Invalid Report against Sith (Some other stuff)

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by SirCrowley, Apr 15, 2016.

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  1. SirCrowley

    SirCrowley Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Sith (Some other stuff)
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    4/15/2016 ARound 5:10 AM
    Reason For Report:
    I was banned by Sith for "harassing" a player. Basically there was this player Abby whom sniped me a few maps ago and I said "Wow fuck you Abby" along with Abby randomly calling herself hefty so I said "Yeah like a trashbag" or something of the sorts, Sith gave me a warning for Harassment without the players request nor giving me a verbal warning, me being upset I said to Sith "What is the definition of Harassment" he said something along the lines of "Being Rude to a player" (I honestly just think he doesn't like me) Later on Dolls Abby killed me again and I said "WOW FUCK ABBY JESUS CHRIST LETS KILL ABBY (There was most likely more too it or some context/response from players that'st just a rough translation)" basically because she was really good at the game and kept on kicking my ass. I was then kicked I will admit that after I came in I was rather rustled with Sith and I did treat him poorly but when I came back a player asked me "Oh damn why'd sith kick you what'd you" I answered with above then I added (Because I was upset and this was poor judgement on my part) "and because Sith's obviously got a fucking hard on for this chick". I will admit I should not have said that last bit and the words I was saying where most certainly not said in a harsh tone except the part I wrote in caps when I said "WOW FUCK ABBY"- my jimmies where rustled. At no point to my knowledge did Abby ask me to stop (I'm nearly 100% certain she never did).
    Thank you for taking the time to read this my ban was 24 hours, I will be making a cross-post to the ban appeal thread and I hope to continue playing here and that Sith may give his POV so that maybe I can better understand and grow as a person. (Sorry for being poorly written i'm rather tired, I stayed up and watched the Democrat debate and then got caught up playing gmod all night :^)

    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Everyone in the game at the time listed.​
  2. Anna

    Anna before we fade VIP

    I'll tag @Sith Master Revan to provide his evidence and his admin @Zigles to decide the verdict of this report. They will respond when they can so until then, thank you for being patient.
  3. Sith Master

    Sith Master An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal Banned Gold VIP Emerald

    Hello @SirCrowley thank you for taking the time to file this report, please be patient while I gather evidence
  4. Sith Master

    Sith Master An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal Banned Gold VIP Emerald


    the warning constitutes a gag as I told you over the mic that this is your 1st warning and to not harass players



    As SirCrowley stated in "Reason for Report", the three individual instances of which the harassment had occurred are provided in the screenshots. The 1st warning was in chat, followed by the kick and ban due to harassment over the mic. As confessed to by SirCrowley you did not only harass player: Abby-nyan(Sayrn Prime) , you also directed your insults towards me as well. It is also irrelevant if the harassed player requests the warning or not for it is still considered harassment even the player cannot hear the insults due to still being alive that round. I was the one to ask you to stop harassing a player on the SeriousTTT server, it does not have to be the individual who is being harassed. SirCrowley's multiple uses of profanity directed towards a player falls under the category of harassment.

    I have submitted my evidence and will leave the verdict to my Admin @Zigles

    please note: on the 1st screenshot I had accidentally hit my frag bind before the warning was placed, those two actions are completely unrelated
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2016
  5. SirCrowley

    SirCrowley Member

    When did I Harass you? I'm genuinely interested because the only thing I said to you was "and because Sith's obviously got a fucking hard on for this chick" and that was the final/only time (To my knowledge, unless my existence was some sort of micro-aggression in itself) which isn't harassment at all that's just being disrespectful to staff which I do admit I should not have done, when I said that it was spur of the moment and I was upset and I do apologize. Also the first warning did not show you warning me at all it literally just showed you muting me after talking about invoking the powers of the Sith lord, I only found out it was a warning after I was unmuted and said "WHAT THE FUCK" then you told me what happened. You can argue that the second or third time was justified but as for the first time there was absolutely no harassment, a single insult in a non-aggressive manor is by no means harassment and I please ask that you read the definition of harassment or change the rule to include playful insults. Also if you where to argue you where acting on behalf of the person that is not harassment because harassment is only harassment if the person can hear/see what is happening/being said. The person could not hear or see what was happening and it was just me wigging out from being killed by someone whom is better than me. (I completely understand that I am walking a tightrope with that last statement due to me saying what I said and it being "not a nice thing" period and that it could be argued that it should not have been said but I really feel as though I did not break any rules especially the one I was banned for and I ask for you to re-think your verdict or give me a proper rebuke.[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
  6. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    @Sith Master Revan anything to add or anything to say in response to SirCrowley's post before I make my verdict?
  7. Sith Master

    Sith Master An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal Banned Gold VIP Emerald

    I will conclude that player SirCrowley has admitted to harassing players, whether or not he views it as such. Being disrespectful towards staff and directing insults to players which included profanity is still considered harassment, regardless of the context SirCrowley perceives. Whereas the player who is being harassed may not have the same viewpoint. As shown in the screenshots, all proper procedures were followed.

    @Zigles go ahead with the verdict
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2016
  8. SirCrowley

    SirCrowley Member

    >.> I have not harassed players I have said "Fuck Abby" after I died, and I literally said one thing to you. You're making my head hurt. It is also rather disturbing that although I am able to admit my wrongs you are unable to do and continue to make the same faulty argument that seems to be built more on emotion than fact, not as a personal attack but I feel as though your position on the staff team should be reconsidered from a professional standpoint and I would like to see your definition of harassment along with sources.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2016
  9. Sith Master

    Sith Master An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal Banned Gold VIP Emerald

    I will advise you in the future to not question the credibility of SeriousTTT staff members as each moderator undergoes training and approval from various Admins and Mods alike. I simply followed standard procedure when dealing with harassment on SeriousTTT servers. I will not respond to anymore of your slanderous remarks SirCrowley, please wait for Zigles to make his decision
  10. SirCrowley

    SirCrowley Member

    >"Slanderous remarks" when asked for sources for definition of words along with doubt in your credibility given in a non-aggressive way.

    I don't doubt the staff, the other members of the staff have been wonderful polite and extremely helpful, I doubt you as a individual. I don't doubt that you followed standard procedure, and I never questioned whether or not it was standard procedure or suggested that you have gone overboard with the punishment. I believe you have acted more on emotion rather than logic or you have misinterpreted the rule or it is possible that with the current wording of the rule I have not understood and I suggest that it is changed to something more universal such as "No insults even in a playful manor" or "No swearing when you die, especially no swearing while naming another player". Sorry if i'm come off as a dick in this last bit, you're rustling my jimmies and have made me lose a lot of respect for you :( .
  11. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    After reviewing both sides of this argument, I have come to the conclusion that this report is invalid. We do not tolerate harassment on our servers and what may seem like joking to you could be seen as harassment in the eyes of the player you are speaking to. If a staff member warns you to stop harassing, you stop you don't continue. The player could have also pm'd my moderator and so you have no way of being 100% sure that she did not ask sith to have you stop harassing her. When you start insulting by taking low blows at them or trying to speak negatively towards them, it is considered harassment as well. And again while you may not think what you say is harassment, other people may not feel the same way so if you are asked to stop, it's best to try to leave it be and obey the staff member online at the time.

    If you have any comments or things you want to ask me, feel free to start a private conversation with me here on the forums and I will get back to you as soon as I can!

    Thread: Locked

    Edit: Posted this before seeing the above post as it was posted almost the exact same time.

    While with most people, swearing at them when they die is fine, some players will take is as a genuine insult and you just have to be careful who you say what to. If it's your friend, I doubt they'll report you for harassment however if it is someone who you aren't good friends with, they could take your words as harsh and intending to hurt. I apologize if you feel that my moderator has acted on emotion rather than logic however he did follow protocol exactly which is all he is allowed to do since he has no discretion himself.
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