Finished 20K more TTT points Giveaway!!!

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by ThePepper, Jun 22, 2016.

  1. ThePepper

    ThePepper VIP

    Yesterday I recieved some FAA paperwork in the mail that I have been waiting on for a while now. Without it, I was unable to work in the non-military side of my career field. All in all, I am ecstatic and can now continue doing what I love (and get paid beaucoup bucks to do so!)

    So with this giveaway, post your favorite airplane (or helicopter) and why. A winner will be chosen at random on Monday. Only rule is that the aircraft must have existed and flown (NO CONCEPTS.)

    I'll start: SR-71. If you don't know what it is, look it up. It's an amazing aircraft that edges that border to spacecraft. Why would the X-men pick anything but the best to be their plane of choice? The best part is, is that it was concieved and created DECADES ago.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2016
    • Friendly Friendly x 5
  2. M8, gotta love the MH-6 Little Bird, small, fast, and used for special operations, despite it's size :p it says that a small guy can be used for big things xD
  3. F-16 Fighting Falcon. The sad thing is that I actually haven't ever heard of any other aircrafts.
  4. mk3upours

    mk3upours VIP

    uh-1 was used in the Vietnam war
  5. Cake

    Cake I like red VIP

    uhh black hawk, my dad used to repel from them.
  6. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    The one that I don't know the name of since I'm inept when it comes to planes.
  7. Rawgah

    Rawgah Scrublord VIP

    A wright flyer as it was the first plane and it just looks too comical for me in black and white which makes me enjoy even it more.
  8. Unfortunately I don't know the name of many planes, but the concept of fighter jets has always interested me. We weaponized everything else, so planes were a natural continuation of that.

    Looking up specific ones, I think I like the first fighter jet, the Me 262, as it was borne out of WWII and was the most well-known during that time.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2016
  9. ThePepper

    ThePepper VIP

    I love the Hueys/Cobras. We had a squadron of them come in for some exercises. It was definitely interested mixing them into a pattern full of fast moving fixed wing aircraft.

    Mine too! His platoon was in the movie "Toy Soldiers". He always told me that he was the one to repel through the windows. I only recently found out that while he did the shot, another one was chosen for the scene.

    Pick one if you want some points! I would suggest the De Havilland DH2T. They gave it a nickname thats an homage to your mother.
  10. thefish11099

    thefish11099 Regular Member

    Mine is the B-24H-15-FO 42-52318 because it was called the "NAUGHTY ANGEL"
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. Togo ✿

    Togo ✿ Nobody Gets it VIP Silver

  12. Dr. House

    Dr. House VIP

    ayy lmao, hmu with dem points
  13. Acnologia

    Acnologia modern desperado VIP Silver

    You can't get a better helicopter than the Apache. Its just so badass.
    like if you agree. jk,
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  14. Nameless

    Nameless VIP Silver

    Does this count?

    If not, then maybe blackhawk. Im not really good at planes.
  15. Nefarious ✿

    Nefarious ✿ Lost 2 VIP

    MD 530F helicopter
  16. Ruby

    Ruby Turn your wounds into wisdom VIP Silver Emerald

    Apache is pretty cool
  17. Captain Obvious

    Captain Obvious Regular Member

    "Boeing 747" --> final destination .... : p
    or maybe a "stealth fighter" .... or a "apache helicopter" becasue that thing fucks shit up ...
  18. JackThePumpkin

    JackThePumpkin VIP Bronze

    P-40 Warhawk plane.