Waffles are really good

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Rek, Apr 21, 2016.

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  1. Rek

    Rek Ø

    The title has nothing to do with the thread itself.

    Anyways, so in this http://www.seriousgmod.com/threads/report-against-ruby.27982/
    Shadow says apparently the word Nigga is allowed but Nigger is not.

    I fail to see how one is more endearing than the other. I have some african american friends who use both interchangeably.
    Also, why would this be allowed in the first place? I feel like when I was staff this word was severely looked down upon and many upper staff would punish for it as if someone said "fag" or some similar duragatory terms.
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
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  2. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    We don't want staff members going around using either term because it's not professional, we have higher expectations for staff.

    "nigga" is often used as a greeting/friendly gesture but can be offensive in specific situations. Which is why harassment is handled differently case by case. In this report against Ruby, one player was greeting another, no offense was taken.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
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  3. Chef

    Chef Banned VIP

    I don't even see why this is a discussion at all hence my report... If someone feels offended and the person continues to do it, all they have to do is report the damn guy, or you can be mature and just mute them, and i cannot stress this enough BANNING WORDS WILL NOT HELP ANYTHING
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Because people like to be offended and not say anything and then complain that staff don't stop harassment. Also people like seeing people saying things to their friends and think it's okay to say to anyone and then complain when they are warned because some random person they said it to got offended and asked staff to intervene
  5. Zypther

    Zypther #SuitUp VIP Bronze Iron

    I still think the use of anything like that whether it is in a "hello" type of statement is really needed. I mean I would kinds get pissed if even one of my hood friends came onto the server and said "hey mutt". (Referencing me being Hispanic) but something in private like a locked ts channel, ID say "hey let's not" but on the server if I allow it to slide and not tell the mod and just say "hey please dont" in a pm, other trolls will see some of this and go and do it. It just adds up, the n word is just something not to be messed around with, as in the case of maul and Smiley's report.


    Why would we allow it here, even if it was a friendly (?) Welcome. And as you see smiley also gagged him for saying "fag/faggot" . so why allow it here where it is kinda even worse.

    Edit: oops smiley never gagged.
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  6. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    If no-one is offended by it, then warning someone for saying it would just piss them/others off, and cause a problem that might not have been there. Most of the time, when I hear people say this, its not malicious or anything, its a greeting or how someone addresses their friends. As said before though, every situation is different, and should be handled as so. If someone were offended, I would just ask the guy to stop.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Chef

    Chef Banned VIP

    Who are you to tell people how to speak to others?
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  8. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    If the server never dictated how people spoke to others there would be no harassment protocol, so anyone could constantly verbally attack you. Some members of the community are young or are sensitive to being verbally attacked and do not deserve to be treated that way just because they want to play a game and have fun.
  9. Chef

    Chef Banned VIP

    Have you ever heard of the fucking mute button...
  10. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Don't you know that doesn't work for mics?
    The SGM protocols have been written so the majority of players have the best possible experience on the servers. If it takes punishing a player and erring on the side of caution, it will turn out better than letting something slide. Staff would much rather be proactive than reactive.

    SGM is a private server with rules. They reserve the right to dictate what players can say on the servers.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  11. Noctorious

    Noctorious Your Best Nightmare VIP Emerald

    Just because you can block/mute someone on the internet doesn't mean it's okay for people to be verbally abusive, as well the game relies on communication, both from teammates and from others. If I block you and you KOS me, I won't know, that will give me a disadvantage and/or lead to me believing someone has RDM'd me
  12. Chef

    Chef Banned VIP

    saying something as far as "verbally abusive" is ridiculous honestly, I've made my point and its late so I'm done arguing. Everyone has the right to there own opinion even if its fucking retarded. Have a nice night
  13. Chef

    Chef Banned VIP

    and I'm not to sure what your talking about? Everytime someone is bothering me i just mute them and problem over, when can't everyone else do the same.
  14. Solid Anunoby

    Solid Anunoby VIP Silver

    Honestly, the word "nigga" has evolved from a racist, derogatory slur, to an informal greeting within boundaries of friendships or certain communities. I do not believe that this means, however, that staff should be using the term as it is not professional behavior that we would like to see from people that are there to enforce rules and hold a position of authority on these servers. I am with @Sinz 100% on this one. There should be no punishment unless said person who the term is directed at if they are offended. However, I also believe that players should be allowed to use either term if they are OK with it. While it is not a term I would use, I hear and see a decent amount of usage of both words through conversation, and even end round songs!
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  15. Elvis

    Elvis TheRockStars VIP Silver

    agreeing with you. If someone came up to me and was like "yo whats up nigga" id take it as the same as "yo whats up bruv". there are major differences in the two words than just a letter.
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  16. Rek

    Rek Ø

    This can be locked btw all I wanted was Sinz' answer as to what I thought it was.

    But thanks for contributing some of you.
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