Hiya, I'm here.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Ethan Sawyer, Apr 26, 2016.

  1. Ethan Sawyer

    Ethan Sawyer Member

    Hiya. My name is Ethan, and I play Garry's Mod. And it appears I've found the first decent Garry's Mod server group ever.
    • Friendly Friendly x 4
  2. Ethan Sawyer

    Ethan Sawyer Member

    Or will you

    *violent eyebrow wiggling*
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  3. Ethan Sawyer

    Ethan Sawyer Member

    I'd use a lenny face here, but my bind seems to be gone.

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Google is my friend
  4. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    ETHANNNNNNNNNN *anticlimactic* Sawyer

    Welcome to the forums. Hopefully see you in game sometimes :)
  5. Ethan Sawyer

    Ethan Sawyer Member

    Hopeufully! I tend to play on TTT EU2
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    You have certainly found the best of the servers! Welcome!
  7. Xaxago

    Xaxago "Goodbye Mike"-Eleven VIP

    Hey welcome to the servers, I played with you on EU 2 and you seemed cool
    See on the servers :p
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  8. Ethan Sawyer

    Ethan Sawyer Member

    Oh hi there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  9. News Network

    News Network broken VIP

    Hi Ethaaaan,

    Welcome! I play eu2 mostly so see you around>.>
  10. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    Hey Ethan.

    Welcome to the forums friend =)
  11. Ethan Sawyer

    Ethan Sawyer Member

    kk :)

    First friend. Yay.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. ArcticFox29

    ArcticFox29 Creator of lag. Silver

    Welcome, friend!
  13. Ethan Sawyer

    Ethan Sawyer Member

    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  14. Machinekiller00

    Machinekiller00 I <3 Gunter VIP Silver

    Welcome :)
  15. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    More and more EU players. This always makes me excited :LOL:
    Welcome to the forums and the community ^^ I hope you continue to enjoy your stay with us!
    • Winner Winner x 1
  16. J.T.Ripper

    J.T.Ripper Ughuuuu. VIP

    Hi! Welcome to the community! I hope to see you on the servers!
  17. Cake

    Cake I like red VIP

    welcome :D