Invalid Report against Report on WolfSlayer246

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by ★Anonymoose★™, Apr 22, 2016.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Report on WolfSlayer246
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Map:
    Minecraft Map
    Which Round:
    I'm not sure
    Time of Occurence:
    18:50 GMT
    Reason for Report:
    He ignored and protected a VIP in a slay act, he rdmed me without any remorse over KOS. He did this and then said i was "KOS" which i don't see why i was or how. The mod (trial-mod) said that he couldn't slay him because they couldn't find my unid'd body. Which also they could check damage logs which he didn't do either.

    Please talk to this mod and show him that favourtism is not allowed, also explain that you slay someone no matter their rank.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    GOODMAN50 was with me in skype when this happened, he watched me die and killed the killer OldFox and can say for me that i was killed without any sign of KOS but RDM​
  2. Darth Gorgamel

    Darth Gorgamel A Dark Lord of the Sith VIP Emerald

    Tagging @Wolfslayer246 and his admin @Ragman And can I ask who was the moderator or admin on at the time of this incident so they can be tagged too.
  3. The mod right now is @Graze. If you would like to know, also i would like to add on that Wolfslayer243 just rdm 2 innocents on TTT_Minecraft_dolls and he so far consequences have not been handed out.
  4. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Hello! This report is actually against me, as I was the mod who was online at the time training WolfSlayer246. I'll tag my admin @hello my friend, and get back to you with a response in a moment. I will also tag @Old Fox who is the player you reported.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
  5. GnarBear

    GnarBear Professional Dingus VIP

    @Graze was the moderator who was training me at the time.
    You reported the OldFox for RDM, on Serious Craft, and in response he said that there had been a KOS on you which was why he killed you.
    Me and Graze looked at the damage and chat logs which provided no evidence to support your report of the OldFox RDM-ing you.

    Following this I replied to your private messages about the report, saying that unless you have evidence a KOS was not called out over voice chat then your report will be deemed word versus word at which we could not punish for.
    You responded to me by claiming that I could find 'something' in the damage logs and that I had not looked through them; myself and Graze thoroughly investigated your report.

    We were, at the time of your report, currently dealing with other reports against the OldFox and so we were very busily investigating them aside yours.

    It is important to note that on Serious Gmod, no staff members will give leeway to rule breakers when they are reported and that paying for any rank does not give you immunity from slays or any punishments.

    In reference to your comment about RDM-ing two innocents on MC Dolls. I was a detective and used the DNA scanner to retrieve DNA from two innocent bodies, sadly these innocents were killed by fellow innocents which is why I had killed them.
    Because I had retrieved their DNA from innocent corpses my kills on them were deemed valid and therefore no punishment was given.

    I will leave Graze to add their side and if you have any further questions to ask me do not hesitate to contact me via steam or over a conversation on the forums.

    Thank you for taking time to report.
  6. I can see now that i understand the situation at the moment and i unfortunately must have overreacted on this contact, GOODMAN50 saw you managing to RDM 2 inncoents but if DNA said otherwise i can't accuse you of anything thank you for your time and i'll listen to Graze's opinion too, thank you guys for this. I hope we can leave this here and bury the hatchet as they say.
  7. Graze

    Graze Zzz... VIP Silver

    Alright, So thank you again for taking the time out of your day to report me and WolfSlayer. I remember the incident quite clearly, as I talked with you after the fact about the report in question. You claim that we would not slay Old Fox due to favoritism, but I can assure you that no favoritism is at place here. The report in question I failed in my duty to take a screenshot of, but you reported him for rdm, and his response was that he had heard you KOSed over the mic earlier in the round. We as moderators are unable to go through chat logs to check for whether or not people have kosed over the microphone, so the report turned into a situation where it was your word against Old Fox's. Thus, we dismissed the report as a Word vs Word scenario and moved on from there. I unfortunately hadn't set up my recording software for this situation, and didn't have a recording of what happened. Again, this is my bad, as I failed my duty as a moderator to provide evidence on what happened.

    However, on the two cases of RDM that you claim to have happened on Dolls, I have the screenshots of the reports right here for you to analyze. It shows that he was reported in that round for 2 cases in which players thought that he rdmed, where he actually had DNA on both of the two players in question from valid sources.



    I also have the chat logs between you and I with context to the situation in which old fox did not receive a slay. I'll take it upon myself that I did state that there were unided bodies, but I had your report confused with another report that I was dealing with at the same time. You can see that I contacted you about the report, and I explained what Old Fox's responses were.


    Again, I apologize about the confusion regarding my comment about the unided bodies, as that was simply another report against Old Fox that we had at the time.

    Anyways, thank you for reporting me on this topic, and I'll pass this over to @Ragman and @hello my friend to deal with the results of this report.

    Many Thank ~ Graze.
  8. hello my friend

    hello my friend ciao amico mio VIP Silver

    Hey Anonymous,

    Thanks for taking the time to submit a report against my moderator. These things provide great learning experiences for everyone and also help me keep my staff in check. Every single report that is made is taken extremely seriously and I would like to stress that, even though you seem to have came to an agreement I will quickly put together my final verdict along with its reasoning.

    Lets start of by looking at a quote of yours to which you seem to know, after fox told you, that you were kosed.

    Now when a KOS is issued against you, the player who issued the KOS is the one who takes responsibility for your death. The player who actually kills you isn't the one at fault, however, being a KOS that was claimed over voice it is impossible to trace unless evidence is provided that the KOS did or didn't exist. Now generally this would be sorted much easier as someone will be able to tell where the KOS originated from, and that player would then be reported to ask why he called the KOS on you. In this situation though it looks like a KOS was called, but no one is sure who from.

    Here is a quote from @Wolfslayer246 in his post which explains further the reason behind why no action is taken.
    To expand on this a little further, Word vs Word is when the responses of reports create a conflicting argument that cannot be proven via the logs. This can only be proven by virtue of what is heard or seen. If you were to have a recording of the round to show that no KOS was called then the player in question would be dealt with, however, at the time of the report the staff online can not do anything and have no choice but to complete the report as they have nothing to act on.

    All reports that are found valid are done so with evidence in mind, if there is no evidence, the report is invalid.

    I notice you already state that you understand the situation now and I'm glad to hear it, if you are ever unsure of anything you can ask any member of staff to explain it, or even read over the extended rules found here.

    The report in question is being marked invalid against my moderator, however, I will have a talk with him about saving and providing more evidence for the future.

    Have a great day!
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2016
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