always had an offensive meaning behind it due to historical events which relate to it, this is why the use of this term can be acted upon under harassment without it being directed at one person. Not to mention how disrespectful the word is to use from a moral point of view. This also falls under the "Be respectful to users at all times" Rule, using that term is a blatant disregard for this rule as you were clearly showing no consideration towards people who may have been offended by the language you were using (Which people obviously were offended, hence the forum report against you).

    There is also a major flaw in the definition of harassment you proceeded to put in this thread.
    Harassment doesn't need to have multiple occurrences. As seen in the already imaged rule above, "Harassment is defined as, but is not limited to, "aggressive pressure or intimidation". Even if this was the case, there was still multiple instances in the report where you proceeded to harass/intimidate fellow players, the mass amounts of the racial slurs you used but also these:

    I can assure you that my personal feelings won't influence my decision on this appeal. Everything I am stating here is based on the facts which I have been given.

    The reasoning what you consider to be a "harsh" punishment is due to the fact you have an extremely toxic history on these servers. You are correct about the fact that they should also be punished too, and i'll be speaking and providing a warning to at least one other player for this. However, "I shouldn't be punished if **** isn't being punished" isn't the correct logic to have in situations like this one.

    I would also like to clarify that in no way do we bend words to suit our "superiority complex". We enforce the rules as outlined in the rules section.

    The biggest issue with your attitude is the fact you claim to be aware of the rules, but state that you do not care about them, this implying that you know what you are doing wrong, but still proceed to disregard them.
    Again, this is another quote from you which shows you are here to exert trollish behavior and to disregard the rules that we have in place.

    I hope the explanation above provides clarity and helps you understand a little better the reasoning behind your ban. The reason for the length of your ban is due your extensive harassment/toxic/racist history on these servers, I felt like the standard warning/kick/short ban procedure isn't enough to make you see light and follow the rules, thus making me consult one of the higher ups and receiving discretion to give you a more lengthy punishment for you actions. I have noticed that since my initial four week discretionary based ban there has been an extended and globalized ban put on you by another staff member @Guilty as he deems your actions worthy of a lengthier ban. So, for all the reasons explained above, I will be denying my part of this appeal. I'll also be tagging @Papa_Smurf who will provide more evidence of your toxicity and negativity.

    Have a good day.
  9. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Toxic behavior is a type of ban that requires an admin's discretion. Racism falls under harassment because it's still harassing/targeting a group of people. That kind of insult can cause others to feel uncomfortable due to the nature of the language being used. Allow me to post a few examples that haven't been mentioned by @Thistle .

    Example: When I joined, you immediately ask me if this server was "ran by Jews" and then immediately go on a rant about Jews on our servers. Another example? Well I'll let this image speak for itself.

    I don't know what your deal is with displaying such toxic behavior on our servers, but it isn't ever tolerated here. Keep that in mind. I'll let Papa Smurf post the last piece.
  10. So rather than follow a definition that is from a source that is actually reputable, you instead create your own little definition and deny the appeal immediately without any opportunities for me to respond and add any further rebuttals to show that you are incorrect as if this was some sort of SJW safe space? I'm sorry but being a Jew myself, I don't need people like you to be offended on my behalf. If anything it is extremely condescending and racist.

    Also, just because I don't care about the rules, doesn't mean I won't follow them. I have followed every rule in the book and I'm still punished because you can't handle any differing opinions other than the ones reflecting off your echo chamber. Unless you can prove that those two messages are aimed at the same person, it cannot be officially defined as harassment coming from a reputable source such as Merriam Webster.

    I would of course sincerely apologise to the entire server for using the N word if you can get a slave survivor online, that would be great. Of course it doesn't help by the fact that the African American community has taken "Nigger" and changed it into "Nigga", which is the African American vernacular for "friend". So why don't you ban every black person from the server for being complete racist pigs? This is of course according to your own faulty logic. Oh wait, then you'd be accused of racism. Let me guess, you'd only ban if it suits you. More proof of a superiority complex going on in many of the staff members here.

    I would also like to clarify that you really did bend words to suit your own superiority complex, why else would you purposefully bend the definition of "harassment" to ban whoever you find "toxic", 1984 was written as a warning, not a how-to guide. Note how nearly all of my ban reasons state "toxic" as one of its reasons. That's an awfully vague term is it not? Care to explain what makes someone toxic rather than just screaming "toxic" to ban anyone whom you disagree with personally? Or are you just going to pull cotton over your eyes and pretend that everything's fine.

    Anyways, I think that's enough rambling for the day. Whether this will affect my ban is pointless, the main purpose of this is to shed light on the constant rule bending to fit your horrendous Orwellian mindset as well as your tragic superiority complex.

    Thank you and have a good day.
  11. Doctor Smurfenstein

    Doctor Smurfenstein Active member Banned VIP

  12. Read the post above please before you start abusing the term "toxic".
  13. News Network

    News Network broken VIP

    I would just like to point out the definition of harassment from a more reputable source (Citizens advice).
    This definition clearly con-insides with the definition we use on our servers.

    Your actions have clearly shown that you do in fact, show blatant disregard for the rules, and are now attempting to push the boundaries in what they are to essentially get yourself out of a ban. Differing opinions is one thing, you are not wrong to embrace your freedom of speech but when it comes to a point of being volatile and out right offensive, it is no longer acceptable.

    People don't necessarily have to be what you deem a "slave survivor" to take offense to the term that you have been using. The term has since became an insult to a large group of people, which in turn people find offensive so is still considered racist and harassment. You are correct in saying that "Nigga" has became a term in which other African-Americans have began to use as a greeting. This still does not condone you to repeatedly use the word "Nigger" as it is still considered a racial slur and is not acceptable to use within this community. I'm pretty sure i've already explained this to you, but I guess I need to go into more depth. The issue isn't with what you claim to be a "Superiority complex" at all. This is simply punishing continuous unruly, racist, toxic, harassing and offensive behavior. Superiority doesn't even come into the matter as I class myself as still just another regular player within this community and nothing more.

    As seen in the screenshot I have posted in the beginning of this reply, I have in no way shape or form bent the words to suit my non-existent superiority complex. I can also go ahead and explain what toxicity means in your situation too - you have openly shown blatant disregard to the rules, but not only the rules, peoples feelings also. You like to use words which literally demoralize some people. This community is all about having fun and playing a game essentially, when you join a server and start using terms like you do, making jokes like you do, there will be people who's fun has been ruined through it and can no longer enjoy the game. There will be people sitting on the back seat reluctant to speak up and tell you that they are offended by it due to the fact that they will feel like they're going to get more abuse hurled at them. This type of behavior creates an uncomfortable environment to be in. Before I got moderator I seen you around a few times on the server and yes, you did make me feel uncomfortable with the jokes you make and the way you present yourself. However, let's not go into this as it isn't really relevant to the report and like I said - I won't let personal experience influence my decision.

    Whilst I appreciate the time you took to submit this response, my verdict still stands.

    I'll lock this post up until @Guilty can make the final verdict on the ban in question.
  14. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    As shown by some of your previous comments around our forums, it's clear that you don't care about your ban nor understand our rules. You will serve your ban to its fullest extent.

    Appeal Denied
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