Invalid Report against Candycaneore

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Raiq, May 3, 2016.

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  1. Raiq

    Raiq VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    around 10pm PST
    Reason For Report:
    Absolutely abusing the KOS for passing unid'ed bodies, I literally had someone die right in front of me and was backing away from the gunfight before I was INSTANTLY killed and targeted (out of EVERYONE ELSE in the crowd) . Also, @Candycaneore stood over an unid'ed body four separate times the remainder of the round. Why am I suppost to run into the middle of someone dying to ID a body?

    Please see my other thread for discussion on how this rule has been abused a lot, recently.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Zer0z

    Zer0z Hotline Blinger VIP

    I'm gonna go ahead and tag @Candycaneore and her admin @Guilty.
    They'll respond as soon as they can.
    Also, your video is set to private so we are unable to look at the evidence.
  3. Angel-Kun

    Angel-Kun VIP

    Can't see the video since it's private but I was there when it happened. I shot someone in the middle of a group and Riaq was KOSed out of everyone in the group for not IDing the body. I am not taking sides but that's when this whole thing started.
  4. Raiq

    Raiq VIP

    It's fixed now.
  5. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    The video also just shows once the player was killed, you failed to ID it. You didn't ID Ocean's dead body so I killed you. You said in-game that you weren't going to go back and ID a body during a shooting but, at the time there wasn't any shooting yet you continued to back away from the unided body as I arrived on scene.
  6. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    So @Raiq , is what my Moderator said true? As well as what others have stated?
  7. Raiq

    Raiq VIP

    Just close this out. I'm in a piss poor mood and getting sick of the bullshit tonight.

    End of story, there was a firefight. I backed away to prevent myself from getting shot because a lot of people panic fire. I'm not going to ID a damn body after people were shooting , and she instantly focused on me instead of -anyone- else.

    Why was nobody else INSTANTLY KOSed because of that? You stood over an unided body for three damn minutes at the end of the video, yet nobody KOSed you.
  8. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Unfortunately, due to you showing that you committed a traitorous act by not attempting to ID a body, my Moderator's actions have been found to be within the rules. It's unfortunate that this kind of situation occurred during your traitor round, but this can also help you learn that not attempting to ID bodies can lead to you getting killed by another player. This report against @Candycaneore has been found invalid. If you have any problems with this verdict, then feel free to PM me on the forums to discuss the verdict in further detail.
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