Invalid Report against Trustworty Terrorist / Knockdown / Miggo

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Linux, May 16, 2016.

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  1. Linux

    Linux VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Trustworty Terrorist / Knockdown / Miggo
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    STEAM_0:0:151080732 / STEAM_0:0:27332827 / STEAM_0:0:40689817
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    3 rounds before map change
    Time of Occurence:
    05:56PM 16/05/5016
    Reason For Report:
    Trustowrthy Terrorist T baited me, he shot very close to a guys head with his pistol and expected me not to realise.

    For this I killed him.

    He reported me then dealt with my report and slayed me.

    I'm reporting Trustowrthy Terrorist for false slays and corruption and im reporting Knockdown for Gross negligence as he allowed this to happen as he was on at the time of the event. Im also reporting Miggo for the same reason despite being a trial mod.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    I can't get a copy of the logs because he delayed the outcome of the report in order to avoid me printing the logs . . .​
  2. Linux

    Linux VIP

  3. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    Hey there!

    I'll give Trustworthy some time to respond with his evidence to which I'll give my verdict.

    I'll tag @C.A.Anna as you are reporting her moderator too.

    Thank you for making a report, and please remain patient!
  4. Knockdown

    Knockdown The reason you can't sleep VIP

    Hello Linux, I hope you had a good day/night/evening.
    Thanks for making a report.

    During this time I was doing stuff on the forums. Afther I jumped back in the game (One round later) I noticed what you where saying.
    I took my time to check the logs. And I did not negligence your report. Here is what i found.

    I saw you killed trustworthy, Trustworthy made an report.
    You told that he had shot near someone. (T baiting) Wich I could not find in the damageinfo.
    I also tried looking at the shoot logs but they didnt load up correctly.



    So based on the report and damageinfo I could not say this report was invalid. I did ask @TrustworthyTerrorist to make sure. He told me that this was a valid report and that he didn't shoot at all.
    I trust @TrustworthyTerrorist that he did they right thing.
  5. Linux

    Linux VIP

    Can you check the shoot logs please, TTs shot was right next to odeous complexes head? Do you not think it would be professional to check it for yourself, the report had a guilty party being the judge and victim, of course TT is going to see himself as the correct when however he was wrong
  6. Knockdown

    Knockdown The reason you can't sleep VIP

    As I told you I checked the Shoot logs and it didnt load show up as it's supposed to. and it still doesn't. I suggest we wait for TT his evidence.
    I checked everything when i was online the spoilers above shows what i found. I did take a look at it but could not find more.


    Here you go my dudes. Sorry for taking a while. Imgur was down and I went outside while waiting for it to come back online.
    Things I should point out about this: The shotlogs dont line up with the damagelogs in timestamps. This is a known issue for staff members, but just pointing it out for Linux and others viewing this.
    You can see the shot that killed Trustworthy at 00:42. You can also clearly tell Trustworthy had not fired a single bullet before that (Other than a smoke grenade at 00:31)

  8. Linux

    Linux VIP

    Didn't load up like it's suppose too. . . Therefore the report should have been inconclusive as it's word Vs word. Perhaps one of the other staff members can retrieve the shoot logs?
  9. Linux

    Linux VIP

    he definitely shot his pistol


    The shotlogs clearly disprove that.

    I think what might've happened is sometimes when the server lags, it causes players to see fake shots come out of players guns (just the muzzle flash though) and you might've confused this with an actual shot. That's the only real reason I can think of as to why you would see Trustworthy shoot his gun without it appearing in the shotlogs.
  11. TrustworthyTerrorist

    TrustworthyTerrorist A guilty conscience needs no accuser. VIP

    Thank you for taking time to report me @Linux.

    This happend round 4 on the map dolls, as you can see from the report i did:

    20160516180540_1.jpg 20160516180540_1.jpg

    And here you can see all the shots done to the part where you killed me:

    And i will leave @hello my friend and @C.A.Anna to verdict the report against us.

    ~ Trustworthy

  12. Knockdown

    Knockdown The reason you can't sleep VIP

    I didn't hand out the slay. I was one round later Linux this is why it maybe didnt load up for me. I did what i could
  13. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    To clarify about the shot logs and times lining up.

    We have two methods to check for shot logs. While the Shot logs they shows time do not match up, they DO show every shot in the round regardless so in the case of the claim of T-Baiting, they would be able to see, as Trustworthy was killed, if he had shot at all during the round. If there is no shot in those records, he never shot. If there WAS a shot, it could be WvW at that point.

    There is a glitch that the muzzle flash of a weapon will trigger at random, but no shots actually are fired. However, Mods have to slay for glitches.

    Let us wait for @C.A.Anna to come to her verdict now and lets keep focused on the task at hand.
  14. TrustworthyTerrorist

    TrustworthyTerrorist A guilty conscience needs no accuser. VIP

    As a moderator i can't act on what i belive, i acted based on the shot logs.
    I've checked them before handing out the slay.

    ~ Trustworthy

  15. Linux

    Linux VIP

    • When the server lags, it causes players to see fake shots come out of players guns - Miggo
    • As I told you I checked the Shoot logs and it didnt load show up as it's supposed to - Knockdown
    I still see myself as the victim in all of this, the server lagged and gave me improper feedback and I acted on this the same way all staff respond to reports, with the information they are given, this is something that should be fixed but what is more concerning is that TT issued a slay on me of which was judge, jury and executioner when another staff member was online and gave inconclusive feedback.

    "I also tried looking at the shoot logs but they didnt load up correctly." was Knockdowns response when asked about the slay, he offered his verdict with out all the evidence. How often does this happen?
  16. Linux

    Linux VIP

    I accept now that TT did not shoot but the underlying issues are still present.


    The shotlogs were working fine when the incident happened. That's when I took my pictures and was able to post them here. Sometimes old logs bug out and don't want to show up, which is why Knockdown seemed to be unable to reach the shotlogs AFTER the incident had happened.
    Sure, you could say you are still the victim, but you can't blame TT for the verdict he made, because it was perfectly reasonable based on the information we had from the shotlogs and damagelogs.
  18. Linux

    Linux VIP

    I accept that the slay was due, but what I'm saying is that the means did not justify the end, TT should not be investigating/slaying his own report when another mod is online and knockdown should not be giving his verdict without all the evidence.


    It was actually me who investigated the report. Since I'm a trial mod I can't hand out slays of my own, so one of the moderators online does it for me.

  20. Knockdown

    Knockdown The reason you can't sleep VIP

    @Linux I did not make a verdict. I was not handeling the report. So i didnt do the report. or handed out a slay. I was doing forum stuff when this happend.
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