Completed Report against KLoWn231

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Bogdanoff, Jun 6, 2016.

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  1. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    1 Rounds From End
    Time of Occurence:
    ~01:50 AM
    Reason For Report:
    Ghosting, he told me that someone shot the barrel, Kappacino, which is considering ghosting as it was via PM and an event that I was not yet aware of in game.
    Note that he sent the PM before I was dead, and that I just took the screenshot while I was dead due to an ingame event which occurred. I am sure that the logs will prove this if you have any form of PM Logs.
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    Also just to add more contex on what happened, a barrel had been exploded killing and damning some innos, and then Klown messages me telling me about Kappacino. I replied to him as you can see, and then died due to me getting shot in the back because I was typing in chat.
  3. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Hello! I will be the moderator to deal with your report! Please be patient as I review the evidence regarding the report. I will be back with a verdict and information regarding the results of the report shortly!
  4. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Tagging @KLoWn234 to give their side of the story. I'll give him about a day or two to give his side until I give my verdict. Please remain patient.
  5. h0b0 b0z0

    h0b0 b0z0 VIP

    Okay, so I was about 90% sure that Kappa shot a barrel which killed some innos. I was alive at the time, and Kaz was there, so I told Kaz about my suspicions of Kappa. I hadn't really made the decision whether I would kill Kappa or not, but I think I may have died before I got the chance to see him again. Sorry for getting you killed Kaz
  6. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    The problem is not that you killed me, its the fact that you informed me of an event which I was not aware of, which is Ghosting.
  7. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    This report has been found valid. Thank you for the report. @KLoWn234 If you would like to appeal your ban, please either start a conversation with me on the forums or make an appeal on the matter.
    Report Valid
    Thread Locked
  8. h0b0 b0z0

    h0b0 b0z0 VIP

    We were BOTH ALIVE at the time dude. I'm not allowed to whisper people?
  9. Bogdanoff

    Bogdanoff VIP

    No, as that is third party communication, and informing me of events that I did not know which occurred. That is the definition of ghosting as seen in the rules:
    It applies to dead and alive players.

    This is also discussed here:
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